STAR Juniors

In order to join this group, you must login or register a new account. After you have successfully done so, you will need to request membership again.



Election of a new Juniors Representative - Vote

* Zachary Sweger (University of California, Davis)
* Priyanka Roy Chowdhury (Warsaw University of Technology)

Scheduler tutorial

2022-01-14 09:30
America/New York
Friday, 14 January 2022, at 14:30 (GMT), duration : 00:00

09:30Scheduler Tutorial ( 01:00 ) 2 filesLevente Hajdu and Jerome Lauret (BNL)

2021 - October

See below

(juniors) How do you rate your experience level working with git?

* Not sure what is "git"
* Haven't used git
* Tried using git without success
* Using git occasionally, but every time have to refresh own memory on how to use it
* Know how to use git for usual tasks
* Have some insight into the internal workings of git

Information for the Junior Representatives


Analysis 54.4GeV


2021 - January

See below

Parton unfolding for di-jet Sivers analysis


Educational materials

Detector Meetings

STAR Juniors Detector Meeting: EPD

2020-02-20 15:00
America/New York
Thursday, 20 February 2020
, at 20:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00

2019 - September

See below

Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations Used in STAR

There has been a desire expressed to maintain a list of important STAR terms and abbreviations.

Run15 QA check


STAR Junior Representative Election Information

We are not holding any elections at the moment. Please subscribe to our mailing list to keep in touch.



Past Juniors' Days

This is a place holder for past Junior Day talks. [ Jr. Day typically occurs on the first day of a STAR Collaboration Meeting. If you see that some talks are missing, notify your Jr.

run12-pp 200GeV


Help for BNL Visitors

A list of volunteers that are willing to help visitors go grocery shopping and find their way (list last updated December 2019):
- Alex Jentsch. Email:

TEST Normal poll - Please select the continent you are from

This is a binary poll test only, not a real poll.

Here, only one choice is possible. This poll was set to be anonymous as well.


You are not eligible to vote in this poll.

STAR collaboration meeting at FIAS

2014-05-13 08:00
2014-05-16 19:00
from Tuesday, 13 May 2014 to Friday, 16 May 2014
Conference organizing committee information :  
Conference duration: 4 days

The main focus is on QM rehearsal.