STAR Protected
STAR Management Meeting
BNL, 50-I-189, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00
Conference Phone Number: 510 486 7333
Time: 10 - 11 am EDT
* --===================================--*
1) Shift sign up - Olga
2) QM09 abstracts preparation - Bedanga
3) HF new convener candidate(s) - Nu
4) India trip - Bernd/Zhangbu/Nu
5) AoB
* --===================================--*
Brief Summary:
1) Attending: Helen, Olga, Bedanga, Nu. BNL was having a E. Drill. Bernd was on travel.
2) QM09 abstracts: (1) HBT abstract: Nu call Mike and decide, today; (2) SVT data: wait till Dec. 13th - Nu; (3) Jets: 3 abstracts; (4) v1: poster / v2: combine Shusu's and Navneet's abstracts, provided BC group support. The discuss at BC will happen today, Dec. 10th.
3) Shift: (a) shift certification: Olga -> Tim. (Nu) (b) P.C: announcement - Nu; (c) earlier shifts Before Feb. 7th)
4) Three conveners for HQ PWG: Yes.
1) QM09 abstract deadline: Dec. 15th
2) Steve meets with STAR for Parity Violation analysis: Dec 17, 2-4pm, physics, 2-160. Jack, Carl, Jamie, Sergei, Nu,...
3) BES meeting: Dec. 17-18 at BNL: summarise goals and next steps in BES
4) CBM/RHIC meeting: March 9-12, 2009, GSI
5) STAR Collaboration meeting: March 23-27, 2009, BNL
6) STAR Regional meeting: May 6-9, 2009, Pusan, Korea
STAR Management Meeting
BNL, 50-I-189, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00
Conference Phone Number: 510 486 7333
Time: 10 - 11 am EDT
* --===================================--*
1) Shift sign up - Olga
2) QM09 abstract - Bedanga
3) HF new convener candidate(s) - Nu
4) India trip - Bernd/Zhangbu/Nu
5) AoB
* --===================================--*
Brief Summary:
1) Attending:
1) QM09 abstract deadline: Dec. 15th
2) Steve meet with STAR on Parity Violation analysis: Dec. 17, 2-4pm, Physics 2-160. Jack, Carl, Jamie, Nu
3) BES meeting: Dec. 17-18 at BNL: summarise goals and next steps in BES
STAR Management Meeting
BNL, 50-I-189, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00
Conference Phone Number: 510 486 7333
Time: 10 - 11 am EDT
* --===================================--*
1) Shift sign up - Olga
2) QM09 abstract - Bedanga
3) HF new convener candidate(s) - Nu
4) India trip - Bernd/Zhangbu/Nu
5) AoB
* --===================================--*
Brief Summary:
1) Attending:
1) QM09 abstract deadline: Dec. 15th
2) Steve meet with STAR on Parity violation analysis, Dec. 17, 2-4 pm, Physics, 2-160: Jack, Carl, Jamie, Sergei, Nu ...
3) BES meeting: Dec. 17-18 at BNL: summarise goals and next steps in BES
4) CBM/RHIC meeting: March 9-12th, 2009, GSI
5) STAR Collaboration meeting: March 23-27th, 2009, BNL
6) STAR Regional meeting: May 6-9th, 2009, Pusan University, Korea
12 Dec
December 2008 posts
STAR Management Meeting
BNL, 50-I-189, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00
Conference Phone Number: 510 486 7333
Time: 10 - 11 am EDT
* --===================================--*
1) QM09 abstract - Bedanga
2) Shift sign up - Olga
3) Analysis / Coll. Meeting dates - Nu
4) Run9 goals and prioriies - Jamie
5) STAR Parity Violation Analysis - Nu
6) India trip - Bernd/Zhangbu/Nu
7) AoB
* --===================================--*
Brief Summary:
1) Attending: Helen, Jamie, Bill, Olga, Zhangbu, Nu
2) Parity analysis: GPC / check in Run7(?)
1) QM09 abstract deadline: Dec. 15th
2) Integration meeting Dec. 4th at MIT
3) BES meeting: Dec. 17-18 at BNL: summarise goals and next steps in BES
4) Jacks' cmmittee is ready to request GPC for the parity violation analysis. WIll push for QM09 talk. Joint Collolquia at BNL on March 26, Thursday morning.
Cluster energy fraction in 3x3 patch: detector eta > 1.5
Energy fraction from NxN cluster in 3x3 patch: detector eta > 1.5
Figure 1a: 2x1/3x3 energy fraction [number of counts per given fraction]
Yield vs. NxN cluster energy fraction in r=0.7
Yield vs. NxN cluster energy fraction in r=0.7
Figure 1c: 2x1/0.7 ratio
Efficiency vs. NxN cluster energy fraction in r=0.7
Efficiency vs. NxN cluster energy fraction in r=0.7
Figure 1b: 2x1/0.7 ratio
Energy fraction in NxN cluster within r=0.7 radius
Energy fraction in NxN cluster within r=0.7 radius
Figure 1a: 2x1/0.7 ratio
2008.11.18 Cluster isolation cuts: 2x1 vs. 2x2 vs. 3x3
Ilya Selyuzhenkov November 18, 2008
STAR Management Meeting
BNL, 50-I-189, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00
Conference Phone Number: 510 486 7333
Time: 10 - 11 am EDT
* --===================================--*
1) FY09 Capital and R&D proposals to be submitted to ADBoard - Nu
2) Updated report from the Shifts Committee - Olga
3) Review Committee for FHC - Nu
4) AoB
* --===================================--*
Brief Summary:
1) Attending: Helen, Olga, Jamie, Zhangbu, Nu, Bernd, Bill
2) Shift Committee: action items (a) send the satistics to Council; (b) ask Council discuss how to respons to those institutes who did not fulfile their shift responsibles - -ask for explainations; reduce number of authors or sign up more shifts early in next run;
3) CAD meeting (Bill/Jamie): Cool down on Feb. 2nd; No more access after Feb. 6th; Feb. 20: collisions for physics. STAR needs a list of priorities, starts the discussions in PWGc; for example, Spin: (i) first W+ cross section at mid-y; (ii) hadron-jet correlation; (iii) ALL
4) Funding:send the existing both lists to ADBoard for discussions of the priorities
5) Online tracking: group forming
1) STAR Regional meeting at VECC: Nov. 24 - 25
2) QM09 abstract deadline: Dec. 15th
3) BES meeting: Dec. 17-18 at BNL: summarise goals and next steps in BES
Time | Talk | Presenter |
10:00 | Shift Assignments ( 00:20 ) 1 file | Olga |