Planning for efficient data transfer

Speaker : Michal Zerola ( NPI/ASCR )

Talk time : 12:40, Duration : 00:20

DAQ event filtering

Speaker : Valeri Fine ( BNL )

Talk time : 12:20, Duration : 00:20

The goal: Produce smaller ".daq file" containing only events of giving events ID.

Post Crossing track cuts and flag

Speaker : Akio Ogawa ( BNL )

Talk time : 12:00, Duration : 00:20

See Akio's page Post Crossing Track Cuts


Software and Computing phone meeting

2008-09-10 12:00
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
1-189, HighSpeed conference bridge, at 16:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
12:00Post Crossing track cuts and flag ( 00:20 ) 0 filesAkio Ogawa (BNL)
12:20DAQ event filtering ( 00:20 ) 0 filesValeri Fine (BNL)
12:40Planning for efficient data transfer ( 00:20 ) 1 fileMichal Zerola (NPI/ASCR)

Upsilon Trigger Efficiency Calculation for pp2006 triggers-> Acceptance 2

Geometric acceptance was originally found to be much higher, ~0.5


Speaker : Wlodek Guryn

Talk time : 14:45, Duration : 00:20

Status of 4-prong analysis

Speaker : Boris Grube

Talk time : 14:25, Duration : 00:20

Status of the current analysis

Speaker : Yury Gorbunov

Talk time : 14:05, Duration : 00:20

Welcome and general overview

Speaker : Yury Gorbunov

Talk time : 14:00, Duration : 00:05

UPC Parallel Session

14:00Welcome and general overview ( 00:05 ) 0 filesYury Gorbunov
14:05Status of the current analysis ( 00:20 ) 0 filesYury Gorbunov
14:25Status of 4-prong analysis ( 00:20 ) 0 filesBoris Grube
14:45pp2pp ( 00:20 ) 0 filesWlodek Guryn

EMC calib accuracy for W program

 My thoughts about necessary calibration accuracy for a successful W program at STAR

2008.09.09 Maximum sided residual with shower shapes sorted by uv- and pre-shower bins

Ilya Selyuzhenkov September 09, 2008

Data sets:







Embedding status

Analysis issues in Year8, things to worry about ...

Vertex finder evaluation studies

Speaker : Rosi Reed & Akio Ogawa ( UCDavis & BNL )

Talk time : 09:15, Duration : 00:30

Production summary for Year7/Year8

BTOW calib 2008 w/ pi0 (by Alan)



  • Run=9047029
  • ideal gains
  • db status tables, peds
  • trigID=220520 = bht2-mb

Pio selection cuts: