Centrality definition in STAR
Centrality parameters and list of helpers:
Bad run lists for BES-II and FXT:
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
Date: Feb. 18, 2025
1. Vinh: centrality definition summary for FXT 4.5 GeV, O+O and d+Au
Minutes: Vinh will implement these centrality definition into the STAR library and prepare an example macro for the use of RefMult6 and TotNMIP.
Date: Jan. 21, 2025
1. Wei Chen: centrality study on Run19 7.7 GeV FXT
Minutes: Wei will use FXTmult without applying kinematic cuts.
Date: Dec. 17, 2024
1. Dongsheng: centrality study on Run21 3.0 GeV FXT
Date: Dec. 3, 2024
1. Dongsheng: centrality study on Run21 3.0 GeV FXT
Dongsheng will split the dataset into two and treat each separately.
NTOFMatch vs run index shows some outliers, so the bad run list needs to eb revisited.
The purity of true events against pile-up shows a valley at higher fxtmult in the 2D profile as a function of fxtmult and NTOFMatch.
After pile-up rejection, there is still a small tail at high multiplicity.
The fit range for the Glauber fit should be adjusted to (50, 240) to see if it yields a better result.
Date: Nov. 26, 2024
1. Dongsheng: centrality study on Run21 3.0 GeV FXT
Dongsheng will check the time dependence of luminosity and apply the pile-up rejection before the study of luminosity dependence.
The pile-up rejection seems to remove more central events than it should,
and the Glauber fit deviates from the data for very central events.
Dongsheng will also try adjusting the fit range.
Date: Nov. 19, 2024
1. Caleb: centrality study on Run21 3.0 GeV FXT by Junyi and Dongsheng
Caleb showed previous studies by Dongsheng and Junyi, which are slightly differently, presumably due to the luminosity correction.
Until the new data production, we will use Dongsheng's definition.
We encourage Dongsheng to present his analysis to this group.
Date: Oct. 29, 2024
1. Rutik: centrality calibration at 4.5 GeV FXT
1. Rutik presented his new calibration work with the minbias trigger.
2. Caleb will work on Run21 3.0 GeV FXT.
Date: Aug. 13, 2024
1. Caleb: centrality calibration at 3 GeV (2018)
Minutes: Caleb will check Glauber fit with broader fit parameter ranges.
Date: Aug. 6, 2024
1. Rutik: centrality calibration at 4.5 GeV FXT
Minutes: Rutik will double-check the statistics related to the trigger.
Date: Jul. 30, 2024
1. Caleb: centrality calibration at 3 GeV (2018)
Date: Jul. 23, 2024
1. Rutik: centrality calibration at 4.5 GeV FXT
2. Caleb: centrality calibration at 3 GeV (2018)
Date: Apr. 16, 2024
1. Rutik: centrality calibration at 4.5 GeV FXT
Minutes: Rutik will improve the pile-up fit, and check the statistics related to the trigger.
Date: Apr. 9, 2024
1. Zhengxi: dAu
Minutes: Zhengxi increased the lower RefMult bound in the Glauber fit, and the results are improved.
He will send the new parameters together with those for O+O to Vinh.
Date: Apr. 2, 2024
1. Ashish: centrality definition using RefMult3
2. Zhengxi: O+O and dAu
1. At 9.2 GeV, trigger 1 contains 4.2% of total statistics. We will exclude trigger 1.
At 11.5 GeV, Vz>115 cm contains 5.7% events. We keep them and ask the analyzers to use them with caution.
2. Ashish presented the preliminary centrality definition based on RefMult3 and RefMult3X for 7.7 to 27 GeV.
They look good at least for the coming conference. The analyzers will do the full procedure after the meeting.
3. Zhengxi showed that EPD total MIP is needed to further reject pileup/beam events in O+O collisions.
Zhengxi will increase the lower RefMult bound for the Glauber fit.
Date: Mar. 26, 2024
1. Reweighting factors at 9.2 and 11.5 GeV
2. Zhengxi: update on O+O 200 GeV
1. For some edge Vz bins, the RefMult distribution could deviate from the center Vz bin even after the knee correction.
We will keep those Vz bins, and provide a caveat to the analyzers, who will decide for themselves whether to use such Vz.
At 9.2 GeV, we will exclude trigger 1, which forms a small portion (< 5%) of the statistics.
2. Zhengxi will present further study on O+O and d+Au next week.
3. Next week, we will have Yige Huang, Fan Si, Ashish, Bappa and Zhengxi's presentations. Some of them will be shifted to the week after.
Date: Mar. 12, 2024
1. Zhengxi: update on d+Au 200 GeV
1. Zhengxi will try different defininitions of Nch, and better examine the pileup effect.
2. Zhengxi will give another presentation on O+O collisions
3. Vinh will finalize the centrality definitions in the STAR makers for 9.2, 11.5 and 17.3 GeV.
Date: Mar. 5, 2024
1. Zhiwan: update for 11.5 GeV
Date: Feb. 13, 2024
1. Zhengxi: update on d+Au 200 GeV
1. Zhengxi will exten the fit range up to 5% centrality in the reweighting factor, and try a better fit function.
2. 4.5 GeV FXT data have another trigger that needs the centrality definition. We will find a helper to do that.
Date: Feb. 6, 2024
1. Emmy: update on 9.2 GeV
2. Zhiwan: update on 11.5 GeV
3. Zhengxi: update on d+Au 200 GeV
1. Emmy finalized the centrality definition for 9.2 GeV. Vinh will contact Emmy for documents and parameters.
2. Zhiwan almost finished the centrality definition for 11.5 GeV. We are waiting for the final QA.
3. Zhengxi will re-do the pile-up rejection check following other people's convention. He will also check the reweighting factor.
Date: Jan. 30, 2024
1. Emmy: update on 9.2 GeV
2. Zhengxi: d+Au N_ch centrality study
1. Emmy will double-check the systematics on Npart and Ncoll
2. Zhengxi will double-check parameters for pile-up rejection: x-axis should be "btofmatch". He will try fixing x=0.15 for the Glauber fit.
Date: Jan. 23, 2024
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Xing Wu: update on 17.3 GeV
Minutes: Xing finished the Glauber fit, and will proceed to the final documentation.
Date: Jan. 16, 2024
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Xing Wu: update on 17.3 GeV
2. Zhiwan: update on 11.5 GeV
3. Emmy: update on 9.2
1. Xing will double-check the eff parameter in the Glauber fit, which is currently 0.
2. Zhiwan showed the event portion of 0<BBCco<700 is 99.23%, and the BBCco dependence of RefMult is very weak. So we decided not to correct for BBCco.
Redefining RefMult with different nHits cut doesn't mitigate the asymmetry of RefMult vs Vz. She applies the vertical reweight for each vz bin to make them all look like the central vz bin.
3. Emmy wil lalso apply thisvertical reweight and then redo the Glauber fit.
Date: Jan. 9, 2024
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Emmy: update on 9.2 GeV
2. Zhiwan: update on 11.5 GeV
3. Takahito: 6.2 GeV FXT
1. Emmy will applythe reweighting o nthe y direction for each Vz bin, and start the Glauber fit.
2. Zhiwan will check the fraction of events in BBCcoincident rate in [0,800], [800, 3000] and beyond.
Rebinning the histogram may give a more clear picture.
She will also check TPC tracking efficiency for eta >0 and eta<0 at one of beam energies.
3. Takahito finished the Glauber fit with updated pile-up rejection.
Date: Jan. 2, 2024
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Xing Wu: update on 17.3 GeV
2. Zhiwan: update on 11.5 GeV
1. Xing fit the inelastic cross section vs log(bem energy), and determined the values for 173 and 9.2 GeV.
She and Emmy wil luse them for the corresponding beam energies.
2. Zhiwan realized that ZDC is not efficient as a trigger at 11.5 GeV, and looked at BBC coincidence rate.
The potential decrease of RefMult at BBCco> 800 needs further investigation.
RefMult vs Vz is not symmetric, and multiple checks are on the way, including the randomizing integer, eta-phi distribution.
Date: Dec. 12, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Emmy Duckworth: update on 9.2 GeV
- Emmy presented results of the acceptance (vz) correction. Next steps will be to apply reweightening procedure and fit Glauber to the data
Date: Dec. 5, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Xing Wu: update on 17.3 GeV
2. Zhiwan Xu: QA for 11.5 GeV
1. Xing will double-check the inelastic cross-section vs beam energy or the logarithm of it. She will also compare Npart and Ncoll between 14, 17 and 19 GeV.
2. There are about 22 days of data for 11.5 GeV that cannot be found. Zhiwan will contact Gene to see if those data are produced.
Date: Nov. 21, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Xing Wu: 17.3 GeV update
2. Emmy: 9.2 centrality calibration
1. Xing showed that the luminosity dependence of multiplicity is flat now, and the knee location correction gives pretty constant results. Xing will move on to fit RefMult with Glauber.
2. Emmy showed different fit ranges for the knee location give similar results. She will check chi2/ndf and use a better fit range to do the correction.
3. Zhiwan found that the run period she used for 11.5 GeV QA was shorter than the real run range. She will re-do the QA based o nthe full run range.
Date: Nov. 14, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Zhiwan: update on 11.5 GeV
Minutes: Zhiwan will try NFS to seee if she can get the full statistics. She will try lowering the upper bound of RefMult for the knee fit.
We decided to use point-by-point correction for the knee instead of a 17th-order polynomial, just like what Zach did for 19.6 GeV.
Date: Nov. 7, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Xing Wu: update on 17.3 GeV
2. Prabhupada: update on bad run list QA for 7.2 GeV
3. Emmy: update on 9.2 GeV
1. Xing showed RefMult vs BBC rate has a positive slope with RefMult > 20 cut. Grigory suggested checking TOFmatched vs BBC rate.
The slope could be smaller for certain region of BBC rate. She could also redefine RefMult with tighter DCA cuts, like 2.5 cm instead of 3 cm.
2. Prabhupada will also present the bad run QA to the QA board.
3. Emmy studied the knee location in the RefMult distribution for different Vz cuts. The fit range need to be adjusted for better fit.
Date: Oct. 31, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Emmy: Update on 9.2 GeV centrality calibration
2. Zhiwan: QA for 11.6 GeV data
1. Vinh updated the tables with Glauber fit parameters for 3.2, 3.5, 3.9, 4.5 GeV using deformed Glauber from Erik.
2. Emmy will move on to the further calibration by separating the two triggers.
Date: Oct. 24, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Emmy: Update on 9.2 GeV centrality calibration
2. Xing Wu: Update on 17p3GeV centrality definition
3. Erik: Update on 3.2 GeV, 3.9 GeV (2019), 3.9 GeV (2020), 3.5 GeV, and 4.5 GeV.
1. Emmy still sees the wiggle at low luminocity and will check the time dependence.
2. Xing sees the statistics is reduced to half after the vertex cuts, and will double check that.
She will also check the pileup projecions.
3. Erik finishes the centrality definitions for 5 FXT energies. The next step is to make the official.
Gang will check with the QA group about the bad runs at 3.2 GeV.
Date: Oct. 10, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Update on the centrality calibrations for FXT and collider datasets
2. Emmy: Update on 9.2 GeV centrality calibration
3. Vinh: Centrality parameters for BES-I, BES-II, and FXT
0. Starting this week Gang Wang will be a group manager. Vinh Luong agreed to help maintaining the StRefMultCorr package.
1. Emmy presented the results on the QA for centrality calibration. It was proposed:
- Plot refMult vs. tofMatch for more granular Vz intervals (for example split -145 to 145cm to 5 ranges)
- Plot refMult vs. tofMatch and its projections for different BBCx
2. Vinh presented an updated table of combined results (Glauber fit parameters, Npart, Ncoll) from BES-I, BES-II and FXT data sets
Date: Oct. 3, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Update on the centrality calibrations for FXT and collider datasets
2. Takahito: Centrality calibration for 5.2 GeV
3. Erik: Update on 3.2 and 3.9 GeV
Takahito tested various ranges for the Glauber fit to data and fit range for the trigger inefficiency.
Erik generated Glauber for the deformed Au nucleus and fitted those to the data.
Will check the fits of the Glauber to the data trying to normalize those to 1 in the broad central range of multiplicity
in order to make trigger inefficiency extraction more reliable (i.e. trigger efficiencies should not exceed 100 percent).
Date: Sept. 26, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Update on the centrality calibrations for FXT and collider datasets
1. No updates
Date: Sept. 19, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Update on the centrality calibrations for FXT and collider datasets
2. Takahito: Centrality for 5.2 GeV (FXT)
1. Takahito presented centrality definition for 5.2 GeV using spherical assumption for the gold nucleus as a cross check.
Will check fit range and parameters for the trigger efficiency fits. The final calibration will be provided soon.
Date: Sept. 12, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Update on the centrality calibrations for FXT and collider datasets
2. Vinh: Npart and Ncoll values for FXT, BES-I and BES-II datasets
1. Group discussed ways to proceed with the centrality calibration for FXT datasets. Some will be updated soon.
2. Vinh gathered the values for Npart and Ncoll for FXT, BES-I and BES-II. Will add more info for BES-I.
Date: August 29, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Update on the centrality calibrations for FXT and collider datasets
- Grigory committed the centrality definitions to the fxtCentrality branch and requested a merge to main.
- To call centrality definition for FXT datasets one should instantiate StRefMultCorr as StRefMultCorr("fxtmult")
and then use standard operations related to the pile up rejection, luminosity and other corrections, bar run rejection, etc.
- 3 GeV (Run 18) dataset:
-- PicoDst do not contain FxtMult variable thus one has to calculate it before passing to the StRefMultCorr
-- Trigger efficiency is not in the definition because was lost (TODO: recalculate trigger efficiency)
- Centrality calibrations for 3.2, 3.5, 3.9 Run19 and 3.9 Run20 are done using the spherical (not deformed) Au nucleus assumption
Will be recalculated after QM.
-For the future the group needs to:
-- In addition to the Glauber simulations, upload experimental reference multiplicity (refMult, fxtMult, ...) distribution to the pwg_tasks area
-- Perform calculations and provide numbers for overlapping area, eccentricities, etc. Set those as tables (at least) and implement in the code.
-- Centrality helpers need to add next distributions for the approval procedure:
--- Weight vs. multiplicity; number of events of the given centrality
--- Perform several fits of MC Glauber/Data distribution in order fit not to fall to the local minimum.
Date: August 22, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Update on the centrality calibrations for FXT and collider datasets
Grigory will commit the centrality for the FXT (3, 3.2, 3.5, 3.9 (Run 19), 3.9 (Run 20) and 7.7 GeV) and collider (7.7 and 200 GeV) samples.
Date: August 15, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Emmy: QA and Glauber studies for 7.7 GeV (collider)
3. Vinh: Centrality calibration for 7.7 GeV (FXT)
1. Comments to Emmy:
- It was suggested to look at the fit of the Glauber to the data (the scaling of the one distribution to another was used so far)
2. Comments to Vinh:
- It was suggested to compare the extracted Glauber parameters to both other FXT energies and collider mode
- Currently, the extracted x and npp values are closer to the BES-I collider results than those from BES-II (collider).
- Vinh was asked to take Glauber and real distributions for 7.7 GeV (collider) dataset from Zuowen and cross check
the fits and extracted parameters.
Date: August 8, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
Skipped because of the low attendance.
Date: August 1, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Zuowen: Centrality for 7.7 GeV (collider)
3. Ashish: Centrality for 7.2 GeV FXT (26.5 GeV)
4. Emmy: Centrality for 7.7 GeV (collider)
- Zuowen showed the update about centrality for 7.7 GeV. The extracted Glauber parameters
are different (do not follow the energy trend) from those obtained for higher energies, while
are close to the values retrieved in BES-I. We would like to compare the refMult distributions
from BES-I and BES-II.
- Ashish presented results of the 7.2 GeV centrality QA. Suggestions:
-- Extend fit lines (for fxtMult vs. nBTofMatched) to higher multiplicities
-- Show slices of fxtMult vs. nBTofMatched before and after cuts on +-nsigma
-- The point above is important also for low multiplicity events in order not cut too much statistics.
- Emmy showed the pileup study on the multiplicity distributions. Suggestions:
-- Swap axes -> plot refMult vs. nBTofMatched
-- Fit the distributions obtained for smaller bin slices
-- Compare extracted pileup rejection parameters to those obtained by Zuowen
- The group discussed what deformation should be used for Au nucleus by default (use beta2 and beta4 or not).
Will send the question to the group email and cross check.
Date: July 25, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Emmy: QA for 7.7 GeV (collider)
- Emmy presented QA plots for 7.7 GeV dataset (collider). Suggestions:
-- Plot correlation between number of bTOF- and eTOF-matched tracks and number of
eTOF-matched tracks vs. refMult
-- See eTOF vs refMult for several Vz ranges
Date: July 18, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Zuowen Liu: Centrality for 7.7 GeV dataset (collider)
3. Takahito: Centrality for 5.2 GeV
4. Fan Si: RefMult3 recalculation and pileup 7.7 GeV (collider)
- Zuowen demonstrated centrality calibration for 7.7 GeV. Suggestions:
-- Add Glauber parameters
-- Check integral calculation for centrality bins
-- Compare extracted Glauber parameters to the higher energies (for example, 14.6 GeV)
- Takahito presented results of the centrality categorization for 5.2 GeV FXT. Comments:
-- No differences of fxtMult vs. nBTofMatched on luminosity, vertex displacement in transverse plane and runId
-- Takahito will add a functional form of the pile-up MAX curve and sigma values (for +4 sigma values)
-- Starting 5.2 GeV it seems that we should apply luminosity corrections of fxtMult, those are not negligible
- Fan Si showed the refMult3 definition in picoDst for 7.7 GeV
-- It was shown that refMult3 calculated during the conversion from MuDst to picoDst using StPicoUtilities.hh does
not coincide with that calculated from picoDst manually. One suggestion to check StMuTrack->flag() method
in MuDst.
-- nHitsFit vs. eta for refMult3 looks weird (asymmetric). Suggestion to look at this distribution for all primary tracks.
Problem may be related to the track selection of refMult3.
-- Plot nBTofMatch vs. nBTofGoodBeta
Date: July 11, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Takahito: Centrality for 5.2 GeV FXT
3. Ho-San: RefMult3 for isobars
- QA board finished working on 7.7 GeV collider data. The final bad run list can be found here
- Takahito demonstrated the showed results for 5.2 GeV. Suggestions are:
-- Show fxtMult vs nTofMatched for different runIds and luminosity ranges (for example, ZdcCoincidenceRate)
-- It was suggested to to check the step sizes for Glauber fits
-- Check starting fit range of the Glauber to the data
- Ho-San showed refMult3 for isobars. It was suggested to cross check rounding of mulitplicity numbers when
doing corrections. Group also asked to show a comparison of luminosity dependence correction factors to those
obtained for refMult.
Date: June 20, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Zhengxi Yan: Centrality for O+O collisions based on the TPC multiplicity and EPD MIP calculations
1. Comments to Zhengxi:
- Plot 2D distribution of nBTOFMatch, RefMult and nMipSum vs luminosity
- For the definition based on MIP values it is suggested to take into account Landau fluctuation
2. Iris about the production for 7.7 GeV dataset in collider mode:
- Correct production flags and triggers could be asked from Gene van Buren
Date: June 13, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
Group members discussed the steps of centrality calibration
Date: June 6, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
- Takahito and Iris will help doing centrality calibration for 7.7 GeV (collider).
Date: May 30, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
Erik will upload results of the Glauber simulations to the pwg_tasks area.
Date: May 23, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Emilie Duckworth: Centrality for 9.2 GeV
3. Zhengxi Yan: Update on the centrality for O+O collisions
1. Emmy showed an update for the Au+Au 9.2 GeV dataset. The standard pile-up selection
codes have been used to look at the correlation between refMult and btofMatch.
refMult dependence on BBC coincidence rate shows some weagle at low rates (may depend on the trigger).
Should be crosschecked. TofMatch distribution vs. runId has about 20% drop at the beginning of the
datataking w.r.p. the rest of the runs. Both of the issues should be investigated.
2. The refMult dependence on High Luminosity (HL) events vs. Low Luminosity (LL) and both magnetic
field polarities (RFF and FF) show a bit different dependence. Not clear if that is related
to the trigger efficiency, tracking efficiency or modification of the trigger itself.
nBTofMatch vs. BBC coincidence rate increases with rate. We should look at the comparison of the
actual distributions.
Date: May 16, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Emilie Duckworth: Centrality for 9.2 GeV
- Emilie presented results of the QA for 9.2 GeV. For the luminosity correction is was suggested to look
at the BBC rates in addition to ZDC rates.
Date: May 9, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Ho-San: RefMult3 for isobars
3. Zhengxi: Centrality in O+O collisions
4. Iris: QA for centrality of Au+Au at 7.7 GeV collider mode
1. Ho-San presented results of refMult3 centrality definition for isobar collisions.
Suggestions are:
- add definition of refMult3 (probably discuss how to effectively identify (anti)protons)
- show the fit parameters for the luminosity correction
- cross check the vz correction (point-by-point ration to the one at the center of TPC)
- add shape correction
- cross check integration for centrality calculation
2. Zhengxi presented results of the centrality for official production of O+O collisions
Suggestions are:
- <refMult> vs. luminosity: the growth of the <refMult> with luminosity after the pileup removal procedure is puzzling.
- vertex (acceptance) correction: it is suggested to used symmetric w.r.t. the center of TPC the most central Vz bin
- shape correction should be applied. Not clear if low and high luminosity data could be normalized (to low luminosity).
- Ratio of reference multiplicity distributions should be added (also for high/low lumi)
3. Iris showed first results for 7.7 GeV collider mode. Will use the official bad run list for the dataset
to study the luminosity and pile-up effects.
Date: May 2, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Erik Loyd: Centrality for 4.5 GeV and 3.9 GeV (2020)
1. Erik preseneted results of the centrality for 4.5 GeV. Results of the pileup correction
seems to be reasonable. Luminosity correction has not been done yet. However,
similar to the previous FXT data it (luminosity corrections) is expected to be ignored.
2. The 3.9 GeV data from 2020 after adding one more bad run to the list and complete rerun
seems to be close to the 2019.
Date: April 25, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
Date: April 18, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Zuowen Liu: Centrality for 7.7 GeV (collider)
Date: April 11, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Zuowen Liu: Centrality for 7.7 GeV (collider)
3. Ishu Aggarwal: Centrality study in d+Au 200 GeV Run16
Date: April 4, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Zuowen: Pileup and luminosity corrections for 7.7 GeV
3. Erik Loyd: Centraltiy for 3.5 GeV FXT
4. Ishu Aggarwal: 2016 200 GeV d+Au
5. Zhengxi Yan: 2021 200 GeV O+O
a) Erik Loyd: 2020 3.5 GeV FXT
Date: March 28, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Zuowen Liu: Pileup rejection and luminosity correction for 7.7 GeV
3. Ishu Aggarwal: Centrality study of d+Au 200 GeV Run16
- Zuowen presented the results of pileup and luminosity correction. Fits of RefMult vs nBTofMatch
fail for some Vz ranges. It was suggested to contact Yu Hu and Prithwish Tribedy for fix the fit issues.
Also it was suggested to check <refMult> vs. BbcCoincidenceRate in addition to ZdcCoincidenceRate
because neutrons to not fly to ZDC at such low collision energies.
- Ishu presented an update on centrality calculation for d+Au. Next suggestions were made:
- Cross check that refMult plots after shape correction are consistent with the label (currently plots seem to be different)
- Write what what range was used to fit the Glauber distributions to data
- Add calculation of total cross section variation (\pm 5%) to the systematic uncertainty
- Add more information about each step of the analysis and prepare the final detailed presentation
with all steps done for the future analyzers.
Date: March 21, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
Date: March 14, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
We had a short meeting. Erik told that he is working on 3.9 GeV dataset.
Date: March 7, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Ishu: Update on centrality for d+Au collisions at 200 GeV
Ishu presented an update of the centrality calculation for 200 GeV d+Au collisions.
It was suggested to compare shapes of the multiplicity distributions obtained for each
Vz window. Currently, it seems that acceptance correction made the distributions worse
(less similar to each other) as compared to those before the correction.
Date: February 21, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Erik Loyd: Centrality for 3.9 GeV (FXT) from year 2020
3. Te-Chuan: Centrality for isobars with broad Vz cuts
- Erik showed an updated for 3.9 GeV (FXT) dataset. It includes luminosity check (the correction will not be used due to the stable
work). The results seems very consistent and pretty close to the final. The suggestion is to cross check
with the fit of the Glauber to the data in the range of fxtMult from 100 to 500 (similar to the data from year 2019).
- Te-Chuan presented the first results of the centrality calibration for collisions of isobars within a broad Vz (vpd-mon trigger).
Suggestions: a) for luminosity correction check the same Vz range; in principle, the slope of the multiplicity as a function
of ZdcCoincidenceRate should be same (similar); b) follow the same procedures for acceptance and shape corrections
that were used for isobars and BES-II datasets; c) see the fit of the Glauber to the data from Haojie and official isobar
centrality calibration for the consistency check with the Glauber parameters and fits.
- Zach and Grigory will: a) publish instructions for the centrality calibration; b) will try to implement recent calibrations
withing a short period of time.
- Next meeting will be skipped due to the collaboration meeting.
Date: February 14, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Ishu: Update on d+Au 200 GeV centrality
- Ishu presented results based on the multiplicity defined as in the small system flow paper. Analysis
takes into account luminosity and acceptance (Vz) dependence of muliplicity. It was suggested to follow
the standard procedure of acceptance correction - normalization to the most central Vz bin. It was also suggested
to perform shape correction after the acceptance one. Glauber simulations desribe multiplicity distribution well
but one should also add bin (from experiment) with 0 multiplicity (otherwise the cross section may be off the real value).
From the StRefMultCorr point of view, it was suggest to define 9 centrality bins. However, one should be very careful
with the physical meaning due to the bad centrality resolution in small systems.
Date: February 7, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Ishu: Update on the d+Au 200 GeV centrality calibration
1) Ishu showed a results of the luminosity and acceptance corrections on multiplicity values (defined in the same way
as in the Shengli's small system flow paper).
- It was suggested to convert multiplicity variable to float (in same way as it is done in the StRefMultCorr package) in order to avoid rounding problems.
- From the comparison of the MC Glauber calculations to the data, the three centrality classes have been selected 0-20, 20-40, 40-100%.
It is suggested to cross check how this selection of classes in multiplicity will be translated to selections in Npart, Ncoll and impact parameter (b),
and vice versa.
Date: January 31, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
- The group discussed the updates of the StRefMultCorr with the new FXT and 200 GeV runs.
Zach and Grigory will follow up on this.
- Eric: 3.9 GeV (FXT) are assummed to prefinal.
Date: January 24, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
- Group discussed the way to proceed with shape corrections for Au+Au 200 GeV. Takahito will calculate values
to Grigory and Zach to add to the StRefMultCorr
- Grigory will work on adding Centrality codes to the StRoot
Date: January 17, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Takahito: Update on the centrality definition for 200 GeV
3. Eric: Run19 3.9 GeV FXT
Date: January 10, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Weiguang Yuan: EPD centrality analysis in Run19 Au+Au 19.6 GeV
3. Takahito Todoroki: Centrality for Au+Au 200 GeV Run 19
4. Erik Loyd: Centrality for 3.9 GeV
- Bad run lists are finished for the FXT energies and Au+Au 200 GeV Run19 is in progress.
- EPD multiplicities should be checked for the dependence on luminosity and Vz position.
For pt distributions |eta| cut should be tighter.
- Centrality calibration for 200 GeV is almost finised. Shape correction needs to be applied (a.k.a. weight).
Date: December 20, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Eric Loyd: Centrality for 3.9 GeV dataset
2. Ding Chen: Luminosity check for 3.9 GeV dataset
3. Takahito Todoroki: Centrality for 200 GeV Run 19
- Eric presented results for the fxtMult calibration, include pileup rejection criteria. The MC Glauber distribution
seems not to describe the expreimental curve. Suggestion to crosscheck normalization (fit) region of fxtMult.
- Ding presented luminosity dependence (east ZDC vs. east BBC rates) and its run-by-run dependence.
According to the shift log, dependence changes the slope due to the beam tuning. Will look closely into that issue.
- Takahito presented the first look at the calibration (luminosity, Vz, and shape) of the refMult distribution as well
as MC Glauber calculations and fit to the experimental data. Will look at the corrections closely since those have
been changes after 2014.
- The group discussed normalization issue (Glauber multiplicity fit to the data) observed at 3.9 GeV. Suggestion is
to cross check the parameters of the chi2 calculation (bin-by-bin), check how the shifting the fitting range edges
will affect the fit, and cross check if the fit was good but the renormalization of the Glauber
distribution failed (because of some glitch)
Date: December 6, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. QA status
2. Ishu Aggarwal: Centrality dependence in d+Au collisions at 200 GeV
3. Ding Chen: Luminosity dependence of RefMult in Au+Au collisions at 3.9 GeV (7.3 GeV FXT).
Date: November 29, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. QA status
2. Zach: Centrality update
3. Rosi: Discussion on EPD ussage for centrality calibration
4. Ding: Luminosity check of FXT Au+Au collision at 3.9 (7.3) GeV
Date: November 22, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. QA status
2. Rosi Reed: Discussion on EPD usage for centrality
3. Ishu Aggarwal: Update on d+Au 200 GeV centrality
1. Rosi presented the current status of the EPD usage for centrality calibration.
New teams will take the knowledge and the codes developed for centrality calibration (with some modifications)
to the official repository.
2. Ishu presented an update on centrality for d+Au collisions. The main concern is about the treatment of pile-up.
One of the suggestions is to use embedding sample to estimate how the developed cuts affect the
multiplicity distributions.
Date: November 15, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. QA status
2. Discussion on EPD usage for centrality (postponed for 1 week)
3. Current status of activities
- Dan has almost finished review of bad runs for the FXT datasets.
Date: November 8, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. QA status
2. Discussion on nucleon-nucleon cross section for low-energy nuclear collisions
No QA board meeting last week. Dan will try to finish bad run list assesment by this Friday.
Discussion about nucleon-nucleon cross sections:
- Regge-based models work above 5 GeV
- Interpolate between points in the range from 2 to 10-15 GeV may be a better option
as compared to the fit function. Or fit only low energy region.
- In the low energy collisions, elasticly scattered nucleons may loose a lot of energy and then
interact with other nucleons. Due to that fact, in the next interaction the center of mass energy
will be much lower, where the cross sections are larger.
- One could look at pp, np cross sections and see whether these give comparable values.
Date: November 1, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. QA status
2. Centrality for FXT datasets and upcoming productions
- Dan will finalize bad run lists for FXT datasets (already QAed)
- Rongrong and Grigory will contact people to about QA and centrality calibration for Au+Au 200 GeV Run19
- Grigory will invite Wlodek Guryn to the next meeting to discuss nucleon-nucleon cross section
at low collision energies
Date: October 25, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. QA status
2. Centrality for FXT datasets and upcoming productions
3. Ishu: Centrality for d+Au 200 GeV
4. Ding: Luminosity check for 7.3 (3.9) GeV FXT 2019 dataset
- All FXT datasets have been QAed. Glauber calculations should be started for new datasets.
- Will contact individuals about the status for the QA and Glauber simulations for new datasets
- Ishu presented update on the refMult distributions/definitions depending on the track cuts which suppress
pileup tracks. Three cases have been presented. The group should decide what to choose for
centrality variable. Suggestions:
-- Repeat the excersize with global tracks
-- Look at the efficiency as a function of ZDC rate (look at the embedding, for example single pion efficiency)
-- Run Hijing or Pythia simulation with and without pileup to check how selection criteria cut piileup-tracks
-- Perform fit of the DCA distributions for the TOF-matched tracks and then use it as a template for tracks that are
obtained in cases A and B (when refMult is does not require TOF matching)
-- Check correlation between different refMult definitions
- Ding presented FXTMult dependence on east BBC and ZDC rates. There is a correlation between ZDC and BBC rates
that may depend on the fills (fill-by-fill dependence).
Date: October 18, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. QA status
2. Discussion: Centrality for low-energy collisions (not two-component Glauber model)
3. Ishu: Update on centrality for d+Au 200 GeV
- QA board: 7.7 GeV (collider) were discussed. Not same runs were found and marked as bad when
different analysts ran the codes. Most of FXT datasets have already been QAed. People wait new datasets
for QA.
- Centrality for low-energy collisions:
- Glauber model provides reasonable estimation for centrality bins
- Glauber model may provide incorrect estimation for Npart and Ncoll
Date: October 11, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. QA status
2. Discussion: Centrality for low-energy collisions (not two-component Glauber)
3. Discussion: Progress on centrality determination using EPD
4. Ishu:Centrality study in d+Au 200 GeV Run 16
- There was no QA board meeting last week.
- Items 2 and 3 are postponed for the next weeks
- Ishu presented refMult vs. ZdcCoincidence rate. It was shown that looking at primary tracks
with wider (|eta|<1) cut makes the dependence to decrease with ZdcRate. Suggestions are to look:
-- Vary |eta| range
-- Vary dca cuts
-- Look at refMult for TofMatched tracks only
-- Look at the correlation between refMult and event activity in Au-going direction in BBC and ZDC
Date: October 4, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. QA status
2. Eric: Centrality for 3.2 GeV
3. Zach: 1% centrality bins for isobars
- Next week the group will discuss more complicated centrality calibration (not two-component Glauber)
- Also how to use EPD for centrality
Date: September 27, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. David: Multiplicity in p+Au
2. Ishu: Centrality in d+Au
Date: September 20, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Ishu: Update on centrality selection in d+Au 200 GeV
2. Zach: Cross section for FXT energies
Date: September 6, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Zach: Elastic and inelastic NN cross section
- Zach fitted XSec values in a broader range. Will vary a bit more but those listed on slide 7 should be used
for the initial Glauber calculations. The uncertainties on the fits should be revisited.
Date: August 30, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Dan: Update from the Q&A board
2. Eric: Centrality for 3.2 GeV
3. Ishu: d+Au 200 GeV centrality study (run 16)
4. Zach: Cross sections for FXT runs
- Daniel cross checked bad run list for FXT runs. There is some issue with run counting (from run control and QA teams; about couple of runs
for each energy). A small bug was found in QA. Eugenia will go trhough energies again.
- Ishu presented distributions after the QA for d+Au. One of the mistery is the increasing <refMult> vs. zdcCoincidenceRate.
Suggestions are: plot zdcCoincidenceRate vs runId, signed DCA vs runId
- Zach brought up that different physics groups use different cross sections for calculating centrality.
There is a proposal to use values (fitted as a function of energy) from PDG for datasets.
- Eric will use cross section number from Zach for 3.2 GeV and rerun Glauber. Then will refit Glauber to the data.
- Currently, 1M Glauber events takes ~5GB disk space. The idea is to store Glauber calclulations for BES-II and FXT (about 16 energies)
somewhere in a public place. For example at pwg_tasks area. Grigory will follow up with Rongrong.
- Grigory will present the status of the centrality grup at the collaboration meeting. Will try to prepare
slides by next meeting.
Date: August 23, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Dan: Update from the Q&A board
2. Eric: Centrality for 3.2 GeV
Date: August 16, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
0. Dan: Update from the Q&A board
1. Grigory: Trigger efficiency values for 14.6 GeV
2. Eric: Centrality for 3.2 GeV
- Grigory refitted the MC/refMultCorr values for 14.6 GeV to obtain trigger efficiency correction factors
using to fit ranges [6,164] and [4,164]. The latter provides results that are closer to the fit values
obtained for the previous analyses.
- Eric presented results for 3.2 GeV centrality calibration. Next step will be to demonstrate the Glauber and fxtMult on the same plot.
Also it the ratio of MC/Experiment (fxtMult) should be plotted and used to extract trigger efficiency.
The group will need to thing about to calculate centrality values (use experimental data for 0-20% central collisions
and then Glauber when defining centrality classes OR only Glauber) because of descrepancy between data and MC for the central collisions.
Date: August 9, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Shuai: Finalization of centrality definition and systematic uncertainty for 14.6 GeV.
2. Eric: Centrality for 3.2 GeV
- Shuai presented update of the trigger efficiency values as well as final systematic uncertainties for Npart and Ncoll.
Grigory will add those to the StRefMultCorr.
- Dan will ask Eric to prepare the updated for the 3.2 GeV.
Date: August 2, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Shuai: Finalization of centrality definition for 14.6 GeV.
2. Eric: Centrality for 3.2 GeV
- Shuai calculated systematic uncertainty values for 3.2 GeV. We need to round the numbers to integers
and send it to the group and Rongrong. Also we need to get trigger efficiency for the final commit.
- Eric will gather all information for 3.2 GeV.
- A large fraction of (FXT) datasets cannot be reached by analysts due to the 3011 error.
- Yevheniia produced preliminary bad run lists for all FXT datasets (that are available). Dan will
revisit it and crosscheck.
Date: July 26, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Eric: Centrality for 3.2 GeV
2. Centrality for 14.6 GeV
Grigory will work on adopting 14.6 GeV centrality values to StRefMultCorr.
Date: July 19, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Codes for the QA, calibrations and centrality calculation.
2. Shuai: Update for 14.6 GeV
3. Eric: Centrality bins for 3.2 GeV
1. Dan: QA board keeps code development. Authors also work on the documentation.
2. Shuai presented multiplicity bins for the standard 16 centrality classes. Grigory will
start updating the StRefMultCorr code. Dan will cross-check bad run list.
Shaui will calculate the Npart and Ncoll for the centrality bins and the systematic undertainties.
3. Dan will ask Eric to gather the centrality calibration for 3.2 GeV for the review.
4. Dan will ask Zach if it possible to calculate centrality for isobars with 1% centrality classes.
5. Grigory will update the slides for the isobar centrality definition.
Date: July 12, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Shuai: Update for 14.6 GeV
2. Eric: Centrality for 3.2 GeV
3. Codes for the QA, calibrations and centrality calculation.
1. Shuai presented results for all Vz corrections: position and shape.
The first fit of the MC Glauber to the data looks good. Shuai will proceed
and will peform centrality binning. Also we should gather all step for the 14.6 GeV
in order to prepare information for the StRefMultCorr update.
2. Eric will work on the Glauber fits to the data for 3.2 GeV.
Date: July 5, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Shuai: Update for 14.6 GeV
2. Zach: Npart, Ncoll and systematics for 19.6 GeV (final centrality calibration with sys. uncrt.)
3. Codes for the QA, calibrations and centrality calculation.
Date: June 28, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Shuai: Update for 14.6 GeV
2. Zach: Npart, Ncoll and systematics for 19.6 GeV
3. Codes for the QA, calibrations and centrality calculation.
Date: June 21, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Shuai: Update for 14.6 GeV
2. Zach: Npart, Ncoll and systematics for 19.6 GeV
- Shai presented results of the Vz and shape corrections. The question is why the refMult high-end point distribution
after the Vz correction is not flat if each Vz bin was corrected to the center Vz bin.
- Zach demostrated Npart, Ncoll and systematics on those for 19.6 GeV. Question for the discussion -
should we use cross section variation for the systematics? Will discuss next week and should take final decision.
Date: June 14, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Centrality for 3.2 and 14.6 GeV
2. Tsang: Question about centrality weight
- Shuai presented results of the Vz correction for refMult at 14.6 GeV. Next step will be to cross check the latest bad run list
and perform shape correction.
- Tsang presented retrieved weighs. The question why weights have a large spread for the central (0-5% centrality) collisions.
The reason is that shape correction also affects the value and due to the finite statistics for the ultracentral collisions
those refMult bins have large fluctuations. Suggetion: in case of the selection of ultracentral collisions one should not
rely on the refMult variable.
Date: June 7, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Centrality for 3.2 and 14.6 GeV
2. News from the QA board
- Shuai presented update of 14.6 GeV with the latest bad run lists. refMult distributions
after the pileup rejetion and luminosity corrections look good. Next step will be to
look at the Vz dependence of refMult.
- Dan will talk to Zach about systematic uncertainty for the Npart and Ncoll at 19.6 GeV.
Need to understand if possible to get for SQM that starts next week.
- A person to perform QA for new 200 GeV Au+Au dataset was found.
- Automated QA algorithm will be revisited soon (with Prithwish and Yu).
- Erik presented results on Glauber fitting for 3.2 GeV. There should be a crosscheck
with Zack's FxtMult3 (when only pions are used) about which x,k and d values are used.
Date: May 31, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Eric Loyd: 3.2 GeV FXT centrality
2. News from the QA board
- Eric showed results for 3.2 GeV Glauber results. Eric will work on the plot that compares experimental FxtMult distribution
to the one obtained from the Glauber. It was mentioned that it is important to remember that the npp, k, x values could be compared
with those obtained for the datasets with iTPC. Also tracking efficiency parameter may be different from the one from collider
data because of physics (for instance, because of spectator nucleons included in FxtMult).
Also e_eff should be also released and FxtMult should be refitted to have a better matching between the two.
- Dan has passed the updated bad run list for 14.6 GeV to Rongrong. The QA should be redone for the dataset.
- Automated QA algorithm should be adjusted and QA team agreed on finding a person to help on that.
Date: May 24, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Shuai Zhou: Vz and shape corrections for 14.6 GeV.
2. News from the QA board
- It seems that there is a sharp drop of the high-end point distribution for large and small vz values.
Probably one should double check the fit range of refMult distribution for each Vz interval.
For example one could fit in the range from 260 to 400 and check whether the ranges should change
with Vz.
- Where to keep PWGTools will be discussed at the next S&C meeting.
Date: May 17, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Recap of 3.2 and 14.6 GeV datasets
2. Centrality for the new datasets
- Shuai need to finalize the Vz (check stability of the refMult fit when calculating the high-end point values
for different vertex positions along z axis) and shape corrections for 14.6 GeV.
- Shuai will work on the Glauber simulations for 14.6 GeV, while Eric Loyd and Ding Chen will
look at the 3.2 GeV. Zach may help working on it.
- QA board meeting should happen this Fri. (May 20) where automated
algorithm should be discussed.
- Need to finalize bad run lists for the 3.2 and 14.6 GeV datasets.
Date: May 10, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Recap of 3.2 and 14.6 GeV datasets
2. Centrality for the new datasets
Date: May 3, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Recap of 3.2 and 14.6 GeV datasets
2. Centrality for the new datasets
- Dan denonstrated that the automated algorithm had an issue in <phi> when two RDOs were out for a couple of days.
The runs at the beginning and the end of THE period of time are marked as bad but some in the middle are not.
Those should be always either be marked as "bad" or "good". Same is seen on the <eta> distributions.
Should be revisited by the QA group.
- Priyanshi showed the QA plots. It was demonstrated that refMult>20 partially fixes the <refMult> dependence on runId.
The QA codes should be revisited following the first item.
Date: April 26, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Eric Loyd: Pileup rejection for 4.59 GeV (3.2 GeV) dataset.
2. Shuai Zhou: Luminosity correction for 14.6 GeV
3. Centrality for the new datasets
1. Eric presented a recap of the pileup rejection for 3.2 GeV. # of rejected events on the level of 5%
2. Shuai demonstrated <refMult> vs. RunId has some bad runs (without refMult>20) for 14.6 GeV. The bad run lists from
Ashik and Li-Ke have been already rejected. Priyanshi will cross check it with adding refMult>20 cut.
The group should also invite Ashik and Li-Ke to update the QA status for 14.6 GeV dataset.
3. The group, PAC and PWG conveners will work on assigning (searching for volunteers) for new FXT and collider
Date: April 19, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. QA for the new datasets
2. Centrality for the new datasets
- The group will try to revisit results for 14.6 GeV and 3.2 GeV datasets (QA, bad run lists, pileup rejection, centrality, etc) next week.
- We need to identify helpers who will start working on the QA for new datasets.
Date: April 12, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Pileup correction for 3.2 GeV
2. Luminosity correction for 14.6 GeV
Dan will look at the bad run lists and QA for 14.6 GeV dataset.
Date: April 5, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Eric Loyd: Pileup correction for 3.2 GeV
2. Shuai Zhou: Luminosity correction for 14.6 GeV
1. Eric presented results of FxtMult vs. nBTofMatch correlation for several multiplicity ranges.
Results look correct. Suggestion is to collect everything in the slides, list the cuts
and estimate fraction (amount) of events that will be removed.
2. Shuai presented results for luminosity study (<refMult> vs. ZdcCoincidenceRate). There are
several points at large ZdcCoincidenceRate that pull down the fit to the dependence.
It is suggested to look at the dependence (and fit it) in the range from 0-700 Hz, where most of
the events were taken.
Date: March 29, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. QA for 3.2 GeV and 14.6 GeV
2. Luminosity and centrality definition for 3.2 and 14.6 GeV
Most of the analists are calculating the quantities. Will report over the week or at the next meeting.
Date: March 22, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Eric Loyd: Pileup studies for 3.2 GeV
2. Shuai Zhou: Pileup and luminosity dependence of multiplicity at 14.6 GeV
3. Ding Chen: Luminosity dependence of multiplicity at 3.2 GeV
0. For 14.6 GeV dataset Dan will look at the bad run list and should confirm it.
1. Eric presented results of studies of FxtMult vs. nBTofMatch for 3.2 GeV. It was suggested
to take a careful look at all regions of FxtMult, especially at large values where pileup is more pronounced.
2. The pileup correction may be vz-dependent. The used vz regions are the same as in the previous 19.6 GeV
studies. For the luminosity correction studies (<refMult> vs. zdcCoinicindenceRate) two methods
of calculating <refMult> have been used (refMult that comes from picoDst and accounting on those where refMult>20).
Fit to the dependence got broken due to singe values that drop of the main trend.
Those values should be removed.
3.Correlation between BBC and ZDC coincidence rates have been demonstrated. Multiple correlations have been
observed. Should be revisited after removing bad runs. If will not disappear we will need to discuss
the origins and possible corrections.
Date: March 15, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Ding: QA for 3.2 GeV
2. Eric: Pileup rejection for 3.2 GeV
3. Grigory: StRefMultCorr for 19.6 GeV and trigger efficiency calculations for isobars
- Ding presented results for 3.2 GeV: <FxtMult> vs ZDC east, BBC east. The last one seems to be quite flat
as a function of luminosity. It was suggested to look at the correlation between ZDC east and BBC east for
several <FxtMult> ranges to address the "bump" in ZDC rate in the region of 500-600 Hz.
The calculation have been performed for the minimum-bias trigger (680001).
It was suggested to contact Rosi about estimation of Epd east rate.
- Eric showed results for the correlation between FxtMult and BTofMatched. Automated algorithm developed
for isobars fails on fitting the distribution correctly. It was suggested to look at correlations (slices) and fit those
manually in order to address the issue.
- Grigory updated the StRefMultCorr for 19.6 GeV and trigger efficiency calculations for isobars. Current version of the codes
are stored in git (official STAR code repository: https://github.com/star-bnl/star-sw) in the RefMultCorrIsobarTrigEff branch.
Will provide instructions how to get those correctly/
Date: March 8, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Ashik/Li-Ke: Bad run QA
2. Ding: QA for 3.2 GeV
3. Grigory: Update of the StRefMultCorr
- Ding presented QA report for 3.2 GeV for HLTgood trigger. The "bump" in the <FxtMult> as a function of ZdcEast rate was observed.
It was suggested to look at minimum-bias trigger instead of HLTgood.
- Grigory is working on the update of StRefMultCorr to incorporate centrality for 19.6 GeV and trigger efficiency for isobars.
Date: March 1, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Ashik/Li-Ke: QA codes and status
2. Haojie: Refined centrality definition in isobars
- LiKe presented results for QA of 14.6 GeV and 3.2 GeV datasets. For 14.6 GeV it should be
discussed (at the QA board meeting) if <refMult> > 20 cut should be used for the QA.
For 3.2 GeV there two different versions of the QA codes. One finds 2 runs with small statistics
and marks those as bad while the automated algorithm does not see it. Should be discussed
within the QA board.
- Haojie presented the results of the centrality calibration for isobars: QA, luminosity,
vz and shape correction. The idea is that Purdue/Huzou group will use this definition for
the nuclear structure measurements. The definition will not be the official one.
Date: February 8, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Ashik/Li-Ke: QA codes and status
2. Zach: Centrality definition for 19.6 GeV
Date: February 1, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Ashik/Li-Ke: QA codes and status
2. Zach: Centrality definition for 19.6 GeV
- Dan will finish bad runs for 14.6 GeV by Friday. The first QA meeting for 3.2 GeV happen last week.
Analyzers are waiting for the codes from Li-Ke.
- Zach's and Zuowen's results of Glauber fits to the data are consistent (with a minor difference that could
be neglected due to the d parameter is a bit off the range for tracking inefficiency).
- The group needs to think about <Npart> values because the current values for the 19.6 GeV are a bit higher
than those for BES-I. Zach and Dan will look into that.
- Zero-bias data for FXT energies will need calibrations so the production will be delayed.
Date: January 25, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Ashik/Li-Ke: QA for 14.6 GeV
2. Zach: Centrality definition for 19.6 GeV
3. Grigory: thoughts about code updates
4. Priyanshi: luminosity study for 14.6 GeV
5. Shuai: pile-up study for 14.6 GeV
- Dan will finish crosschecking injection runs for 14.6 GeV dataset.
- Zach calculated centrality cut values. Need to estimate trigger efficiency. Zhiwan should confirm the obtained numbers
by next week.
- Group also agreed that creating a document that describes the centrality calculation steps.
- Should push the commit of the isobar trigger efficiency parameters (currently in the dedicated branch)
- Prianshi demonstrated interesting luminosity dependence of <refMult>. We will need to understand if
ZdcCoincidenceRate as a good luminosity estimator for low energies.
- Shuai demonstrated the pile-up estimation for 14.6 GeV. Should be compared to those values obtained by Zach.
- Dan will set a doodle poll for 3.2 GeV QA discussion with Ben, Li-Ke, Eugenia and Sameer. Meeting will likely
happen this Thursday (Jan. 27) at 11 am EDT.
Date: January 18, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Ashik/Li-Ke: QA codes and status
2. Zach: Centrality definition for 19.6 GeV
- LiKe showed QA results for 14.6 GeV and initial bad run lists. Dan promissed to crosscheck the injection runs.
- Zach demostrated initial Glauber calculations and comparisons to the experimental data for Au+Au at 19.6 GeV.
- Grigory hopes to finish crosschecks of the trigger efficiency correction for isobars.
Date: January 11, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Ashik/Li-Ke: QA codes and status
2. Zach: Centrality definition for 19.6 GeV
3. Zuowen: Pile-up rejection and Vz correction for 19.6 GeV dataset
4. Dan: Npart in the 3.0 GeV FXT analysis
- Ashik: 14.6 GeV dataset injection run list has been updated (2 runs were excluded since were not produced).
- Zach: 1) it was demonstrated that multiple fitting of the Vz dependence does not change the correction;
2) it was suggested to use point-wise correction (w.r.t. to the central Vz bin (-5,5)cm) for Vz and not
the 6-order polynomial (as usually); 3) next step is to perform shape correction and fit the Glauber distribution
to the corrected refMult distributions (Glauber simulation has been done).
- Zuowen: demonstrated that the results of the Vz correction is consistent with that shown by Zach.
- Dan: The refMult ranges for centrality bins of the 3 GeV dataset seems to be stable while
the Glauber seems to underestimate the Npart.
- Ashik and Dan will set the time for a meeting with people who will do 3.2 GeV QA and centrality calibration
to path the codes and discuss the details of how to run those.
- Ashik should commit QA codes to the official git repo after the analysis of the 14.6 GeV will be finished.
- Grigory will commit trigger-efficiency corrections for the isobars (thank to Zach and Toshihiro) likely by
the end of this week.
Date: January 04, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Ashik/Li-Ke: QA codes and status
2. Zach: Centrality definition for 19.6 GeV dataset (update)
- Ashik and LiKe are working on the 14.6 GeV dataset
- Zach showed pile-up rejection criteria for the 19.6 GeV dataset.
Luminosity- and trigger-dependent <refMult> distributions show that luminosity correction
will not be used as well as the trigger-dependent analysis will not be done.
- The group needs to define people from the list of volunteers who will join efforts
on the centrality definition for 14.6 GeV.
Date: December 21, 2021
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Ashik/Li-Ke: QA codes and status
2. Zach:
1. For Au+Au 19.6 GeV: bad runs 99, injection runs 275 have been identified and will accounted as final bad run list.
2. The QA board will switch to 14.6 GeV dataset.
Date: December 14, 2021
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Ashik/Li-Ke: QA codes and status
2. Zach:
- Ashik and Li-Ke are finishing the bad run lists.
- QA board should define next task for the centrality QA volunteers (Olzhas and Eugenia).
- Zach and team are waiting for the final bad run lists to start centrality calibration.
Date: November 30, 2021
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Ashik/Li-Ke: QA codes and status
2. Zach: Trigger-dependent luminosity correction
3. Zuowen Liu: Pileup rejection
1. Li-Ke and Ashik showed that there is some inconsistency in the list of bad runs obtained by the analysts.
It has to be resolved. The help from Yu Hu and Prithwish as the automated QA code developers may be needed.
2. Zach demonstrated <refMult> vs. zdcCoincidenceRate for each trigger separately. It was shown
that applying removing events with refMult>20 allows to significantly improve the situation (minimize
difference between the results obtained for different triggers). The group thinks that luminosity
correction may not be used for the dataset.
3. Zuowen presented the results of the pileup rejection procedures and the Vz correction.
The refMult distributions for each Vz interval will be fitted several times in order to make sure
the results are stable.
Date: November 23, 2021
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Ashik: QA codes and status
2. Zach: Pile-up rejection.
3. Shuai Zhou: Centrality for 19.6 GeV
- Ashik and Li-Ke compared QA codes and found differences in the way filelists are retrieved (storage).
Ashik and Li-Ke will make a new filelist and send it to the QA board in order Daniel Cebra could cross check.
We need to make sure the runIds contain all the available runs (even if only not total amount of events
is not processed).
- Zach has modified the upper limit for the pile-up rejection algorithm. The group has agreed on the proposed limits.
- Shuai showed the results of his 19.6 QA and centrality definition. The difference of <refMuls> vs. zdcCoincidenceRate
for different triggers. Triggers 640001 and 640051 show a bit different behaviour vs respect to the other trigger IDs.
Daniel Cebra will look at the trigger specifications. Zach will repeat trigger-dependent checks.
- It is needed to understand whether the trigger-dependent centrality definition for Au+Au 19.6 GeV.
Date: November 16, 2021
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Ashik: QA codes and status
2. Zach: QA of 19.6 GeV
3. Zuowen: Pile-up rejection and QA for the 19.6 GeV dataset
- Ashik excluded injection runs from the analysis. Number of bad runs has changed from the previous
time (the difference in the amount of run is larger than that for with inj. runs).
Li-Ke repeated the same procedure and the amount of bad runs (using the same selection criteria)
and the amount of bad runs is inconsistent with Ashik.
- Action items for Ashik and Li-Ke: 1) Make sure the input filelist (input run list is the same),
2) check that algorithms to find bad run list (over TProfiles with QA variables) of two analysers
lead to the identical results.
- Zach used bad run list from Nov. 12, 2021 for the initial centrality calibration.
The pile-up rejection procedure is under the study (Vz-dependence). Will make sure
that Zach's and helper's codes produce same results.
- Using new bad run list (with injection runs excluded) the luminosity dependence of the <refMult>
get negative slope (~1.5*10^-4). After the discussions the group agreed not to correct
<refMult> distribution on the luminosity.
- StRefMultCorr package should include possibility to apply Vz-dependent luminosity correction.
- Zuowen presented results related to QA and the centrality calibrations. It was demonstrated
that pile-up rejection is on the same level as it for isobars. Also the effect is stronger for the
Vz bins that are far from the central membrane.
Date: November 9, 2021
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Ashik: QA codes and status
2. Zach: QA of 19.6 GeV
- Ahshik will ask Gene for the list of injection runs. The will run the QA with
the injection runs excluded. The final bad run list (after the QA) will be used
for the centrality calibration.
- Ashik is running QA based on a fraction of events (scheme used for isobars).
The group agreed that running over the whole statistics is preferable. Helpers
will try to look at a fraction of runs in order make sure that the current procedure
is applicable for 19.6 GeV.
- Zach is ready to run the centrality calibration using the bad run list that will be provided by Ashik.
- Helpers are learning the code
Date: November 2, 2021
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Ashik: QA codes and status
2. Zach: QA of 19.6 GeV
- Ashik is working on implementing suggestions provided during the QA board meeting.
The group agreed to use signed DCA for centrality QA instead 3D DCA. Li-Ke Liu will help
Ashik to perform the QA. Only minimum-bias triggers should be used for the centrality
and QA: 640001, 640011, 640021, 640031, 640041, 640051
- Zach looked at the Vz dependence of the pile-up removal procedure. The parameters for
pileup removal for 5 Vz ranges have been obtained. Next steps: look at luminosity dependence
and Vz corrections.
- Glauber simulations should be started soon.
Date: October 26, 2021
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Zach: QA of 19.6 GeV
2. Open discussions
- Zach will look at DCAxy as well as start generating Glauber distributions for 19.6 GeV
- Ashik will finish QA
- Helpers Li-Ke Liu, Xin Zhang, Zuowen Liu, Shuai Zhou will start working with Zach and Ashik
on the topics
- Pileup rejection criteria should be Vz-dependent. Zach will follow up
Date: October 19, 2021
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Zach: QA for 19.6 GeV
2. Daniel Cebra: QA for centrality definition
3. Haojie Xu: Post-blind isobar centrality
4. Centrality and Glauber code commit
- Applying <refMult> > 20 flattens <refMult> vs. zdcCoincidenceRate by almost a factor of 3.
Suggestion is not to use luminosity correction.
- QA quantities have been proposed to be used for the centrality (For 19.6 GeV |Vz|<145cm, no VpdVz-Vz cut,
some track quantities, etc.)
- Post-blind isobar centrality calibration: 1) extra bad runs have been found, 2) fitting vz dependence several
times gives different vz correction for the refMult, 3) altogether modifications provide slightly different
corrected refMult distribution, 4) all steps have to be demonstrated in more details.
Date: October 12, 2021
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Zach: QA for 19.6 GeV (one and two)
- The increase of <refMult> and <nTofMatch> vs. ZdcCoincidenceRate has been discussed.
No clear reason has been found. Zach (and helpers) will try to look at TOF matching parameters
in order to see some hints.
- Zach is waiting bad run lists from Ashik and QA helpers for 19.6 GeV data set in order to start
final centrality calibration
- Tasks distribution between people:
Date: October 5, 2021
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Grigory Nigmatkulov: Plan for BES-II and isobar data centrality determination
2. Zachary Sweger: Centrality for 19.6 GeV from BES-II
3. Skipper Kagamaster: Using EPD for the centrality estimation
1. The current centrality calibration approach will use the same two-component Glauber model
and will utilize the codes developed for the isobar data.
2. 19.6 GeV and other data sets:
- Zach (with the help from Ashish) will finish QA for 19.6 GeV and start Glauber simulations.
As soon as the final bad run list and corrected refMult distributions will be finished only the
centrality calibration will be needed.
- Ashik Ikbal will help with QA for 19.6 GeV.
- Xin Zhang, Like Liu, ZuowenLiu, Shuai Zhou will learn and help with centrality for BES-II data sets
3. Grigory will put codes (developed for isobards) into git. Also some technical modifications
may be needed. For example:
- In current StRefMultCorr, there are already functions "isBadRun()" and "passnTofMatchRefmultCut()". However, they are not used automatically, and users have to call them explicitly which could be prone to errors. It will be nice to include these two function calls in getCentralityBin16().
- In passnTofMatchRefmultCut(), there are parameters for pileup rejection. It would be more maintenance friendly to store these parameters in a separate file, like what's done for other parameters.
4. QA for datasets should be discussed at the QA meetings. Centrality team will use files list with runId
(with the loosest cuts) provided from the QA team (members of the centrality team).
5. Final centrality approvals should be done at the centrality meetings after broad discussions.
Date: November 17, 2020
1. Zachary Sweger: Centrality definition for FXT runs
2. Discussions about centrality/event activity in small systems
- Tong Liu: Quark Glauber for small systems
- Shengli Huang: Activity in small systems
Date: November 10, 2020
1. Discussions about centrality/activity in small systems
2. Dan Cebra:Centrality definition for FXT runs (moved to November 17)
Discussions covered the connection between the track multiplicity
in TPC and its correlation to BBC.
Presenters: Tong Liu, Yanfang Liu, Grigory Nigmatkulov
Date: May 19, 2020
Connection details: https://bluejeans.com/201342495
1. Tong Liu: Run 15 pAu centrality study
Date: May 12, 2020
Connection details: https://bluejeans.com/628850241
Discussion on the centrality/activity definition for small systems
For small systems PAs would like to use an "activity" selection. The activity can be defined,
for instance, using forward BBC (inner, outer, or combined) or midrapidity RefMult.
Analyzers from different PWGs will present the status of their ongoing activity (centrality)
definition definition for small systems in the future meetings.
Date: May 5, 2020
Connection details: https://bluejeans.com/381599864
1) Daniel Cebra: Centrality for Au+Au collisions
= 3 GeV
General discussions:
1) Other centrality definitions or using different detectors, like EPD, for centrality definition will
be important and interesting, but not a part of the current analysis. It will be also challenging
to exclude protons from the analysis, since number of pions is about 1/3 of total number of
charged particles.
2) The discrepancy between the Glauber model multiplicity and the measured FXTMult distribution
could arise from the extracted that hardness parameter.
3) Possible non-Glauber approach based on UrQMD will be checked.
4) The Npart and Ncoll parameters will be provided for each centrality bin.
5) FXTMult should be propagated to the PicoDst in order to simplify the calculations.
Date: October 1, 2019
Connection details: https://bluejeans.com/891978085
1) Centrality for isobars (discussion)
2) Zaochen Ye: Centrality for 27 GeV (Run 18)
3) Nick Elsey: Update on centrality for Au+Au at 200 GeV from Run14 (P18ih)
General discussions:
1) StRefMultCorr package maintainer need to redo the centrality definition
for isobars according to the shift in the triggered vertex position (-35,25) cm.
Also it is needed to take into account that ZDC coincidence rate is blinded.
2) Zaochen: Need to add bad run list to the official list and also incorporate
functions that suppress pile-up with what Toshihiro has in the todo list.
Also it was suggested to compare side-by-side the current values for the
centrality definition with the old one.
3) It was stated that the centrality will be redone for the vz (-25,25) cm.
It was also demonstrated that tofMatch cut has influence on small refMult values.
The difference between refMultCorr values for P18ih, P16id and 2011
is likely due to the changes in tracking. TBC after the discussions with S&C.
Date: September 10, 2019
Connection details: https://bluejeans.com/578469454
1) Nicholas Elsey: Centrality definition for Au+Au at 200 GeV from Run14 (P18ih)
2) Yu Hu, Prithwish Tribedy: Pile-up removal strategy in Au+Au at 27 GeV from Run 18 (P19ib)
3) Yiding Han: Update on Au+Au centrality for 27 GeV from run 18
General discussions:
Each group of analysts should also come with the final quantities of centrality
and RefMultCorr values, in order make it possible to compare how different
cuts affect the final quantities. Also it is important to present the fraction
of statistics that left after cuts.
Comments and suggestions to Nick:
1. Try finer Vz binning for the correction
2. Demonstrate the effect of the TofMatch cut on RefMult distribution
3. Demonstrate the effect of the removing |VpdVz - TpcVz| cut on RefMult distribution
4. Compare the RefMultCorr values to previous years
Comments and suggestions to Yu:
Plot the TofMult (TofTrayMult) distribution after applying TofMatch cut.
Going in a reveresed order may be more complicated because TofMult also
reflects detector noise.
Comments and suggestions to Yiding:
Plot similar 1D RefMult distributions for several ranges of Vz (acceptance dependence). For each of the distribution
one should add how RefMult depends on ZdcCoincidence rate (luminosity dependence).
Date: August 27, 2019
Connection details: https://bluejeans.com/282595805
1) Zaochen Ye: Centrality definition for Au+Au 27 GeV Run 18
2) Zach Sweger: Centrality for FXT data sets
Date: July 9, 2019
Connection details: https://bluejeans.com/95042896 4
1) Shaowei Lan: Update on RefMult for Au+Au 54.4 GeV
2) Toshihiro Nonaka: Software update on the StRefMultCorr package
Date: May 14, 2019
Connection details: https://bluejeans.com/963608193
1) Shaowei Lan: RefMult for Au+Au 54.4 GeV
2) Ashish Pandav: RefMult2 for Au+Au 54.4 GeV
3) Toshihiro Nonaka: Software update on the StRefMultCorr package -- Moved to May 21
Date: May 7, 2019
Minutes from the centrality definition for Au+Au 54.4 GeV RefMult presented by Shaowei Lan.
Link to the slides: https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/ST AR/system/files/54GeV_Centrali ty_update.pdf
1) To plot Vy vs. Vx in ranges [-10; 10] cm in order to see the effect of the beam pipe.
Also it was suggested to plot the RefMult distribution for the events with Vr>0.25 cm.
2) PAs propose to use |Vz|<20 cm for the centrality definition for trigger: 580001
It was suggested to show more clear what is the effect for the events with |Vz|>20 cm.
For example, one can plot the ratio of the RefMult (corrected on Vz and luminosity) for
|Vz|>20 cm to that for -1<Vz <1 cm.
Date: April 23, 2019
Minutes from the centrality definition for Au+Au 54.4 GeV RefMult presented by Shaowei Lan.
Link to the slides: https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/SWLan_Centrality.pdf
1) Isn't 3$\sigma$ cut for run QA too hard? May consider to use 4 or 5, instead of 3.
2) For trigger id: 580001 shouldn't one use a tighter Vz cut? For example, |Vz|<30 cm.
3) It was suggested to plot Vr vs. Vz and see where the "ring" on Vy vs. Vx of the primary vertex
distribution is coming from.
Date: April 11, 2019
Minutes from the "Centrality definition for Au+Au 54.4 GeV" meeting
All analyses were presented for minimum-bias triggers: 580001, 580021
General comments:
1) Each presentation should explicitly explain what RefMult2,3,4 are.
Event, particle and PID selection criteria have to be written.
2) When the RefMultN is fitted with: [0]*TMath::Erf(-[1]*(x-[2]))+[0]
It was asked to plot [1] dependence on Vz (similar to [2] vs. Vz as have been presented)
RefMult2 (Ashish Pandav)
Link to the slides: https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/54GeV_centrality_refmult2_new.pdf
slide 4
Do we understand the structure of the Vy vs. Vx?
slide 12
Q: What will be the strategy for the different triggers?
A: Due to the difference of the MaxRefMult vs. Vz for studied trigger IDs, PAs should perform analysis (which uses RefMult2)
separately for each trigger ID using different Vz cut
slides 5-8
Not all pile up events have been removed with the used set of cuts. It was suggested to look at number of TOF-matched tracks,
TOF-tray multiplicity, number of primary vertices (on MuDst, if possible), VpdVz-TpcVz
slide 9
Since the behavior of "Max RefMult2" vs. Vz is unstable, it was suggested to look at <RefMult2> instead.
For reference one can look at previous studies for BES-I:
RefMult3,4 (Debasish Mallick)
Link to the slides: https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/DM_110419_RefMultCorr_54GeV_0.pdf
slide 10
What does bin #11 (for experimental data) represent? Why does it jump up?
Centrality definitions for BES-I (from Alex Schmah and Hiroshi Masui)
Link: https://www.star.bnl.gov/protected/common/common2010/centrality/
Bad run lists for BES-II and FXT:
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
Date: Feb. 18, 2025
1. Vinh: centrality definition summary for FXT 4.5 GeV, O+O and d+Au
Minutes: Vinh will implement these centrality definition into the STAR library and prepare an example macro for the use of RefMult6 and TotNMIP.
Date: Jan. 21, 2025
1. Wei Chen: centrality study on Run19 7.7 GeV FXT
Minutes: Wei will use FXTmult without applying kinematic cuts.
Date: Dec. 17, 2024
1. Dongsheng: centrality study on Run21 3.0 GeV FXT
Date: Dec. 3, 2024
1. Dongsheng: centrality study on Run21 3.0 GeV FXT
Dongsheng will split the dataset into two and treat each separately.
NTOFMatch vs run index shows some outliers, so the bad run list needs to eb revisited.
The purity of true events against pile-up shows a valley at higher fxtmult in the 2D profile as a function of fxtmult and NTOFMatch.
After pile-up rejection, there is still a small tail at high multiplicity.
The fit range for the Glauber fit should be adjusted to (50, 240) to see if it yields a better result.
Date: Nov. 26, 2024
1. Dongsheng: centrality study on Run21 3.0 GeV FXT
Dongsheng will check the time dependence of luminosity and apply the pile-up rejection before the study of luminosity dependence.
The pile-up rejection seems to remove more central events than it should,
and the Glauber fit deviates from the data for very central events.
Dongsheng will also try adjusting the fit range.
Date: Nov. 19, 2024
1. Caleb: centrality study on Run21 3.0 GeV FXT by Junyi and Dongsheng
Caleb showed previous studies by Dongsheng and Junyi, which are slightly differently, presumably due to the luminosity correction.
Until the new data production, we will use Dongsheng's definition.
We encourage Dongsheng to present his analysis to this group.
Date: Oct. 29, 2024
1. Rutik: centrality calibration at 4.5 GeV FXT
1. Rutik presented his new calibration work with the minbias trigger.
2. Caleb will work on Run21 3.0 GeV FXT.
Date: Aug. 13, 2024
1. Caleb: centrality calibration at 3 GeV (2018)
Minutes: Caleb will check Glauber fit with broader fit parameter ranges.
Date: Aug. 6, 2024
1. Rutik: centrality calibration at 4.5 GeV FXT
Minutes: Rutik will double-check the statistics related to the trigger.
Date: Jul. 30, 2024
1. Caleb: centrality calibration at 3 GeV (2018)
Date: Jul. 23, 2024
1. Rutik: centrality calibration at 4.5 GeV FXT
2. Caleb: centrality calibration at 3 GeV (2018)
Date: Apr. 16, 2024
1. Rutik: centrality calibration at 4.5 GeV FXT
Minutes: Rutik will improve the pile-up fit, and check the statistics related to the trigger.
Date: Apr. 9, 2024
1. Zhengxi: dAu
Minutes: Zhengxi increased the lower RefMult bound in the Glauber fit, and the results are improved.
He will send the new parameters together with those for O+O to Vinh.
Date: Apr. 2, 2024
1. Ashish: centrality definition using RefMult3
2. Zhengxi: O+O and dAu
1. At 9.2 GeV, trigger 1 contains 4.2% of total statistics. We will exclude trigger 1.
At 11.5 GeV, Vz>115 cm contains 5.7% events. We keep them and ask the analyzers to use them with caution.
2. Ashish presented the preliminary centrality definition based on RefMult3 and RefMult3X for 7.7 to 27 GeV.
They look good at least for the coming conference. The analyzers will do the full procedure after the meeting.
3. Zhengxi showed that EPD total MIP is needed to further reject pileup/beam events in O+O collisions.
Zhengxi will increase the lower RefMult bound for the Glauber fit.
Date: Mar. 26, 2024
1. Reweighting factors at 9.2 and 11.5 GeV
2. Zhengxi: update on O+O 200 GeV
1. For some edge Vz bins, the RefMult distribution could deviate from the center Vz bin even after the knee correction.
We will keep those Vz bins, and provide a caveat to the analyzers, who will decide for themselves whether to use such Vz.
At 9.2 GeV, we will exclude trigger 1, which forms a small portion (< 5%) of the statistics.
2. Zhengxi will present further study on O+O and d+Au next week.
3. Next week, we will have Yige Huang, Fan Si, Ashish, Bappa and Zhengxi's presentations. Some of them will be shifted to the week after.
Date: Mar. 12, 2024
1. Zhengxi: update on d+Au 200 GeV
1. Zhengxi will try different defininitions of Nch, and better examine the pileup effect.
2. Zhengxi will give another presentation on O+O collisions
3. Vinh will finalize the centrality definitions in the STAR makers for 9.2, 11.5 and 17.3 GeV.
Date: Mar. 5, 2024
1. Zhiwan: update for 11.5 GeV
1. For 3 GeV FXT (Run18), we will for now set the trigger efficiency to unity.
Later, we will find a helper to re-do the centrality definition for this dataset.
2. For 9.2 GeV, the two MB triggers show a little different RefMult distributions.
Since one trigger takes up 95% of events, we will stick to the standard centrality definition based on this large dataset,
and regard the other trigger as a slightly distorted one, and still use the standard centrality definition for it.
3. Zhiwan updated the centrality definition for 11.5 GeV based on the final bad-run list.
We will implement this into the centrality maker.
4. We will contact Shengli about the O+O collisions.
Date: Feb. 13, 2024
1. Zhengxi: update on d+Au 200 GeV
1. Zhengxi will exten the fit range up to 5% centrality in the reweighting factor, and try a better fit function.
2. 4.5 GeV FXT data have another trigger that needs the centrality definition. We will find a helper to do that.
Date: Feb. 6, 2024
1. Emmy: update on 9.2 GeV
2. Zhiwan: update on 11.5 GeV
3. Zhengxi: update on d+Au 200 GeV
1. Emmy finalized the centrality definition for 9.2 GeV. Vinh will contact Emmy for documents and parameters.
2. Zhiwan almost finished the centrality definition for 11.5 GeV. We are waiting for the final QA.
3. Zhengxi will re-do the pile-up rejection check following other people's convention. He will also check the reweighting factor.
Date: Jan. 30, 2024
1. Emmy: update on 9.2 GeV
2. Zhengxi: d+Au N_ch centrality study
1. Emmy will double-check the systematics on Npart and Ncoll
2. Zhengxi will double-check parameters for pile-up rejection: x-axis should be "btofmatch". He will try fixing x=0.15 for the Glauber fit.
Date: Jan. 23, 2024
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Xing Wu: update on 17.3 GeV
Minutes: Xing finished the Glauber fit, and will proceed to the final documentation.
Date: Jan. 16, 2024
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Xing Wu: update on 17.3 GeV
2. Zhiwan: update on 11.5 GeV
3. Emmy: update on 9.2
1. Xing will double-check the eff parameter in the Glauber fit, which is currently 0.
2. Zhiwan showed the event portion of 0<BBCco<700 is 99.23%, and the BBCco dependence of RefMult is very weak. So we decided not to correct for BBCco.
Redefining RefMult with different nHits cut doesn't mitigate the asymmetry of RefMult vs Vz. She applies the vertical reweight for each vz bin to make them all look like the central vz bin.
3. Emmy wil lalso apply thisvertical reweight and then redo the Glauber fit.
Date: Jan. 9, 2024
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Emmy: update on 9.2 GeV
2. Zhiwan: update on 11.5 GeV
3. Takahito: 6.2 GeV FXT
1. Emmy will applythe reweighting o nthe y direction for each Vz bin, and start the Glauber fit.
2. Zhiwan will check the fraction of events in BBCcoincident rate in [0,800], [800, 3000] and beyond.
Rebinning the histogram may give a more clear picture.
She will also check TPC tracking efficiency for eta >0 and eta<0 at one of beam energies.
3. Takahito finished the Glauber fit with updated pile-up rejection.
Date: Jan. 2, 2024
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Xing Wu: update on 17.3 GeV
2. Zhiwan: update on 11.5 GeV
1. Xing fit the inelastic cross section vs log(bem energy), and determined the values for 173 and 9.2 GeV.
She and Emmy wil luse them for the corresponding beam energies.
2. Zhiwan realized that ZDC is not efficient as a trigger at 11.5 GeV, and looked at BBC coincidence rate.
The potential decrease of RefMult at BBCco> 800 needs further investigation.
RefMult vs Vz is not symmetric, and multiple checks are on the way, including the randomizing integer, eta-phi distribution.
Date: Dec. 12, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Emmy Duckworth: update on 9.2 GeV
- Emmy presented results of the acceptance (vz) correction. Next steps will be to apply reweightening procedure and fit Glauber to the data
Date: Dec. 5, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Xing Wu: update on 17.3 GeV
2. Zhiwan Xu: QA for 11.5 GeV
1. Xing will double-check the inelastic cross-section vs beam energy or the logarithm of it. She will also compare Npart and Ncoll between 14, 17 and 19 GeV.
2. There are about 22 days of data for 11.5 GeV that cannot be found. Zhiwan will contact Gene to see if those data are produced.
Date: Nov. 21, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Xing Wu: 17.3 GeV update
2. Emmy: 9.2 centrality calibration
1. Xing showed that the luminosity dependence of multiplicity is flat now, and the knee location correction gives pretty constant results. Xing will move on to fit RefMult with Glauber.
2. Emmy showed different fit ranges for the knee location give similar results. She will check chi2/ndf and use a better fit range to do the correction.
3. Zhiwan found that the run period she used for 11.5 GeV QA was shorter than the real run range. She will re-do the QA based o nthe full run range.
Date: Nov. 14, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Zhiwan: update on 11.5 GeV
Minutes: Zhiwan will try NFS to seee if she can get the full statistics. She will try lowering the upper bound of RefMult for the knee fit.
We decided to use point-by-point correction for the knee instead of a 17th-order polynomial, just like what Zach did for 19.6 GeV.
Date: Nov. 7, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Xing Wu: update on 17.3 GeV
2. Prabhupada: update on bad run list QA for 7.2 GeV
3. Emmy: update on 9.2 GeV
1. Xing showed RefMult vs BBC rate has a positive slope with RefMult > 20 cut. Grigory suggested checking TOFmatched vs BBC rate.
The slope could be smaller for certain region of BBC rate. She could also redefine RefMult with tighter DCA cuts, like 2.5 cm instead of 3 cm.
2. Prabhupada will also present the bad run QA to the QA board.
3. Emmy studied the knee location in the RefMult distribution for different Vz cuts. The fit range need to be adjusted for better fit.
Date: Oct. 31, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Emmy: Update on 9.2 GeV centrality calibration
2. Zhiwan: QA for 11.6 GeV data
1. Vinh updated the tables with Glauber fit parameters for 3.2, 3.5, 3.9, 4.5 GeV using deformed Glauber from Erik.
2. Emmy will move on to the further calibration by separating the two triggers.
At the end of the centrality definition after all corrections, we will decide whether we drop the first trigger or combine them.
The difference should be less than 1%.
3. We will ask Aswini to help Zhiwan to double-check the QA for 11.6 GeV data.
3. We will ask Aswini to help Zhiwan to double-check the QA for 11.6 GeV data.
Date: Oct. 24, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Emmy: Update on 9.2 GeV centrality calibration
2. Xing Wu: Update on 17p3GeV centrality definition
3. Erik: Update on 3.2 GeV, 3.9 GeV (2019), 3.9 GeV (2020), 3.5 GeV, and 4.5 GeV.
1. Emmy still sees the wiggle at low luminocity and will check the time dependence.
2. Xing sees the statistics is reduced to half after the vertex cuts, and will double check that.
She will also check the pileup projecions.
3. Erik finishes the centrality definitions for 5 FXT energies. The next step is to make the official.
Gang will check with the QA group about the bad runs at 3.2 GeV.
Date: Oct. 10, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Update on the centrality calibrations for FXT and collider datasets
2. Emmy: Update on 9.2 GeV centrality calibration
3. Vinh: Centrality parameters for BES-I, BES-II, and FXT
0. Starting this week Gang Wang will be a group manager. Vinh Luong agreed to help maintaining the StRefMultCorr package.
1. Emmy presented the results on the QA for centrality calibration. It was proposed:
- Plot refMult vs. tofMatch for more granular Vz intervals (for example split -145 to 145cm to 5 ranges)
- Plot refMult vs. tofMatch and its projections for different BBCx
2. Vinh presented an updated table of combined results (Glauber fit parameters, Npart, Ncoll) from BES-I, BES-II and FXT data sets
Date: Oct. 3, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Update on the centrality calibrations for FXT and collider datasets
2. Takahito: Centrality calibration for 5.2 GeV
3. Erik: Update on 3.2 and 3.9 GeV
Takahito tested various ranges for the Glauber fit to data and fit range for the trigger inefficiency.
Erik generated Glauber for the deformed Au nucleus and fitted those to the data.
Will check the fits of the Glauber to the data trying to normalize those to 1 in the broad central range of multiplicity
in order to make trigger inefficiency extraction more reliable (i.e. trigger efficiencies should not exceed 100 percent).
Date: Sept. 26, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Update on the centrality calibrations for FXT and collider datasets
1. No updates
Date: Sept. 19, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Update on the centrality calibrations for FXT and collider datasets
2. Takahito: Centrality for 5.2 GeV (FXT)
1. Takahito presented centrality definition for 5.2 GeV using spherical assumption for the gold nucleus as a cross check.
Will check fit range and parameters for the trigger efficiency fits. The final calibration will be provided soon.
Date: Sept. 12, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Update on the centrality calibrations for FXT and collider datasets
2. Vinh: Npart and Ncoll values for FXT, BES-I and BES-II datasets
1. Group discussed ways to proceed with the centrality calibration for FXT datasets. Some will be updated soon.
2. Vinh gathered the values for Npart and Ncoll for FXT, BES-I and BES-II. Will add more info for BES-I.
Date: August 29, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Update on the centrality calibrations for FXT and collider datasets
- Grigory committed the centrality definitions to the fxtCentrality branch and requested a merge to main.
- To call centrality definition for FXT datasets one should instantiate StRefMultCorr as StRefMultCorr("fxtmult")
and then use standard operations related to the pile up rejection, luminosity and other corrections, bar run rejection, etc.
- 3 GeV (Run 18) dataset:
-- PicoDst do not contain FxtMult variable thus one has to calculate it before passing to the StRefMultCorr
-- Trigger efficiency is not in the definition because was lost (TODO: recalculate trigger efficiency)
- Centrality calibrations for 3.2, 3.5, 3.9 Run19 and 3.9 Run20 are done using the spherical (not deformed) Au nucleus assumption
Will be recalculated after QM.
-For the future the group needs to:
-- In addition to the Glauber simulations, upload experimental reference multiplicity (refMult, fxtMult, ...) distribution to the pwg_tasks area
-- Perform calculations and provide numbers for overlapping area, eccentricities, etc. Set those as tables (at least) and implement in the code.
-- Centrality helpers need to add next distributions for the approval procedure:
--- Weight vs. multiplicity; number of events of the given centrality
--- Perform several fits of MC Glauber/Data distribution in order fit not to fall to the local minimum.
Date: August 22, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Update on the centrality calibrations for FXT and collider datasets
Grigory will commit the centrality for the FXT (3, 3.2, 3.5, 3.9 (Run 19), 3.9 (Run 20) and 7.7 GeV) and collider (7.7 and 200 GeV) samples.
Date: August 15, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Emmy: QA and Glauber studies for 7.7 GeV (collider)
3. Vinh: Centrality calibration for 7.7 GeV (FXT)
1. Comments to Emmy:
- It was suggested to look at the fit of the Glauber to the data (the scaling of the one distribution to another was used so far)
2. Comments to Vinh:
- It was suggested to compare the extracted Glauber parameters to both other FXT energies and collider mode
- Currently, the extracted x and npp values are closer to the BES-I collider results than those from BES-II (collider).
- Vinh was asked to take Glauber and real distributions for 7.7 GeV (collider) dataset from Zuowen and cross check
the fits and extracted parameters.
Date: August 8, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
Skipped because of the low attendance.
Date: August 1, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Zuowen: Centrality for 7.7 GeV (collider)
3. Ashish: Centrality for 7.2 GeV FXT (26.5 GeV)
4. Emmy: Centrality for 7.7 GeV (collider)
- Zuowen showed the update about centrality for 7.7 GeV. The extracted Glauber parameters
are different (do not follow the energy trend) from those obtained for higher energies, while
are close to the values retrieved in BES-I. We would like to compare the refMult distributions
from BES-I and BES-II.
- Ashish presented results of the 7.2 GeV centrality QA. Suggestions:
-- Extend fit lines (for fxtMult vs. nBTofMatched) to higher multiplicities
-- Show slices of fxtMult vs. nBTofMatched before and after cuts on +-nsigma
-- The point above is important also for low multiplicity events in order not cut too much statistics.
- Emmy showed the pileup study on the multiplicity distributions. Suggestions:
-- Swap axes -> plot refMult vs. nBTofMatched
-- Fit the distributions obtained for smaller bin slices
-- Compare extracted pileup rejection parameters to those obtained by Zuowen
- The group discussed what deformation should be used for Au nucleus by default (use beta2 and beta4 or not).
Will send the question to the group email and cross check.
Date: July 25, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Emmy: QA for 7.7 GeV (collider)
- Emmy presented QA plots for 7.7 GeV dataset (collider). Suggestions:
-- Plot correlation between number of bTOF- and eTOF-matched tracks and number of
eTOF-matched tracks vs. refMult
-- See eTOF vs refMult for several Vz ranges
Date: July 18, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Zuowen Liu: Centrality for 7.7 GeV dataset (collider)
3. Takahito: Centrality for 5.2 GeV
4. Fan Si: RefMult3 recalculation and pileup 7.7 GeV (collider)
- Zuowen demonstrated centrality calibration for 7.7 GeV. Suggestions:
-- Add Glauber parameters
-- Check integral calculation for centrality bins
-- Compare extracted Glauber parameters to the higher energies (for example, 14.6 GeV)
- Takahito presented results of the centrality categorization for 5.2 GeV FXT. Comments:
-- No differences of fxtMult vs. nBTofMatched on luminosity, vertex displacement in transverse plane and runId
-- Takahito will add a functional form of the pile-up MAX curve and sigma values (for +4 sigma values)
-- Starting 5.2 GeV it seems that we should apply luminosity corrections of fxtMult, those are not negligible
- Fan Si showed the refMult3 definition in picoDst for 7.7 GeV
-- It was shown that refMult3 calculated during the conversion from MuDst to picoDst using StPicoUtilities.hh does
not coincide with that calculated from picoDst manually. One suggestion to check StMuTrack->flag() method
in MuDst.
-- nHitsFit vs. eta for refMult3 looks weird (asymmetric). Suggestion to look at this distribution for all primary tracks.
Problem may be related to the track selection of refMult3.
-- Plot nBTofMatch vs. nBTofGoodBeta
Date: July 11, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Takahito: Centrality for 5.2 GeV FXT
3. Ho-San: RefMult3 for isobars
- QA board finished working on 7.7 GeV collider data. The final bad run list can be found here
- Takahito demonstrated the showed results for 5.2 GeV. Suggestions are:
-- Show fxtMult vs nTofMatched for different runIds and luminosity ranges (for example, ZdcCoincidenceRate)
-- It was suggested to to check the step sizes for Glauber fits
-- Check starting fit range of the Glauber to the data
- Ho-San showed refMult3 for isobars. It was suggested to cross check rounding of mulitplicity numbers when
doing corrections. Group also asked to show a comparison of luminosity dependence correction factors to those
obtained for refMult.
Date: June 20, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Zhengxi Yan: Centrality for O+O collisions based on the TPC multiplicity and EPD MIP calculations
1. Comments to Zhengxi:
- Plot 2D distribution of nBTOFMatch, RefMult and nMipSum vs luminosity
- For the definition based on MIP values it is suggested to take into account Landau fluctuation
2. Iris about the production for 7.7 GeV dataset in collider mode:
- Correct production flags and triggers could be asked from Gene van Buren
Date: June 13, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
Group members discussed the steps of centrality calibration
Date: June 6, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
- Takahito and Iris will help doing centrality calibration for 7.7 GeV (collider).
Date: May 30, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
Erik will upload results of the Glauber simulations to the pwg_tasks area.
Date: May 23, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Emilie Duckworth: Centrality for 9.2 GeV
3. Zhengxi Yan: Update on the centrality for O+O collisions
1. Emmy showed an update for the Au+Au 9.2 GeV dataset. The standard pile-up selection
codes have been used to look at the correlation between refMult and btofMatch.
refMult dependence on BBC coincidence rate shows some weagle at low rates (may depend on the trigger).
Should be crosschecked. TofMatch distribution vs. runId has about 20% drop at the beginning of the
datataking w.r.p. the rest of the runs. Both of the issues should be investigated.
2. The refMult dependence on High Luminosity (HL) events vs. Low Luminosity (LL) and both magnetic
field polarities (RFF and FF) show a bit different dependence. Not clear if that is related
to the trigger efficiency, tracking efficiency or modification of the trigger itself.
nBTofMatch vs. BBC coincidence rate increases with rate. We should look at the comparison of the
actual distributions.
Date: May 16, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Emilie Duckworth: Centrality for 9.2 GeV
- Emilie presented results of the QA for 9.2 GeV. For the luminosity correction is was suggested to look
at the BBC rates in addition to ZDC rates.
Date: May 9, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Ho-San: RefMult3 for isobars
3. Zhengxi: Centrality in O+O collisions
4. Iris: QA for centrality of Au+Au at 7.7 GeV collider mode
1. Ho-San presented results of refMult3 centrality definition for isobar collisions.
Suggestions are:
- add definition of refMult3 (probably discuss how to effectively identify (anti)protons)
- show the fit parameters for the luminosity correction
- cross check the vz correction (point-by-point ration to the one at the center of TPC)
- add shape correction
- cross check integration for centrality calculation
2. Zhengxi presented results of the centrality for official production of O+O collisions
Suggestions are:
- <refMult> vs. luminosity: the growth of the <refMult> with luminosity after the pileup removal procedure is puzzling.
- vertex (acceptance) correction: it is suggested to used symmetric w.r.t. the center of TPC the most central Vz bin
- shape correction should be applied. Not clear if low and high luminosity data could be normalized (to low luminosity).
- Ratio of reference multiplicity distributions should be added (also for high/low lumi)
3. Iris showed first results for 7.7 GeV collider mode. Will use the official bad run list for the dataset
to study the luminosity and pile-up effects.
Date: May 2, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Erik Loyd: Centrality for 4.5 GeV and 3.9 GeV (2020)
1. Erik preseneted results of the centrality for 4.5 GeV. Results of the pileup correction
seems to be reasonable. Luminosity correction has not been done yet. However,
similar to the previous FXT data it (luminosity corrections) is expected to be ignored.
2. The 3.9 GeV data from 2020 after adding one more bad run to the list and complete rerun
seems to be close to the 2019.
Date: April 25, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
Dan will finish the final bad runlists by Friday.
Date: April 18, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Zuowen Liu: Centrality for 7.7 GeV (collider)
1) Dan will cross check bad runs for the FXT datasets
2) Zuowen presented Glauber calculations and centrality parameters for 7.7 GeV (collider) data.
It was suggested to show the comparison of results with the parameters from BES-I.
3) Grigory will create a branch with the centrality parameters for FXT
2) Zuowen presented Glauber calculations and centrality parameters for 7.7 GeV (collider) data.
It was suggested to show the comparison of results with the parameters from BES-I.
3) Grigory will create a branch with the centrality parameters for FXT
Date: April 11, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Zuowen Liu: Centrality for 7.7 GeV (collider)
3. Ishu Aggarwal: Centrality study in d+Au 200 GeV Run16
1) Run21 Au+Au 7.7 GeV COL
- Finished vz dependent correction and shape correction
- Next step is to run Glauber simulation
- Might need to update the results once the bad run list is finalized. Currently, preliminary bad runs are used.
2) Run16 d+Au 200 GeV
- The Glauber simulation is done using PHOBOS code
- Suggest to check the official code on how the uncertainties are evaluated. Currently, the uncertainties for peripheral collisions are significantly smaller than those of Au+Au collisions, which is counter-intuitive.
- Suggest to check previous STAR results on d+Au to see if <Ncoll>, <Npart> values and uncertainties are comparable
- Prepare detailed slides for all the steps
3) FXT
- Erik will work on the centrality for Run20 4.5 GeV next
- Dan will re-visit the bad runs for FXT datasets, and present at this Friday's QA board meeting
Date: April 4, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Zuowen: Pileup and luminosity corrections for 7.7 GeV
3. Erik Loyd: Centraltiy for 3.5 GeV FXT
4. Ishu Aggarwal: 2016 200 GeV d+Au
5. Zhengxi Yan: 2021 200 GeV O+O
a) Erik Loyd: 2020 3.5 GeV FXT
- Analysis is mostly done. Once the luminosity dependence is checked and the bad run list is finalized, Erik will send out the detailed slides of the study, which we can declare as final.
b) Dan will join the QA board meeting this Friday, and present the final bad run lists for FTX datasets.
c) Zuowen Liu: 2021 7.7 GeV COL
- There are still substantial contaminations at low RefMult after pileup rejection and vr < 2 cm cut, which grows with luminosity. Anyone who wants to analyze those low RefMult events for all BES-II COL datasets need to carry out additional studies to further reject them and study their impacts.
- With the RefMult > 20 cut, the luminosity dependence is negligible. The conclusion is that no luminosity dependent correction is needed.
- The next step is to carry out vz dependence study.
d) Ishu Aggarwal: 2016 200 GeV d+Au
- Will show the results of normalizing Glauber simulation to data by fitting above Nch > 15. It was stated that this fit generated significantly worse chi2/NDF.
- The error bars on Ncoll and Npart values seem too small. Need to look into it.
- In all centrality bins, Npart values are slightly larger than Ncoll, while in a PHENIX publication (Phys. Rev. C 90, 034902) Ncoll is slightly larger than Npart in 0-5% central events. Maybe it is all consistent within uncertainties, but still worth double checking.
e) Zhengxi Yan: 2021 200 GeV O+O
- Initial studies showed that different model inputs to Glauber do not have a significant impact on the results.
- It was brought up that event-by-event fluctuations in tracking efficiency might have a bigger impact on the event classification than that in larger collision systems like Au+Au.
- For official centrality calibration, one needs to use the official production and determine the bad run list.
Date: March 28, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Zuowen Liu: Pileup rejection and luminosity correction for 7.7 GeV
3. Ishu Aggarwal: Centrality study of d+Au 200 GeV Run16
- Zuowen presented the results of pileup and luminosity correction. Fits of RefMult vs nBTofMatch
fail for some Vz ranges. It was suggested to contact Yu Hu and Prithwish Tribedy for fix the fit issues.
Also it was suggested to check <refMult> vs. BbcCoincidenceRate in addition to ZdcCoincidenceRate
because neutrons to not fly to ZDC at such low collision energies.
- Ishu presented an update on centrality calculation for d+Au. Next suggestions were made:
- Cross check that refMult plots after shape correction are consistent with the label (currently plots seem to be different)
- Write what what range was used to fit the Glauber distributions to data
- Add calculation of total cross section variation (\pm 5%) to the systematic uncertainty
- Add more information about each step of the analysis and prepare the final detailed presentation
with all steps done for the future analyzers.
Date: March 21, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
- Zuowen and Chenliang will start work on Run21 7.7 GeV centrality calibration with a preliminary list of bad runs.
- Chenliang will discuss the bad run determination at the QA board meeting, and see what's needed to finalize it.
- Rongrong will inform the conveners that we need to finish 9.2 and 11.5 GeV centrality calibrations, ideally before QM abstract submission.
Date: March 14, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
We had a short meeting. Erik told that he is working on 3.9 GeV dataset.
Date: March 7, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Ishu: Update on centrality for d+Au collisions at 200 GeV
Ishu presented an update of the centrality calculation for 200 GeV d+Au collisions.
It was suggested to compare shapes of the multiplicity distributions obtained for each
Vz window. Currently, it seems that acceptance correction made the distributions worse
(less similar to each other) as compared to those before the correction.
Date: February 21, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Erik Loyd: Centrality for 3.9 GeV (FXT) from year 2020
3. Te-Chuan: Centrality for isobars with broad Vz cuts
- Erik showed an updated for 3.9 GeV (FXT) dataset. It includes luminosity check (the correction will not be used due to the stable
work). The results seems very consistent and pretty close to the final. The suggestion is to cross check
with the fit of the Glauber to the data in the range of fxtMult from 100 to 500 (similar to the data from year 2019).
- Te-Chuan presented the first results of the centrality calibration for collisions of isobars within a broad Vz (vpd-mon trigger).
Suggestions: a) for luminosity correction check the same Vz range; in principle, the slope of the multiplicity as a function
of ZdcCoincidenceRate should be same (similar); b) follow the same procedures for acceptance and shape corrections
that were used for isobars and BES-II datasets; c) see the fit of the Glauber to the data from Haojie and official isobar
centrality calibration for the consistency check with the Glauber parameters and fits.
- Zach and Grigory will: a) publish instructions for the centrality calibration; b) will try to implement recent calibrations
withing a short period of time.
- Next meeting will be skipped due to the collaboration meeting.
Date: February 14, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Ishu: Update on d+Au 200 GeV centrality
- Ishu presented results based on the multiplicity defined as in the small system flow paper. Analysis
takes into account luminosity and acceptance (Vz) dependence of muliplicity. It was suggested to follow
the standard procedure of acceptance correction - normalization to the most central Vz bin. It was also suggested
to perform shape correction after the acceptance one. Glauber simulations desribe multiplicity distribution well
but one should also add bin (from experiment) with 0 multiplicity (otherwise the cross section may be off the real value).
From the StRefMultCorr point of view, it was suggest to define 9 centrality bins. However, one should be very careful
with the physical meaning due to the bad centrality resolution in small systems.
Date: February 7, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Ishu: Update on the d+Au 200 GeV centrality calibration
1) Ishu showed a results of the luminosity and acceptance corrections on multiplicity values (defined in the same way
as in the Shengli's small system flow paper).
- It was suggested to convert multiplicity variable to float (in same way as it is done in the StRefMultCorr package) in order to avoid rounding problems.
- From the comparison of the MC Glauber calculations to the data, the three centrality classes have been selected 0-20, 20-40, 40-100%.
It is suggested to cross check how this selection of classes in multiplicity will be translated to selections in Npart, Ncoll and impact parameter (b),
and vice versa.
Date: January 31, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
- The group discussed the updates of the StRefMultCorr with the new FXT and 200 GeV runs.
Zach and Grigory will follow up on this.
- Eric: 3.9 GeV (FXT) are assummed to prefinal.
Date: January 24, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
- Group discussed the way to proceed with shape corrections for Au+Au 200 GeV. Takahito will calculate values
to Grigory and Zach to add to the StRefMultCorr
- Grigory will work on adding Centrality codes to the StRoot
Date: January 17, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Takahito: Update on the centrality definition for 200 GeV
3. Eric: Run19 3.9 GeV FXT
1) Takahito presented updates regarding the Run19 200 GeV centrality calibration
- The RefMult distributions up to |vz| ~ 100 cm are consistent with that for |vz| < 5 cm within statistical errors, and therefore concluded that no shape corrections are needed
- Switched to use data for determining RefMult cuts for 0-20%
- Dan will take a look at the run QA done by Takahito. Once the bad run list is finalized, we can upload the parameters for Run19 200 GeV data to StRefMultCorr.
2) Eric discussed about Run19 3.9 GeV FXT data
- Eric further checked the code, and did not find any obvious issues in the scaling between Glauber and real data distributions. It could just be a plotting issue as everything else looks OK. All the steps have been done for the centrality calibration.- It was also realized that Erik analyzed the data twice in obtaining the RefMult distribution. While this is not ideal, it should not affect the calibration parameters. No plan to reanalyze the data.
Date: January 10, 2023
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. News from the QA board
2. Weiguang Yuan: EPD centrality analysis in Run19 Au+Au 19.6 GeV
3. Takahito Todoroki: Centrality for Au+Au 200 GeV Run 19
4. Erik Loyd: Centrality for 3.9 GeV
- Bad run lists are finished for the FXT energies and Au+Au 200 GeV Run19 is in progress.
- EPD multiplicities should be checked for the dependence on luminosity and Vz position.
For pt distributions |eta| cut should be tighter.
- Centrality calibration for 200 GeV is almost finised. Shape correction needs to be applied (a.k.a. weight).
Date: December 20, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Eric Loyd: Centrality for 3.9 GeV dataset
2. Ding Chen: Luminosity check for 3.9 GeV dataset
3. Takahito Todoroki: Centrality for 200 GeV Run 19
- Eric presented results for the fxtMult calibration, include pileup rejection criteria. The MC Glauber distribution
seems not to describe the expreimental curve. Suggestion to crosscheck normalization (fit) region of fxtMult.
- Ding presented luminosity dependence (east ZDC vs. east BBC rates) and its run-by-run dependence.
According to the shift log, dependence changes the slope due to the beam tuning. Will look closely into that issue.
- Takahito presented the first look at the calibration (luminosity, Vz, and shape) of the refMult distribution as well
as MC Glauber calculations and fit to the experimental data. Will look at the corrections closely since those have
been changes after 2014.
- The group discussed normalization issue (Glauber multiplicity fit to the data) observed at 3.9 GeV. Suggestion is
to cross check the parameters of the chi2 calculation (bin-by-bin), check how the shifting the fitting range edges
will affect the fit, and cross check if the fit was good but the renormalization of the Glauber
distribution failed (because of some glitch)
Date: December 6, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. QA status
2. Ishu Aggarwal: Centrality dependence in d+Au collisions at 200 GeV
3. Ding Chen: Luminosity dependence of RefMult in Au+Au collisions at 3.9 GeV (7.3 GeV FXT).
- Ishu presented multiplicity (definition based on Shengli's cuts) dependence on multiplicity.
All multiplicity definitions should be gathered together. Next step will be to perform luminosity correction.
- Ding demonstrated that luminosity dependence may occur due to the beam tuning during for
various runIds (according to shift log). Will continue digging the problem out.
All multiplicity definitions should be gathered together. Next step will be to perform luminosity correction.
- Ding demonstrated that luminosity dependence may occur due to the beam tuning during for
various runIds (according to shift log). Will continue digging the problem out.
