sTGC status


Talk time : 00:00, Duration : 00:00

FST status


Talk time : 00:00, Duration : 00:00

Status of Slow Controls

Status of fSTAR detectors DAQ and Trigger

FCS Status

sTGC Status

FST Status

FWD Upgrade Hardware Session

08:00FST Status ( 00:30 ) 1 fileXu Sun
08:30sTGC Status ( 00:30 ) 1 filePrashanth
09:00FCS Status ( 00:30 ) 2 filesAkio
09:30Status of fSTAR detectors DAQ and Trigger ( 00:30 ) 1 fileTonko
10:00Status of Slow Controls ( 00:30 ) 0 filesDavid Tlusty



Collaboration meeting BES-II 14p6 and 19p6 GeV proton high moments


Collaboration meeting BES-II 14p6 and 19p6 GeV proton high moments


Theoretical impact of RHIC cold QCD program


Speaker : Marco Radici (INFN, Pavia)

Talk time : 11:40, Duration : 00:50


Speaker : Chair

Talk time : 09:30, Duration : 00:05


Speaker : Chair - Daniel Cebra

Talk time : 09:30, Duration : 00:05


Speaker : Chair

Talk time : 09:30, Duration : 00:05

Hypernuclei in the 2021 Xdata

Speaker : Iouri Vassiliev for the TFG+HLT groups

Talk time : 12:20, Duration : 00:25


Speaker : Chair - Daniel Cebra

Talk time : 09:30, Duration : 00:05

p-Xi correlation function at 3 GeV

Multi-dimensional unfolding in STAR

Speaker : Youqi Song ( Yale )

Talk time : 14:40, Duration : 00:20

selecting HF jets via JetVLAD

Speaker : Jitka Mrazkova ( NPI/CTU )

Talk time : 14:20, Duration : 00:20