Group Meeting Update

Progress towards a measurement of A_{LL} for charged pion production opposite a trigger jet using data from the 2006 STAR run. Goal is to present this measurement as a function of z, defined here as p_{T}(pi) / p_{T}(trigger jet).

Update 2008-08-28: added data/MC comparison plots

Cuts Summary

This page summarizes the effect of each major cut in the 2006 jet+charged pion analysis. Each plot is obtained by applying all other applicable analysis cuts except the one being illustrated.

Figure 1: Black is TPC z-vertex for all BJP1-triggered events, Green is the TPC z-vertex distribution for events in BBC timebins 6-9, and Red is the TPC z-vertex distributions for all charged pion tracks (inclusive, no trigger jet requirement).

It appears at first that the vz distribution of good tracks is broader than the BBC 6-9 distribution, but that’s not actually the case. Here’s the ratio of the red and green histograms from the above plot:

Figure 1b

The following histograms use positively charged pions from any spin state. Black lines are inclusive π+ passing all cuts except the one being shown, green lines are leading π+ opposite a trigger jet, and the filled green histogram shows the π+ accepted for the asymmetry analysis.

Figure 2: |η| < 1.0

Figure 3: |dcaG| < 1.0

Figure 4: nHitsFit > 25

Figure 5: nσ(π). It’s not possible to read off the efficiency from this histo because I actually use a time-dependent cut window based on the results of fill-by-fill fits to the nσ(π) distributions. Ideal world cut shown is nσ(π) [-1,2]

Here’s the ratio of the green and black histograms from that plot. The away-side spectrum has a relative lack of electrons but an increase in the p/K contamination:

Figure 5b

I should also add some more plots here documenting the cuts on jet pT, detector η, and N.E.F.

SSA vs. z

Asymmetries are defined as (Y,B):

SSA vs. Fill

Asymmetries are defined as (Y,B):

Details of Events with mismatched PPV VPD vertices with vertex location forced

I've run through 5 events where the vpd and the PPV vertices don't match.   daq file location is:


List of Jobs for run 9 as of 8/21/08

Attached is a list of jobs for run 9 with names of those volunteering to handle tasks.

Kaon-Proton correlations from Year2

Speaker : Adam Kisiel, OSU

Talk time : 09:00, Duration : 00:20

STAR HBT meeting

2008-08-22 09:00
2008-08-22 11:00
Friday, 22 August 2008
, at 13:00 (GMT), duration : 02:00
09:00Kaon-Proton correlations from Year2 ( 00:20 ) 0 filesAdam Kisiel, OSU
09:20Proton femtoscopy with EPOS ( 00:20 ) 0 filesHania Zbroszczyk (WUT)
09:40pi-Xi update and fastMC ( 00:20 ) 0 filesPetr Chaloupka

Spin PWG meeting

2008-08-21 15:00
2008-08-21 16:30
Thursday, 21 August 2008
317 263 8800 1 9629077# 1, at 19:00 (GMT), duration : 01:30

Spin asymmetry statistical errors, part 2

Updated the dE/dx cut. Previous asymmetry calculations was using +/- 3σ in dE/dx. The following has a tighter cut on the lower end, varies with momentum bins.

Radiation Monitoring

Speaker : Howard M.

Talk time : 00:45, Duration : 00:20


Talk time : 00:50, Duration : 00:10

SSD Hardware

Speaker : Micheal

Talk time : 00:40, Duration : 00:10

MimoSTAR 3 Testing

Speaker : Collin

Talk time : 00:30, Duration : 00:10

Pixel Electrical

Speaker : Leo

Talk time : 00:20, Duration : 00:10

IHPC Meeting

Talk time : 00:05, Duration : 00:05

PIXEL Mechanical

Speaker : Howard W.

Talk time : 00:10, Duration : 00:10


Speaker : Hans Georg/Flemming

Talk time : 00:00, Duration : 00:10


2008-08-29 13:30
2008-08-29 14:30
Friday, 29 August 2008
510-4867333, at 17:30 (GMT), duration : 01:00


13:30Lc update + material for CDR ( 00:15 ) 1 fileJan Kapitan
13:45B decay simulation update ( 00:20 ) 1 fileQuan Wang

01 statistical analysis of 2008 HV


 Goal: study eta dependence of 2008 BTOW HV

Fig 1 Eta-phi distribution of HV