Spin/Cold-QCD PWG

2022-05-18 19:00
2022-05-18 20:00
America/New York
Wednesday, 18 May 2022
https://temple.zoom.us/j/94675935587?pwd=aXY4RjY3Z3ZNVitOd2s0UWJtZk1Xdz09, at 23:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00

Spin/Cold-QCD PWG

2022-05-11 19:00
2022-05-11 20:00
America/New York
Wednesday, 11 May 2022
https://temple.zoom.us/j/94675935587?pwd=aXY4RjY3Z3ZNVitOd2s0UWJtZk1Xdz09, at 23:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00

Spin/Cold-QCD PWG

2022-05-04 19:00
2022-05-04 20:00
America/New York
Wednesday, 4 May 2022
https://temple.zoom.us/j/94675935587?pwd=aXY4RjY3Z3ZNVitOd2s0UWJtZk1Xdz09, at 23:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00

Spin/Cold-QCD PWG

2022-04-20 19:00
2022-04-20 20:00
America/New York
Wednesday, 20 April 2022
https://temple.zoom.us/j/94675935587?pwd=aXY4RjY3Z3ZNVitOd2s0UWJtZk1Xdz09, at 23:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00

Spin/Cold-QCD PWG

2022-04-27 19:00
2022-04-27 20:00
America/New York
Wednesday, 27 April 2022
https://temple.zoom.us/j/94675935587?pwd=aXY4RjY3Z3ZNVitOd2s0UWJtZk1Xdz09, at 23:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00

Spin/Cold-QCD PWG

2022-04-06 19:00
2022-04-06 20:00
America/New York
Wednesday, 6 April 2022
https://temple.zoom.us/j/94675935587?pwd=aXY4RjY3Z3ZNVitOd2s0UWJtZk1Xdz09, at 23:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00

Spin/Cold-QCD PWG

2022-04-13 19:00
2022-04-13 20:00
America/New York
Wednesday, 13 April 2022
https://temple.zoom.us/j/94675935587?pwd=aXY4RjY3Z3ZNVitOd2s0UWJtZk1Xdz09, at 23:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00

Spin/Cold-QCD PWG

2022-03-30 19:00
2022-03-30 20:00
America/New York
Wednesday, 30 March 2022
https://temple.zoom.us/j/94675935587?pwd=aXY4RjY3Z3ZNVitOd2s0UWJtZk1Xdz09, at 23:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00

Spin/Cold-QCD PWG

2022-03-23 19:00
2022-03-23 20:00
America/New York
Wednesday, 23 March 2022
https://temple.zoom.us/j/94675935587?pwd=aXY4RjY3Z3ZNVitOd2s0UWJtZk1Xdz09, at 23:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00

Spin/Cold-QCD PWG

2022-03-16 19:00
2022-03-16 20:00
America/New York
Wednesday, 16 March 2022
https://temple.zoom.us/j/94675935587?pwd=aXY4RjY3Z3ZNVitOd2s0UWJtZk1Xdz09, at 23:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00

Spin/Cold-QCD PWG

2022-03-09 19:00
2022-03-09 20:00
America/New York
Thursday, 10 March 2022
https://temple.zoom.us/j/94675935587?pwd=aXY4RjY3Z3ZNVitOd2s0UWJtZk1Xdz09, at 00:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00


Talk time : 12:25, Duration : 00:10

Software Coordinator Rotations

Calibration and Production Status

Speaker : Gene Van Buren ( BNL )

Talk time : 12:05, Duration : 00:20
  • HPSS :
    • Expect a brief ("1-2 hour") downtime later this month when SDCC transitions STAR to a newer tape technology


Speaker : Jeff Landgraf

Talk time : 12:00, Duration : 00:05




FST Update

Talk time : 07:30, Duration : 00:20






An Investigation of Charm Quark Jet Spectra and Shape Modifications in Au+Au Collisions at \sqrt{sNN} = 200 GeV


Speaker : Diptanil Roy ( Rutgers )

Talk time : 09:00, Duration : 01:30

Plenary XI