



09 Sep

September 2008 posts


STAR Management Meeting

2008-09-03 10:00
2008-09-03 10:59
Wednesday, 3 September 2008
BNL, 50-I-189, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 00:59

  Conference Phone Number: 510 486 7333

   Time:  10- 11 am EDT

 * --===================================--*


     1) STAR PWG regrouping report - Jamie

    2) FY09 upgrade calls - Nu

    3) AOB

* --===================================--*

    Brief Summary:

    PWG regrouping: 1) forward the report to PWGC/STAR; 2) talk to relevant people; 3) start to consider co-conveners (charge)

       paper preview:

       PWG webpage should be kept in good shape:

   Upgrade: Helen/ZHangbu will pdate the upgrade webpage and make a draft of the FY09 R&D call

 * --===================================--*

   News and Other Meetings:

   1) In response to DoE's call on better management for upgrade projects at RHIC, we had a meeting last Friday about STAR upgrade issues. Zhangbu, Flemming,  Bill, Jamie, Nu were at the meeting.  We discussed several issues. One of them is the protocal for proposal. In the future, we decide to take the following path:

         Step 1: STAR internal review

         Step 2: Advisory board comments/suggestions

         Step 3: Spokeperson/Management office

         Step 4: Seek comments from STAR Council

         Step 5: send to BNL and DoE

    2) Last Friday, Aug. 29, we had a meeting regarding to STAR computing plan. Steve, Tom, Hans Georg, Tim, Jerome, Jamie and Nu were at the meeting. We agreed that STAR willl prepare its computing plan by the end of Sept. and LBNL colleagues will use the info to prepare a proposal to DoE for the future STAR computing avtivities at PDSF.

    3) QM09 abstract submisson deadline: Dec. 15, 2008



Heavy Flavor meeting

 09 September : update

2006 Inclusive Jet pT Shifts and Trigger and Reconstruction Bias - TAKE 2


pixel geometry

  • test of upgr15 with DEV library 

Chain used :

Like-sign and unlike-sign asymmetry

In the ongoing effort to figure out what's wrong with my calculated 2005 asymmetries, the like-sign (A_ls) and unlike-sign (A_us) asymmetries, as defined 

2008 PPV evaluation plan


Run #9069005 will be used

Spin alignment

Global spin alignment in HIC

Main paper's web page

Flow acceptance

Effects of non-uniform acceptance in anisotropic flow measurement


Ilya Selyuzhenkov and

B decay simulation update

Speaker : Quan Wang

Talk time : 13:45, Duration : 00:20

Lc update + material for CDR

Speaker : Jan Kapitan

Talk time : 13:30, Duration : 00:15

Candidate Level Comparisons


Data/Filtered Pythia Inv. Mass Distributions


Data Vs. T2 Platinum (see here)


First draft of the WPCF 2008 non-id talk

Speaker : Adam Kisiel, OSU

Talk time : 09:40, Duration : 00:20


pion-proton new results for wpcf

Speaker : Marcin Zawisza ( WUT )

Talk time : 09:20, Duration : 00:20

Run 6 Data / Monte Carlo Comparison

Partonic Cross Sections

xsec = {
'3_4' : 1.302,
'4_5' : 3.158E-01,
'5_7' : 1.372E-01,
'7_9' : 2.290E-02,
'9_11' : 5.495E-03,
'11_15' : 2.220E-03,
'15_25' : 3.907E-04,
'25_35' : 1.074E-05,
'35_45' : 5.000E-07,
'45_55' : 2.857E-08,
'55_65' : 1.451E-09

Normalization Procedure

I calculated the integrated luminosity for my dataset (5.43 pb^-1) and scaled all event- and jet-level histograms by that amount (in mb^-1 to match the partonic xsec numbers above). For the track histograms I added a multiplicative factor of 0.82 to account for imperfect PID efficiency in the data. I neglected PID contamination.

STAR HBT meeting

2008-08-29 09:00
2008-08-29 11:30
Friday, 29 August 2008
EVO STAR , at 13:00 (GMT), duration : 02:30
09:000th draft of the draft of my WPCF talk ( 00:20 ) 2 filesZbigniew Chajecki (OSU)
09:20pion-proton new results for wpcf ( 00:20 ) 0 filesMarcin Zawisza (WUT)
09:40First draft of the WPCF 2008 non-id talk ( 00:20 ) 0 filesAdam Kisiel, OSU

Spin PWG meeting

2008-08-28 09:00
2008-08-28 10:30
Thursday, 28 August 2008
+1 317-263-8800 1 077795# 1, at 13:00 (GMT), duration : 01:30