Date: November 29, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. QA status
2. Zach: Centrality update
3. Rosi: Discussion on EPD ussage for centrality calibration
4. Ding: Luminosity check of FXT Au+Au collision at 3.9 (7.3) GeV
- Zach:
- Check the track quality cuts applied on FXTMult
- Proposed a set of cuts to select charged particles for centrality definition that is suitable for proton fluctuation
measurement at FXT energies. The main idea is to reject protons in the multiplicity based on nSigmaP variable,
whose mean and width are seen to deviate from 0 and 1, and depend on momentum.
measurement at FXT energies. The main idea is to reject protons in the multiplicity based on nSigmaP variable,
whose mean and width are seen to deviate from 0 and 1, and depend on momentum.
- An alternative set of cuts was proposed by another analyzer. Will discuss within the CF PWG to determine the final cuts.
- Rosi:
- Discussed a procedure to define EPD centrality, i.e. match the number of events in each centrality bin to that
based on RefMult. One can use the same event weights based on RefMult to account for trigger efficiency.
based on RefMult. One can use the same event weights based on RefMult to account for trigger efficiency.
Date: November 22, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. QA status
2. Rosi Reed: Discussion on EPD usage for centrality
3. Ishu Aggarwal: Update on d+Au 200 GeV centrality
1. Rosi presented the current status of the EPD usage for centrality calibration.
New teams will take the knowledge and the codes developed for centrality calibration (with some modifications)
to the official repository.
2. Ishu presented an update on centrality for d+Au collisions. The main concern is about the treatment of pile-up.
One of the suggestions is to use embedding sample to estimate how the developed cuts affect the
multiplicity distributions.
Date: November 15, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. QA status
2. Discussion on EPD usage for centrality (postponed for 1 week)
3. Current status of activities
- Dan has almost finished review of bad runs for the FXT datasets.
Date: November 8, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. QA status
2. Discussion on nucleon-nucleon cross section for low-energy nuclear collisions
No QA board meeting last week. Dan will try to finish bad run list assesment by this Friday.
Discussion about nucleon-nucleon cross sections:
- Regge-based models work above 5 GeV
- Interpolate between points in the range from 2 to 10-15 GeV may be a better option
as compared to the fit function. Or fit only low energy region.
- In the low energy collisions, elasticly scattered nucleons may loose a lot of energy and then
interact with other nucleons. Due to that fact, in the next interaction the center of mass energy
will be much lower, where the cross sections are larger.
- One could look at pp, np cross sections and see whether these give comparable values.
Date: November 1, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. QA status
2. Centrality for FXT datasets and upcoming productions
- Dan will finalize bad run lists for FXT datasets (already QAed)
- Rongrong and Grigory will contact people to about QA and centrality calibration for Au+Au 200 GeV Run19
- Grigory will invite Wlodek Guryn to the next meeting to discuss nucleon-nucleon cross section
at low collision energies
Date: October 25, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. QA status
2. Centrality for FXT datasets and upcoming productions
3. Ishu: Centrality for d+Au 200 GeV
4. Ding: Luminosity check for 7.3 (3.9) GeV FXT 2019 dataset
- All FXT datasets have been QAed. Glauber calculations should be started for new datasets.
- Will contact individuals about the status for the QA and Glauber simulations for new datasets
- Ishu presented update on the refMult distributions/definitions depending on the track cuts which suppress
pileup tracks. Three cases have been presented. The group should decide what to choose for
centrality variable. Suggestions:
-- Repeat the excersize with global tracks
-- Look at the efficiency as a function of ZDC rate (look at the embedding, for example single pion efficiency)
-- Run Hijing or Pythia simulation with and without pileup to check how selection criteria cut piileup-tracks
-- Perform fit of the DCA distributions for the TOF-matched tracks and then use it as a template for tracks that are
obtained in cases A and B (when refMult is does not require TOF matching)
-- Check correlation between different refMult definitions
- Ding presented FXTMult dependence on east BBC and ZDC rates. There is a correlation between ZDC and BBC rates
that may depend on the fills (fill-by-fill dependence).
Date: October 18, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. QA status
2. Discussion: Centrality for low-energy collisions (not two-component Glauber model)
3. Ishu: Update on centrality for d+Au 200 GeV
- QA board: 7.7 GeV (collider) were discussed. Not same runs were found and marked as bad when
different analysts ran the codes. Most of FXT datasets have already been QAed. People wait new datasets
for QA.
- Centrality for low-energy collisions:
- Glauber model provides reasonable estimation for centrality bins
- Glauber model may provide incorrect estimation for Npart and Ncoll
Date: October 11, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. QA status
2. Discussion: Centrality for low-energy collisions (not two-component Glauber)
3. Discussion: Progress on centrality determination using EPD
4. Ishu:Centrality study in d+Au 200 GeV Run 16
- There was no QA board meeting last week.
- Items 2 and 3 are postponed for the next weeks
- Ishu presented refMult vs. ZdcCoincidence rate. It was shown that looking at primary tracks
with wider (|eta|<1) cut makes the dependence to decrease with ZdcRate. Suggestions are to look:
-- Vary |eta| range
-- Vary dca cuts
-- Look at refMult for TofMatched tracks only
-- Look at the correlation between refMult and event activity in Au-going direction in BBC and ZDC
Date: October 4, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. QA status
2. Eric: Centrality for 3.2 GeV
3. Zach: 1% centrality bins for isobars
- Next week the group will discuss more complicated centrality calibration (not two-component Glauber)
- Also how to use EPD for centrality
Date: September 27, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. David: Multiplicity in p+Au
2. Ishu: Centrality in d+Au
Date: September 20, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Ishu: Update on centrality selection in d+Au 200 GeV
2. Zach: Cross section for FXT energies
- Removed bad runs from small system flow paper, and events without negatively charged tracks. Resulting <RefMult> still increases with ZDC rate, which is likely due to pileup contribution. The suggestion is to check the number of TOF matched tracks vs. ZDC rate, in order to remove pileup tracks.
- For events without negative tracks, will plot RunId and <RefMult> vs. ZDC rate distributions to see if we can understand these events better.
- Suggest to use +/- 1 mb as the uncertainty on NN cross section for all FXT energies below 7.7 GeV, which is also used for BES-II collider energies. This +/- 1 mb is quite conservative, and larger than the variations seen when changing the fitting range. The conclusion is that this rather conservative estimate is OK since the NN cross section uncertainty is not the dominant one in centrality determination.
- Check the error on the fit function for elastic cross section vs. collision energy, where one sees that many data points have large error bars.
Date: September 6, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Zach: Elastic and inelastic NN cross section
- Zach fitted XSec values in a broader range. Will vary a bit more but those listed on slide 7 should be used
for the initial Glauber calculations. The uncertainties on the fits should be revisited.
Date: August 30, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Dan: Update from the Q&A board
2. Eric: Centrality for 3.2 GeV
3. Ishu: d+Au 200 GeV centrality study (run 16)
4. Zach: Cross sections for FXT runs
- Daniel cross checked bad run list for FXT runs. There is some issue with run counting (from run control and QA teams; about couple of runs
for each energy). A small bug was found in QA. Eugenia will go trhough energies again.
- Ishu presented distributions after the QA for d+Au. One of the mistery is the increasing <refMult> vs. zdcCoincidenceRate.
Suggestions are: plot zdcCoincidenceRate vs runId, signed DCA vs runId
- Zach brought up that different physics groups use different cross sections for calculating centrality.
There is a proposal to use values (fitted as a function of energy) from PDG for datasets.
- Eric will use cross section number from Zach for 3.2 GeV and rerun Glauber. Then will refit Glauber to the data.
- Currently, 1M Glauber events takes ~5GB disk space. The idea is to store Glauber calclulations for BES-II and FXT (about 16 energies)
somewhere in a public place. For example at pwg_tasks area. Grigory will follow up with Rongrong.
- Grigory will present the status of the centrality grup at the collaboration meeting. Will try to prepare
slides by next meeting.
Date: August 23, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Dan: Update from the Q&A board
2. Eric: Centrality for 3.2 GeV
Date: August 16, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
0. Dan: Update from the Q&A board
1. Grigory: Trigger efficiency values for 14.6 GeV
2. Eric: Centrality for 3.2 GeV
- Grigory refitted the MC/refMultCorr values for 14.6 GeV to obtain trigger efficiency correction factors
using to fit ranges [6,164] and [4,164]. The latter provides results that are closer to the fit values
obtained for the previous analyses.
- Eric presented results for 3.2 GeV centrality calibration. Next step will be to demonstrate the Glauber and fxtMult on the same plot.
Also it the ratio of MC/Experiment (fxtMult) should be plotted and used to extract trigger efficiency.
The group will need to thing about to calculate centrality values (use experimental data for 0-20% central collisions
and then Glauber when defining centrality classes OR only Glauber) because of descrepancy between data and MC for the central collisions.
Date: August 9, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Shuai: Finalization of centrality definition and systematic uncertainty for 14.6 GeV.
2. Eric: Centrality for 3.2 GeV
- Shuai presented update of the trigger efficiency values as well as final systematic uncertainties for Npart and Ncoll.
Grigory will add those to the StRefMultCorr.
- Dan will ask Eric to prepare the updated for the 3.2 GeV.
Date: August 2, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Shuai: Finalization of centrality definition for 14.6 GeV.
2. Eric: Centrality for 3.2 GeV
- Shuai calculated systematic uncertainty values for 3.2 GeV. We need to round the numbers to integers
and send it to the group and Rongrong. Also we need to get trigger efficiency for the final commit.
- Eric will gather all information for 3.2 GeV.
- A large fraction of (FXT) datasets cannot be reached by analysts due to the 3011 error.
- Yevheniia produced preliminary bad run lists for all FXT datasets (that are available). Dan will
revisit it and crosscheck.
Date: July 26, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Eric: Centrality for 3.2 GeV
2. Centrality for 14.6 GeV
Grigory will work on adopting 14.6 GeV centrality values to StRefMultCorr.
Date: July 19, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Codes for the QA, calibrations and centrality calculation.
2. Shuai: Update for 14.6 GeV
3. Eric: Centrality bins for 3.2 GeV
1. Dan: QA board keeps code development. Authors also work on the documentation.
2. Shuai presented multiplicity bins for the standard 16 centrality classes. Grigory will
start updating the StRefMultCorr code. Dan will cross-check bad run list.
Shaui will calculate the Npart and Ncoll for the centrality bins and the systematic undertainties.
3. Dan will ask Eric to gather the centrality calibration for 3.2 GeV for the review.
4. Dan will ask Zach if it possible to calculate centrality for isobars with 1% centrality classes.
5. Grigory will update the slides for the isobar centrality definition.
Date: July 12, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Shuai: Update for 14.6 GeV
2. Eric: Centrality for 3.2 GeV
3. Codes for the QA, calibrations and centrality calculation.
1. Shuai presented results for all Vz corrections: position and shape.
The first fit of the MC Glauber to the data looks good. Shuai will proceed
and will peform centrality binning. Also we should gather all step for the 14.6 GeV
in order to prepare information for the StRefMultCorr update.
2. Eric will work on the Glauber fits to the data for 3.2 GeV.
Date: July 5, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Shuai: Update for 14.6 GeV
2. Zach: Npart, Ncoll and systematics for 19.6 GeV (final centrality calibration with sys. uncrt.)
3. Codes for the QA, calibrations and centrality calculation.
Date: June 28, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Shuai: Update for 14.6 GeV
2. Zach: Npart, Ncoll and systematics for 19.6 GeV
3. Codes for the QA, calibrations and centrality calculation.
Date: June 21, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Shuai: Update for 14.6 GeV
2. Zach: Npart, Ncoll and systematics for 19.6 GeV
- Shai presented results of the Vz and shape corrections. The question is why the refMult high-end point distribution
after the Vz correction is not flat if each Vz bin was corrected to the center Vz bin.
- Zach demostrated Npart, Ncoll and systematics on those for 19.6 GeV. Question for the discussion -
should we use cross section variation for the systematics? Will discuss next week and should take final decision.
Date: June 14, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Centrality for 3.2 and 14.6 GeV
2. Tsang: Question about centrality weight
- Shuai presented results of the Vz correction for refMult at 14.6 GeV. Next step will be to cross check the latest bad run list
and perform shape correction.
- Tsang presented retrieved weighs. The question why weights have a large spread for the central (0-5% centrality) collisions.
The reason is that shape correction also affects the value and due to the finite statistics for the ultracentral collisions
those refMult bins have large fluctuations. Suggetion: in case of the selection of ultracentral collisions one should not
rely on the refMult variable.
Date: June 7, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Centrality for 3.2 and 14.6 GeV
2. News from the QA board
- Shuai presented update of 14.6 GeV with the latest bad run lists. refMult distributions
after the pileup rejetion and luminosity corrections look good. Next step will be to
look at the Vz dependence of refMult.
- Dan will talk to Zach about systematic uncertainty for the Npart and Ncoll at 19.6 GeV.
Need to understand if possible to get for SQM that starts next week.
- A person to perform QA for new 200 GeV Au+Au dataset was found.
- Automated QA algorithm will be revisited soon (with Prithwish and Yu).
- Erik presented results on Glauber fitting for 3.2 GeV. There should be a crosscheck
with Zack's FxtMult3 (when only pions are used) about which x,k and d values are used.
Date: May 31, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Eric Loyd: 3.2 GeV FXT centrality
2. News from the QA board
- Eric showed results for 3.2 GeV Glauber results. Eric will work on the plot that compares experimental FxtMult distribution
to the one obtained from the Glauber. It was mentioned that it is important to remember that the npp, k, x values could be compared
with those obtained for the datasets with iTPC. Also tracking efficiency parameter may be different from the one from collider
data because of physics (for instance, because of spectator nucleons included in FxtMult).
Also e_eff should be also released and FxtMult should be refitted to have a better matching between the two.
- Dan has passed the updated bad run list for 14.6 GeV to Rongrong. The QA should be redone for the dataset.
- Automated QA algorithm should be adjusted and QA team agreed on finding a person to help on that.
Date: May 24, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Shuai Zhou: Vz and shape corrections for 14.6 GeV.
2. News from the QA board
- It seems that there is a sharp drop of the high-end point distribution for large and small vz values.
Probably one should double check the fit range of refMult distribution for each Vz interval.
For example one could fit in the range from 260 to 400 and check whether the ranges should change
with Vz.
- Where to keep PWGTools will be discussed at the next S&C meeting.
Date: May 17, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Recap of 3.2 and 14.6 GeV datasets
2. Centrality for the new datasets
- Shuai need to finalize the Vz (check stability of the refMult fit when calculating the high-end point values
for different vertex positions along z axis) and shape corrections for 14.6 GeV.
- Shuai will work on the Glauber simulations for 14.6 GeV, while Eric Loyd and Ding Chen will
look at the 3.2 GeV. Zach may help working on it.
- QA board meeting should happen this Fri. (May 20) where automated
algorithm should be discussed.
- Need to finalize bad run lists for the 3.2 and 14.6 GeV datasets.
Date: May 10, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Recap of 3.2 and 14.6 GeV datasets
2. Centrality for the new datasets
- Erik: currently running Glauber model for 3.2 GeV
- Shuai: checked <RefMult> vs. ZDC in 14.6 GeV. It was suggested to: i) zoom in the <RefMult> vs. ZDC plot such that one can see the details; ii) fit <RefMult> vs. ZDC after correction to double check the procedure
- Dan: aim to finalize bad run lists for 14.6 GeV (COL) and 3.2 GeV (FXT) by Friday next week
- Zach: will work on systematic uncertainties of Ncoll and Npart values in 19.6 GeV Date: May 3, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Recap of 3.2 and 14.6 GeV datasets
2. Centrality for the new datasets
- Dan denonstrated that the automated algorithm had an issue in <phi> when two RDOs were out for a couple of days.
The runs at the beginning and the end of THE period of time are marked as bad but some in the middle are not.
Those should be always either be marked as "bad" or "good". Same is seen on the <eta> distributions.
Should be revisited by the QA group.
- Priyanshi showed the QA plots. It was demonstrated that refMult>20 partially fixes the <refMult> dependence on runId.
The QA codes should be revisited following the first item.
Date: April 26, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Eric Loyd: Pileup rejection for 4.59 GeV (3.2 GeV) dataset.
2. Shuai Zhou: Luminosity correction for 14.6 GeV
3. Centrality for the new datasets
1. Eric presented a recap of the pileup rejection for 3.2 GeV. # of rejected events on the level of 5%
2. Shuai demonstrated <refMult> vs. RunId has some bad runs (without refMult>20) for 14.6 GeV. The bad run lists from
Ashik and Li-Ke have been already rejected. Priyanshi will cross check it with adding refMult>20 cut.
The group should also invite Ashik and Li-Ke to update the QA status for 14.6 GeV dataset.
3. The group, PAC and PWG conveners will work on assigning (searching for volunteers) for new FXT and collider
Date: April 19, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. QA for the new datasets
2. Centrality for the new datasets
- The group will try to revisit results for 14.6 GeV and 3.2 GeV datasets (QA, bad run lists, pileup rejection, centrality, etc) next week.
- We need to identify helpers who will start working on the QA for new datasets.
