SVT/SSD Review Coordination meeting 7

Thursday, 1 January 1970
, at 00:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
Previous meetings are available at
  1. [node:1297]
  2. [node:1540]
  3. [node:1568]
  4. [node:2299]
  5. [node:2298]
  6. [node:2300]
Attendance: Jamie, Lidia, Gene, Maxim, Rene, Christina, Yuri, Victor and Thomas
Phone: Spiros

17:00Review charges reminder, logistic ( 00:10 ) 0 filesMyself (BNL)
17:10Data set status and location summary ( 00:10 ) 0 filesLidia Didenko (BNL)
17:20Planned analysis and who is going to make presentations ( 00:30 ) 0 filesAll (All)

Job tracker progress

Speaker : Valeri Fine ( BNL )

Talk time : 15:30, Duration : 00:10


Speaker : All ( All )

Talk time : 15:40, Duration : 00:10

Site status

Speaker : All ( All )

Talk time : 15:20, Duration : 00:10
  • PDSF
  • BNL
  • WSU
  • SPU


Speaker : All ( All )

Talk time : 15:00, Duration : 00:20
  • PDSF "module load" issue
    Discussion on using STAR more specific site_pre_setup.csh and site_post_setup.csh from GROUP_DIR/
  • SRM issues - FZD file transfer failed
    • Did we tested this at WSU
    • Did globus-url-copy worked??
  • BNL add-on to GUMS (Wayne)

Pedestals / Status Tables


Code for the calculation of the BTOW & BSMD status tables has been made publicly accessible. BTOW status code is in StRoot/StEmcPool/CSMStatusUtils.



Here you'll find links to calibration studies for the BEMC:



SH decomposition in proton-antiproton

Speaker : Hania Gos ( Warsaw University Of Technology, SUBATECH )

Talk time : 15:40, Duration : 00:10

The studies of asymmetry in proton-antiproton correlations

Speaker : Hania Gos ( Warsaw University Of Technology, SUBATECH )

Talk time : 15:30, Duration : 00:10

pp2006: longitudinal polarization

Using the calibration technique described SpaceCharge and GridLeak Calibration How-To Guide, I made several passes on data from the longitudinal polarization running. This was the first dataset from the 2006 running which I calibrated, and there were a few items to note during this calibration process:
  • No beamline constraint was yet available while I did the calibration. Instead, a beamline fixed to the z-axis was used. This should bias the vertex positions, but as long as tracks used in this calibration come from all azimuth angles, there should only be a smearing of the DCA distributions, not a bias.
  • Distortions were larger than ever before, so histogram ranges needed expanding.
  • Spread in the measures of the GridLeakage and SpaceCharge ionization were larger than I found when calibrating CuCu22 from last year, so I had to open the cuts used in the Calib_SC_GL.C macro (from 0.005 and 0.0003 respectively for CuCU22, to 0.015 and 0.0015 for this data). The SpaceCharge cut in particular had to be significantly widened. I though that this might be because of the uncalibrated beamline constraint, which introduces a smearing of a few mm into the primary vertex DCA distribution used to determine SpaceCharge, but a later test using the beamline constraint did not significantly narrow this distribution.
  • For the first pass of this calibration, I used Fast Offline data which had no SpaceCharge and GridLeak corrections. While the first pass was somewhat useful to suggest where to start with SpaceCharge and GridLeak correction parameters, I had to remove the first pass data points from the eventual iterative pass fits because the distortion is so strong that without correction we actually lose tracks with large GridLeak gaps, biasing our measure of the distortion. This can be seen in the following plot of measured distortion gap versus the amount of GridLeak correction used (as expressed by SC*GL), where the no-correction points significantly alter the straight-line fit:

    It may also be true that the StMagUtilities code used to correlate distortions to the ionization has issues when the GridLeak gap is large. Work is in progress to improve this particular code.

Excluding the no-correction data, here are the plots and output from my final iterative pass (after enough iterations to stabilize the fits):

* Constraint on SC x GL = 7.31e-07
* Guesses on SC = 8.9e-08 , 3.95e-08 , 8.96e-08 , 3.95e-08
* Guesses on SO = 4.68e+04 , 4.72e+04

SC = 8.96e-08 * ((zdce+zdcw) - (4.7e+04)) with GL = 8.2

Gene Van Buren

Useful Documents


 A full list of attached documents is available below, but I wanted to highlight a few here:

BEMC Technical Design Report (PDF)

"Real Multiplicity" mixing for pion-kaon

Speaker : Adam Kisiel ( Warsaw University of Technology )

Talk time : 15:40, Duration : 00:10

Shutdown schedule




STAR FY06 Shutdown Schedule

Project Start Date: 6/26/06
Project Finish Date: 10/27/06

STAR Technical Support Group


On this site you'll be able to:

  • See the latest shutdown schedule for the STAR Detector
  • Search STAR Mechanical Drawings Database and view the actual

Proton femtoscopy- paper proposal

Speaker : Hania Gos, Adam Kisiel ( Warsaw University Of Technology, SUBATECH )

Talk time : 15:30, Duration : 00:10


Speaker : All

Talk time : 12:50, Duration : 00:10

p+p Spin PWG analysis QA overview

Speaker : Jim Sowinsky ( IUCF )

Talk time : 12:40, Duration : 00:10

E-EMC status and timeline for readiness for Y6 p+p

Speaker : Jan Balewski ( IUCF )

Talk time : 12:30, Duration : 00:10

B-EMC calibration readiness for p+p

Speaker : Adam Kocoloski ( MIT )

Talk time : 12:20, Duration : 00:10
Summary of pre-production tasks:

1) SMD/PSD pedestals - we have a student analyzing these. Shouldn't be a problem to have the tables ready for zero-suppressing during production.

2) Tower status tables - goal is to get preliminary, "broad brush" status tables ready. We're in a transition period here and we haven't yet named a new person to do the final status tables for 2006. I contacted one of our newer students the other day; hopefully we can get this task assigned soon.