Related codes and QA plots for HF group

Speaker : Kaifeng Shen

Talk time : 14:00, Duration : 00:20


Run 22 Offline QA - Sample Set of Plots


BES-II/FXT Run-by-Run QA Status Report

Speaker : Daniel Cebra

Talk time : 13:40, Duration : 00:20


Update on StBadRunChecker

Speaker : Xiaoyu Liu

Talk time : 13:20, Duration : 00:20


Run22 Offline QA

Talk time : 13:00, Duration : 00:20


Jet-corr December 16, 2021 - Embedding correction update

Jet-corr December 16, 2021 - Embedding correction update

Upsilon production in isobar collisions


Balance Function Presentation with New Results for Efficiency Corrections

 This presentation has new results for efficiency corrections.

Run XXII T0 from day 349


dEdx issue in BESII datasets


dE/dx problem with BES-II data



Talk time : 12:00, Duration : 00:20


FCS_Fitting Procedure


TPC tracking efficiency


Xi global polarization at Isobar data for FCV 2021.12.15


baryonic Spin Hall Effect


Paper Webpage: Deuteron Fluctuation and Correlation


Lambda PH values for different alpha

Rescaled polarization values obtained by PH*alpha_old/alpha_new are shown here. See this page for comparison between two alpha=0.647 vs 0.62: 

Lambda PH table with different alpha


Global polarization from BES-1 paper