STAR Protected

Femptoscopy at STAR

The Sixth Order Cumulant of Net-proton Distributions Measured in STAR at RHIC

Coffee break

(Plenary) Azimuthal Anisotropy Results from STAR


Event anisotropy $v_2$ of charged and identified particles in Au+Au collisions from BES at STAR

Centrality Dependence of Elliptic Flow for Multi-strange Hadrons in STAR at RHIC

FGT APV Meeting

2012-07-30 12:00
America/New York
Monday, 30 July 2012
STAR Conference Room, at 16:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00



1) Brief overview of scheduled activities this week : Bernd 

2) Identifying APV modules to be replaced: 

a) J-Plot input: Bernd

b) Offline analysis : Anselm / Renee

c) Pedestal runs: Gerrit 

3) AOB : ALL 




People can connect via EVO (use the following link):

The password is fgtin2011 

You can also connect via phone.  Phone bridge numbers can be found at:

The meeting ID is 563 5434  and password 9215.  

You can also connect via Skype by adding "" (without the
quotes) to your buddy list and calling that contact.  Meeting ID and
password are the same as above.



Ivan's update

Speaker : Ivan Koralt (ODU)

Talk time : 10:40, Duration : 00:20

Normalization update

Speaker : Igor Alekseev ( ITEP )

Talk time : 09:00, Duration : 00:20

Selected sources of information (ZDC and BBC tiles) work reasonably well, but some double spin effects are observed.

10 Theory


Bernd put together a Virtual Machine with both the CHE (NLO) and RHICBOS (Resummation) code, and directions for running these are posted.

Update on Analysis

Speaker : Donika Plyku ( Old Dominion University )

Talk time : 10:20, Duration : 00:20

Calculating EEMC tower ideal gains and expected MIP response

This is a quick summary of how one goes from a measured MIP peak to a final tower gain.

W measurements