

Measurements of inclusive D0-meson production in Ru+Ru and Zr+Zr collisions at 200 GeV

Measurements of inclusive D0-meson production in Ru+Ru and Zr+Zr collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV

K0S v2(pT) at 200 GeV plot


Elliptic flow for identified particle sanalysis at 14.6 GeV



sTGC Burn Current

dE/dx QA for Au+Au 7.7 GeV (Run21)


The invariance mass spectrums for strange hadron


PWGC Preview: run15 Lambda Hyperon DLL and DTT


Centrality dependence of (multi-)strange hadrons v2 in Au+Au collisions at 14.6 GeV using BES-II data (Preliminary request)






Preliminary Request: v3 vs y for protons at 3 GeV (CPOD 2022)

Follow up answers to comments/questions after preliminary request:

reply to PRC


Embedding report about low pT electrons and positrons @BES-II Run19 19.6GeV



Speaker : Alexey Povarov

Talk time : 10:00, Duration : 00:20


Baryon stopping in isobaric collisions with UrQMD


Baryon stopping in isobaric collisions with UrQMD


Neural Network approach to Photon Conversion Removal @ BES-II: Step 1

Speaker : Yiding Han

Talk time : 10:00, Duration : 00:20


Neural Network approach to Photon Conversion Removal @ BES-II: Step 1

Speaker : Yiding Han

Talk time : 10:00, Duration : 00:20


Charge and Baryon stopping analysis with Isobar data

Speaker : Tommy Tsang

Talk time : 10:20, Duration : 00:20