STAR Presentations

Found (4359) STAR Presentations

List of STAR Presentations (abstracts / talks / posters / proceedings)
abstract: Di fferences between elliptic flow of particles and antiparticles at STAR experiment
Link, Presentation file(s):  PDF
QCD type: Other, selected by STC: No
abstract: Di-hadron correlations in p+p, p+Au and p+Al collisions at STAR
Link, Presentation file(s):  PDF
QCD type: Other, selected by STC: No
abstract: STAR heavy ion program for 2021+ and prospect for constraining the initial state
Link, Presentation file(s):  PDF
QCD type: Other, selected by STC: No
abstract: STAR Heavy Ion and Cold QCD programs for 2021+ runs
Link, Presentation file(s):  PDF
QCD type: Other, selected by STC: No