J/psi production in isobaric collisions


J/psi raw yield


Run 22 Cold QCD Offline QA - Days [075 - 081]

Speaker : Bassam Aboona

Talk time : 11:00, Duration : 00:20


Run 22 Cold QCD Offline QA - Days [075 - 081]


Update on QM2022 poster


Preliminary plot request


QA Board Meeting

2022-04-22 12:00
2022-04-22 13:00
America/New York
Friday, 22 April 2022
https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1618435669?pwd=L3B6M3JKcjRFMVFxQTNhaEdBdkZ5UT09, at 16:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00
Topic: STAR QA board meeting
Join ZoomGov Meeting
Meeting ID: 161 843 5669
Passcode: 194299

Run-22 has 3976 runs in total for st_physics branches. With 3 mins cut, it reduces to 3164.

Based on the talks presented in the last 19 weeks, all the outlier runs are list and attached.

  • Offline QA shift: > 120 runs;
  • Cold-QCD: > 298 runs;
  • LF: > 147 runs;
  • HF: > 222 runs;
  • Jet-Corr: > 235 runs.
11:00Run 22 Cold QCD Offline QA - Days [103 - 108] ( 00:20 ) 0 filesBassam Aboona
11:20LFSUPC PWG QA 04/22/2022 ( 00:10 ) 0 filesChenliang Jin
11:30BuLkcorr_QA_pp500GeV_update_week18 ( 00:10 ) 2 filesAshish Pandav
11:40p+p collisions PWG QA ( 00:20 ) 1 fileKaifeng Shen
11:40p+p collisions PWG QA ( 00:20 ) 1 fileKaifeng Shen
12:00JetCorr PWG QA ( 00:20 ) 1 fileVeronica L Verkest (WSU)

QA Board Meeting

2022-04-15 12:00
2022-04-15 13:00
America/New York
Friday, 15 April 2022
https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1618435669?pwd=L3B6M3JKcjRFMVFxQTNhaEdBdkZ5UT09, at 16:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00
Topic: STAR QA board meeting
Join ZoomGov Meeting
Meeting ID: 161 843 5669
Passcode: 194299

For Run-22 offline QA:

 1). Run 23098061 – iTPC 20 completely out:

 2). Run 23098063 st_fwd – has no TPC hits in events from the 4 files processed. St_physics data stream not available.

 3). Runs 23100025, 23100049, 23102014, 23104003 st_fwd, 23104004 st_physics, - large number of missed MTD-TPC track matches.

 3). Run 23104052 st_physics has very few primary vertices, relative to the total number of HT triggers. The st_fwd data stream is normal.

     -> It looks like beam was lost, but keep taking data. Most of that time there was no beam, the rich scaler is not there.

 4). eTOF QA plots appeared in several runs. All plots were empty. These were, for example in runs 23102056, 23104036, 23104050, 051

     -> eTOF group is doing some test. Geary and Norbert taking on the control, so eTOF do appear in the daq sometimes.

 5). Run 23098035 had several new BTOW spikes and energy clusters.


From different PWGs:

 1). Jump in from ~ idx 223: 23101064 to ~ idx 264: 23102068  

  -> ETOW: configuration failed -- watch ETOW triggers or restart run. " and ETOW: failed crate Ids: 2

  -> ETOW was taken out of the trigger chain starting from run 23102018 and it was brought back in run 23102019.

    In general, a lower when compared to last week.

 2). Run23097054, bToFMult drop, no information for this run in Shiftlog.

     -> see unusual low number of reconstructed events compared to HT from offline QA;

     -> 5mins short run.

 3). Due to the THUB problem, there is no VPD West hits, so VPD Vz also not available.


Please pay attention to Gene's list of questionable runs, and check if some of these runs are already in the list of your Run-22 QA list.

11:00Run 22 Cold QCD Offline QA - Days [096 - 102] ( 00:20 ) 0 filesBassam Aboona
11:20LFSUPC PWG QA 04/15/2022 ( 00:10 ) 1 fileChenliang Jin
11:30BuLkcorr_QA_pp500GeV_update_week17 ( 00:10 ) 1 fileAshish Pandav
11:40pp500_dataset QA ( 00:10 ) 1 fileJunyi Han
11:50JetCorr QA ( 00:20 ) 1 fileTong Liu
11:50JetCorr QA ( 00:20 ) 1 fileTong Liu
11:50JetCorr QA ( 00:20 ) 1 fileTong Liu
11:50JetCorr QA ( 00:20 ) 1 fileTong Liu

QA Board Meeting

2022-04-08 12:00
2022-04-08 13:00
America/New York
Friday, 8 April 2022
https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1618435669?pwd=L3B6M3JKcjRFMVFxQTNhaEdBdkZ5UT09, at 16:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00
Topic: STAR QA board meeting
Join ZoomGov Meeting
Meeting ID: 161 843 5669
Passcode: 194299

For Run-22 offline QA:

 1). Runs 23095006 – 23095038, 23096064: MTD was out of run 

     -> One of the MTD software is not running properly 

 2). Runs 23095006 – 23095052 (all day 95): BTOF was out of run Run 23095030 has no TPC hits and could not be examined. 

     -> one of the THUB failed 

 3). Run 23096027 was very short; poor dE/dx resolution and low mean value. 

 4). Run 23097011 – no dE/dx, 1/b or MTD-TPC track matches

     ->  there is dE/dx cut used for MTD-TPC match, so if dE/dx is not there, then it will cause the problem.

