Responsibilities for GPC members

For the definition and scope of the God-Parent Committee, see STAR publication policy, section 14 for details here 
  • Here is a quote: "The GPC will review the paper to ensure that the presentation of the physics (or technical) message and the data is clear and persuasive. It should take into account the overall construction of the paper and the logical flow of the text as well as the technical accuracy and the correctness of the analysis."

Practical responsibilities for GPC members
  • Chair
    • Oversee the whole GPC procedure, and make sure it goes smoothly and in a timely fashion
    • Call for meetings
    • Set up deadlines for the GPC to provide comments to PAs
    • Communicate with Physics Analysis Coordinator
  • Member at large
    • Participate in meetings
    • Provide feedback in time
  • English QA
    • Check typo, grammar and logical flow of the content of the manuscript
  • Code QA
    • Make sure instructions are easy to follow and complete
    • Make sure the codes compile and run properly
    • Reproduce exactly the analysis results based on the few files provided by PAs
    • Be able to reproduce the paper figures
    • A tip: one can run cppcheck on RCF to find potential mistakes. The syntax is "cppcheck --enable=all test.C" or "cppcheck --enable=all StRoot/StMyAnalysis", where the former checks only the supplied macro while the latter checks all the codes in the directory