STAR Presentations

Found (4240) STAR Presentations

List of STAR Presentations (abstracts / talks / posters / proceedings)
talk: Measurements of W+/W- cross-section ratio in pp collisions at STAR
Link, Presentation file(s):  PDF
QCD type: Cold QCD, selected by STC: No
talk: Improving Energy Resolution for the STAR Forward Calorimeter System
Link, Presentation file(s):  PDF| PPTX
QCD type: Cold QCD, selected by STC: No
talk: Identified hadron spectra and baryon stopping in $\gamma+\rm{Au}$ collisions at STAR
Link, Presentation file(s):  PDF
QCD type: Hot QCD, selected by STC: No
talk: small-strip thin gap chamber as a STAR forward tracker
Link, Presentation file(s):  PDF
QCD type: Cold QCD, selected by STC: No
talk: Results from a modified RPsi2 Observable in Isobar Collisions at STAR
Link, Presentation file(s):  PDF
QCD type: Hot QCD, selected by STC: No