 5). Runs 23096049 st_fwd, 23096063 st_physics and st_fwd, 23097012 st_fwd, and 23097073 st_fwd had an excessive numbers of missed MTD-TPC track matches.


From PWG:

 1). Also confirm that TOF information is missing for runs between 23090032 to 23091074, and also 23094049 to 23095052;

     -> TOF was taken out due to THUB current issues.

 2). vpdVz info not available for runs after 23091005, it is set to -999.0

     -> also due to THUB problem. 

 3). Continue to see double vz peak.

 4). TPC Vz - VPD Vz = 5cm

 5). See jump in BEMC tower multiplicities from 23089039 to 23089043 and also 23094049 to 23095006

 6). See fluctuations in the Eemc tower multiplicities.

11:00Run 22 Cold QCD Offline QA - Days [089 - 095] ( 00:20 ) 0 filesBassam Aboona
11:20LFSUPC PWG QA 04/08/2022 ( 00:10 ) 1 fileChenliang Jin
11:30BULkcorr_QA_pp500GeV_update_week15n16 ( 00:10 ) 1 fileAshish Pandav
11:40p+p collisions PWG QA ( 00:20 ) 1 fileKaifeng Shen
12:00JetCorr QA ( 00:20 ) 1 fileTong Liu
12:00JetCorr QA ( 00:20 ) 1 fileTong Liu
12:00JetCorr QA ( 00:20 ) 1 fileTong Liu

QA Board Meeting

2022-04-01 12:00
2022-04-01 13:00
America/New York
Friday, 1 April 2022
https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1618435669?pwd=L3B6M3JKcjRFMVFxQTNhaEdBdkZ5UT09, at 16:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00
Topic: STAR QA board meeting
Join ZoomGov Meeting
Meeting ID: 161 843 5669
Passcode: 194299

For Run-22 offline QA:

 1). Runs 23087009 and 23087037, both st_fwd: no TPC hits, tracks, etc. all QA plots are empty. 

 2). Run 23087037 was stopped after 3 min. 

 3). Run 23084017, st_fwd and st_physics: Poor dE/dx resolution and higher than normal MIP dE/dx. 

 4). Runs 23087008: iTPC sector 17 masked out, all RDOs 1 – 4.

 5). Runs 23087063 and 064 for st_physics and st_fwd, and runs 23089039 , 043 st_fwd had excessive numbers of missed MTD-TPC track matches.

     -> TPC space charge distribution is bad now, and that maybe the problem. Needs recalibration.


From PWG:

 1). Small jump from 23082013 to 23082017 for Bemc tower multiplicity. From shift log, the following issues were found during run 23082011, which could contribute to the jump we 

      see: BTOW ADC_ETA_Vs_Phi had a missing patch for PMT Box 10.; High EHT0*BBCTAC rates

 2). Compared to last week: Eemc tower multiplicity is lower

 3). Run23088056, failed to read the root file in RCF. -> there is crashed job for this run. It looks like also due to the space charge calibration problem. 

 4). Continue to see double vz peak.

 5). TPC Vz - VPD Vz = 5cm

 6). From the report by HF, slide7, 1/beta vs. charge*pt, see more anti-proton than proton at low pt. Seems not consistent with the feature in dE/dx vs. charge*pt -> Need to check this.

11:00Run 22 Cold QCD Offline QA - Days [082 - 088] ( 00:20 ) 0 filesBassam Aboona
11:20LFSUPC PWG QA 04/01/2022 ( 00:10 ) 1 fileChenliang Jin
11:30pp500_dataset QA ( 00:10 ) 1 fileJunyi Han
11:30pp500_dataset QA ( 00:10 ) 1 fileJunyi Han
11:40JetCorr PWG QA ( 00:20 ) 1 fileVeronica Verkest (WSU)

QA Board Meeting

2022-03-25 12:00
2022-03-25 13:00
America/New York
Friday, 25 March 2022
https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1618435669?pwd=L3B6M3JKcjRFMVFxQTNhaEdBdkZ5UT09, at 16:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00
Topic: STAR QA board meeting
Join ZoomGov Meeting
Meeting ID: 161 843 5669
Passcode: 194299
11:00Run 22 Cold QCD Offline QA - Days [075 - 081] ( 00:20 ) 0 filesBassam Aboona
11:20LFSUPC PWG QA 03/25/2022 ( 00:10 ) 1 fileChenliang Jin
11:30Bulkcorr_QA_pp500GeV_update_week13n14 ( 00:10 ) 1 fileAshish Pandav
11:40p+p collisions PWG QA ( 00:20 ) 1 fileKaifeng Shen
12:00JetCorr PWG QA ( 00:20 ) 1 fileIsaac Mooney

J/psi raw yield


FEE radiation damage

Speaker : gerard

Talk time : 10:00, Duration : 00:20


FEE radiation damage

Speaker : gerard

Talk time : 10:00, Duration : 00:20



Speaker : Kaifeng Shen

Talk time : 14:20, Duration : 00:20


check Run14 very low pT Jpsi

Speaker : Ziyang Li

Talk time : 14:00, Duration : 00:20



Speaker : Akio

Talk time : 07:30, Duration : 00:20

LED ratio before voltage change 3/21 and a

3d efficiency


QM HF part


QM2022 Blog: Kstar Spin alignment in Isobar

Blog page for neutral and charged K* global spin alignment analysis in isobar collisions at 200 GeV presented at QM 2022.