Date: April 12, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Pileup correction for 3.2 GeV
2. Luminosity correction for 14.6 GeV
Dan will look at the bad run lists and QA for 14.6 GeV dataset.
Date: April 5, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Eric Loyd: Pileup correction for 3.2 GeV
2. Shuai Zhou: Luminosity correction for 14.6 GeV
1. Eric presented results of FxtMult vs. nBTofMatch correlation for several multiplicity ranges.
Results look correct. Suggestion is to collect everything in the slides, list the cuts
and estimate fraction (amount) of events that will be removed.
2. Shuai presented results for luminosity study (<refMult> vs. ZdcCoincidenceRate). There are
several points at large ZdcCoincidenceRate that pull down the fit to the dependence.
It is suggested to look at the dependence (and fit it) in the range from 0-700 Hz, where most of
the events were taken.
Date: March 29, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. QA for 3.2 GeV and 14.6 GeV
2. Luminosity and centrality definition for 3.2 and 14.6 GeV
Most of the analists are calculating the quantities. Will report over the week or at the next meeting.
Date: March 22, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Eric Loyd: Pileup studies for 3.2 GeV
2. Shuai Zhou: Pileup and luminosity dependence of multiplicity at 14.6 GeV
3. Ding Chen: Luminosity dependence of multiplicity at 3.2 GeV
0. For 14.6 GeV dataset Dan will look at the bad run list and should confirm it.
1. Eric presented results of studies of FxtMult vs. nBTofMatch for 3.2 GeV. It was suggested
to take a careful look at all regions of FxtMult, especially at large values where pileup is more pronounced.
2. The pileup correction may be vz-dependent. The used vz regions are the same as in the previous 19.6 GeV
studies. For the luminosity correction studies (<refMult> vs. zdcCoinicindenceRate) two methods
of calculating <refMult> have been used (refMult that comes from picoDst and accounting on those where refMult>20).
Fit to the dependence got broken due to singe values that drop of the main trend.
Those values should be removed.
3.Correlation between BBC and ZDC coincidence rates have been demonstrated. Multiple correlations have been
observed. Should be revisited after removing bad runs. If will not disappear we will need to discuss
the origins and possible corrections.
Date: March 15, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Ding: QA for 3.2 GeV
2. Eric: Pileup rejection for 3.2 GeV
3. Grigory: StRefMultCorr for 19.6 GeV and trigger efficiency calculations for isobars
- Ding presented results for 3.2 GeV: <FxtMult> vs ZDC east, BBC east. The last one seems to be quite flat
as a function of luminosity. It was suggested to look at the correlation between ZDC east and BBC east for
several <FxtMult> ranges to address the "bump" in ZDC rate in the region of 500-600 Hz.
The calculation have been performed for the minimum-bias trigger (680001).
It was suggested to contact Rosi about estimation of Epd east rate.
- Eric showed results for the correlation between FxtMult and BTofMatched. Automated algorithm developed
for isobars fails on fitting the distribution correctly. It was suggested to look at correlations (slices) and fit those
manually in order to address the issue.
- Grigory updated the StRefMultCorr for 19.6 GeV and trigger efficiency calculations for isobars. Current version of the codes
are stored in git (official STAR code repository: https://github.com/star-bnl/star-sw) in the RefMultCorrIsobarTrigEff branch.
Will provide instructions how to get those correctly/
Date: March 8, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Ashik/Li-Ke: Bad run QA
2. Ding: QA for 3.2 GeV
3. Grigory: Update of the StRefMultCorr
- Ding presented QA report for 3.2 GeV for HLTgood trigger. The "bump" in the <FxtMult> as a function of ZdcEast rate was observed.
It was suggested to look at minimum-bias trigger instead of HLTgood.
- Grigory is working on the update of StRefMultCorr to incorporate centrality for 19.6 GeV and trigger efficiency for isobars.
Date: March 1, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Ashik/Li-Ke: QA codes and status
2. Haojie: Refined centrality definition in isobars
- LiKe presented results for QA of 14.6 GeV and 3.2 GeV datasets. For 14.6 GeV it should be
discussed (at the QA board meeting) if <refMult> > 20 cut should be used for the QA.
For 3.2 GeV there two different versions of the QA codes. One finds 2 runs with small statistics
and marks those as bad while the automated algorithm does not see it. Should be discussed
within the QA board.
- Haojie presented the results of the centrality calibration for isobars: QA, luminosity,
vz and shape correction. The idea is that Purdue/Huzou group will use this definition for
the nuclear structure measurements. The definition will not be the official one.
Date: February 8, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Ashik/Li-Ke: QA codes and status
2. Zach: Centrality definition for 19.6 GeV
Date: February 1, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Ashik/Li-Ke: QA codes and status
2. Zach: Centrality definition for 19.6 GeV
- Dan will finish bad runs for 14.6 GeV by Friday. The first QA meeting for 3.2 GeV happen last week.
Analyzers are waiting for the codes from Li-Ke.
- Zach's and Zuowen's results of Glauber fits to the data are consistent (with a minor difference that could
be neglected due to the d parameter is a bit off the range for tracking inefficiency).
- The group needs to think about <Npart> values because the current values for the 19.6 GeV are a bit higher
than those for BES-I. Zach and Dan will look into that.
- Zero-bias data for FXT energies will need calibrations so the production will be delayed.
Date: January 25, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Ashik/Li-Ke: QA for 14.6 GeV
2. Zach: Centrality definition for 19.6 GeV
3. Grigory: thoughts about code updates
4. Priyanshi: luminosity study for 14.6 GeV
5. Shuai: pile-up study for 14.6 GeV
- Dan will finish crosschecking injection runs for 14.6 GeV dataset.
- Zach calculated centrality cut values. Need to estimate trigger efficiency. Zhiwan should confirm the obtained numbers
by next week.
- Group also agreed that creating a document that describes the centrality calculation steps.
- Should push the commit of the isobar trigger efficiency parameters (currently in the dedicated branch)
- Prianshi demonstrated interesting luminosity dependence of <refMult>. We will need to understand if
ZdcCoincidenceRate as a good luminosity estimator for low energies.
- Shuai demonstrated the pile-up estimation for 14.6 GeV. Should be compared to those values obtained by Zach.
- Dan will set a doodle poll for 3.2 GeV QA discussion with Ben, Li-Ke, Eugenia and Sameer. Meeting will likely
happen this Thursday (Jan. 27) at 11 am EDT.
Date: January 18, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Ashik/Li-Ke: QA codes and status
2. Zach: Centrality definition for 19.6 GeV
- LiKe showed QA results for 14.6 GeV and initial bad run lists. Dan promissed to crosscheck the injection runs.
- Zach demostrated initial Glauber calculations and comparisons to the experimental data for Au+Au at 19.6 GeV.
- Grigory hopes to finish crosschecks of the trigger efficiency correction for isobars.
Date: January 11, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Ashik/Li-Ke: QA codes and status
2. Zach: Centrality definition for 19.6 GeV
3. Zuowen: Pile-up rejection and Vz correction for 19.6 GeV dataset
4. Dan: Npart in the 3.0 GeV FXT analysis
- Ashik: 14.6 GeV dataset injection run list has been updated (2 runs were excluded since were not produced).
- Zach: 1) it was demonstrated that multiple fitting of the Vz dependence does not change the correction;
2) it was suggested to use point-wise correction (w.r.t. to the central Vz bin (-5,5)cm) for Vz and not
the 6-order polynomial (as usually); 3) next step is to perform shape correction and fit the Glauber distribution
to the corrected refMult distributions (Glauber simulation has been done).
- Zuowen: demonstrated that the results of the Vz correction is consistent with that shown by Zach.
- Dan: The refMult ranges for centrality bins of the 3 GeV dataset seems to be stable while
the Glauber seems to underestimate the Npart.
- Ashik and Dan will set the time for a meeting with people who will do 3.2 GeV QA and centrality calibration
to path the codes and discuss the details of how to run those.
- Ashik should commit QA codes to the official git repo after the analysis of the 14.6 GeV will be finished.
- Grigory will commit trigger-efficiency corrections for the isobars (thank to Zach and Toshihiro) likely by
the end of this week.
Date: January 04, 2022
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Ashik/Li-Ke: QA codes and status
2. Zach: Centrality definition for 19.6 GeV dataset (update)
- Ashik and LiKe are working on the 14.6 GeV dataset
- Zach showed pile-up rejection criteria for the 19.6 GeV dataset.
Luminosity- and trigger-dependent <refMult> distributions show that luminosity correction
will not be used as well as the trigger-dependent analysis will not be done.
- The group needs to define people from the list of volunteers who will join efforts
on the centrality definition for 14.6 GeV.
Date: December 21, 2021
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Ashik/Li-Ke: QA codes and status
2. Zach:
1. For Au+Au 19.6 GeV: bad runs 99, injection runs 275 have been identified and will accounted as final bad run list.
2. The QA board will switch to 14.6 GeV dataset.
Date: December 14, 2021
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Ashik/Li-Ke: QA codes and status
2. Zach:
- Ashik and Li-Ke are finishing the bad run lists.
- QA board should define next task for the centrality QA volunteers (Olzhas and Eugenia).
- Zach and team are waiting for the final bad run lists to start centrality calibration.
Date: November 30, 2021
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Ashik/Li-Ke: QA codes and status
2. Zach: Trigger-dependent luminosity correction
3. Zuowen Liu: Pileup rejection
1. Li-Ke and Ashik showed that there is some inconsistency in the list of bad runs obtained by the analysts.
It has to be resolved. The help from Yu Hu and Prithwish as the automated QA code developers may be needed.
2. Zach demonstrated <refMult> vs. zdcCoincidenceRate for each trigger separately. It was shown
that applying removing events with refMult>20 allows to significantly improve the situation (minimize
difference between the results obtained for different triggers). The group thinks that luminosity
correction may not be used for the dataset.
3. Zuowen presented the results of the pileup rejection procedures and the Vz correction.
The refMult distributions for each Vz interval will be fitted several times in order to make sure
the results are stable.
Date: November 23, 2021
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Ashik: QA codes and status
2. Zach: Pile-up rejection.
3. Shuai Zhou: Centrality for 19.6 GeV
- Ashik and Li-Ke compared QA codes and found differences in the way filelists are retrieved (storage).
Ashik and Li-Ke will make a new filelist and send it to the QA board in order Daniel Cebra could cross check.
We need to make sure the runIds contain all the available runs (even if only not total amount of events
is not processed).
- Zach has modified the upper limit for the pile-up rejection algorithm. The group has agreed on the proposed limits.
- Shuai showed the results of his 19.6 QA and centrality definition. The difference of <refMuls> vs. zdcCoincidenceRate
for different triggers. Triggers 640001 and 640051 show a bit different behaviour vs respect to the other trigger IDs.
Daniel Cebra will look at the trigger specifications. Zach will repeat trigger-dependent checks.
- It is needed to understand whether the trigger-dependent centrality definition for Au+Au 19.6 GeV.
Date: November 16, 2021
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Ashik: QA codes and status
2. Zach: QA of 19.6 GeV
3. Zuowen: Pile-up rejection and QA for the 19.6 GeV dataset
- Ashik excluded injection runs from the analysis. Number of bad runs has changed from the previous
time (the difference in the amount of run is larger than that for with inj. runs).
Li-Ke repeated the same procedure and the amount of bad runs (using the same selection criteria)
and the amount of bad runs is inconsistent with Ashik.
- Action items for Ashik and Li-Ke: 1) Make sure the input filelist (input run list is the same),
2) check that algorithms to find bad run list (over TProfiles with QA variables) of two analysers
lead to the identical results.
- Zach used bad run list from Nov. 12, 2021 for the initial centrality calibration.
The pile-up rejection procedure is under the study (Vz-dependence). Will make sure
that Zach's and helper's codes produce same results.
- Using new bad run list (with injection runs excluded) the luminosity dependence of the <refMult>
get negative slope (~1.5*10^-4). After the discussions the group agreed not to correct
<refMult> distribution on the luminosity.
- StRefMultCorr package should include possibility to apply Vz-dependent luminosity correction.
- Zuowen presented results related to QA and the centrality calibrations. It was demonstrated
that pile-up rejection is on the same level as it for isobars. Also the effect is stronger for the
Vz bins that are far from the central membrane.
Date: November 9, 2021
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Ashik: QA codes and status
2. Zach: QA of 19.6 GeV
- Ahshik will ask Gene for the list of injection runs. The will run the QA with
the injection runs excluded. The final bad run list (after the QA) will be used
for the centrality calibration.
- Ashik is running QA based on a fraction of events (scheme used for isobars).
The group agreed that running over the whole statistics is preferable. Helpers
will try to look at a fraction of runs in order make sure that the current procedure
is applicable for 19.6 GeV.
- Zach is ready to run the centrality calibration using the bad run list that will be provided by Ashik.
- Helpers are learning the code
Date: November 2, 2021
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Ashik: QA codes and status
2. Zach: QA of 19.6 GeV
- Ashik is working on implementing suggestions provided during the QA board meeting.
The group agreed to use signed DCA for centrality QA instead 3D DCA. Li-Ke Liu will help
Ashik to perform the QA. Only minimum-bias triggers should be used for the centrality
and QA: 640001, 640011, 640021, 640031, 640041, 640051
- Zach looked at the Vz dependence of the pile-up removal procedure. The parameters for
pileup removal for 5 Vz ranges have been obtained. Next steps: look at luminosity dependence
and Vz corrections.
- Glauber simulations should be started soon.
Date: October 26, 2021
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Zach: QA of 19.6 GeV
2. Open discussions
- Zach will look at DCAxy as well as start generating Glauber distributions for 19.6 GeV
- Ashik will finish QA
- Helpers Li-Ke Liu, Xin Zhang, Zuowen Liu, Shuai Zhou will start working with Zach and Ashik
on the topics
- Pileup rejection criteria should be Vz-dependent. Zach will follow up
Date: October 19, 2021
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Zach: QA for 19.6 GeV
2. Daniel Cebra: QA for centrality definition
3. Haojie Xu: Post-blind isobar centrality
4. Centrality and Glauber code commit
- Applying <refMult> > 20 flattens <refMult> vs. zdcCoincidenceRate by almost a factor of 3.
Suggestion is not to use luminosity correction.
- QA quantities have been proposed to be used for the centrality (For 19.6 GeV |Vz|<145cm, no VpdVz-Vz cut,
some track quantities, etc.)
- Post-blind isobar centrality calibration: 1) extra bad runs have been found, 2) fitting vz dependence several
times gives different vz correction for the refMult, 3) altogether modifications provide slightly different
corrected refMult distribution, 4) all steps have to be demonstrated in more details.
Date: October 12, 2021
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Zach: QA for 19.6 GeV (one and two)
- The increase of <refMult> and <nTofMatch> vs. ZdcCoincidenceRate has been discussed.
No clear reason has been found. Zach (and helpers) will try to look at TOF matching parameters
in order to see some hints.
- Zach is waiting bad run lists from Ashik and QA helpers for 19.6 GeV data set in order to start
final centrality calibration
- Tasks distribution between people:
Run QA: Ashik Ikbal, Li-Ke Liu (Prithwish Tribedy, Yu Hu as code developers)
Centrality: Zach Sweger, Shuai Zhou, Zuowen Liu (pileup rejection), Xin Zhang
- Grigory will commit codes to git and let people know about the commit.
- A way to proceed with 19.6 GeV dataset: in case there will be no findings about
how to cleanup <refMult> and <nTofMatch> dependence on ZdcCoincidenceRate we will
proceed with the standard centrality approach.
- Grigory will commit codes to git and let people know about the commit.
- A way to proceed with 19.6 GeV dataset: in case there will be no findings about
how to cleanup <refMult> and <nTofMatch> dependence on ZdcCoincidenceRate we will
proceed with the standard centrality approach.
Date: October 5, 2021
Connection details: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605112744?pwd=RTJFMzQzM0tTZ3padml4VEEvbzUrdz09
Meeting ID: 160 511 2744
Passcode: 794973
1. Grigory Nigmatkulov: Plan for BES-II and isobar data centrality determination
2. Zachary Sweger: Centrality for 19.6 GeV from BES-II
3. Skipper Kagamaster: Using EPD for the centrality estimation
1. The current centrality calibration approach will use the same two-component Glauber model
and will utilize the codes developed for the isobar data.
2. 19.6 GeV and other data sets:
- Zach (with the help from Ashish) will finish QA for 19.6 GeV and start Glauber simulations.
As soon as the final bad run list and corrected refMult distributions will be finished only the
centrality calibration will be needed.
- Ashik Ikbal will help with QA for 19.6 GeV.
- Xin Zhang, Like Liu, ZuowenLiu, Shuai Zhou will learn and help with centrality for BES-II data sets
3. Grigory will put codes (developed for isobards) into git. Also some technical modifications
may be needed. For example:
- In current StRefMultCorr, there are already functions "isBadRun()" and "passnTofMatchRefmultCut()". However, they are not used automatically, and users have to call them explicitly which could be prone to errors. It will be nice to include these two function calls in getCentralityBin16().
- In passnTofMatchRefmultCut(), there are parameters for pileup rejection. It would be more maintenance friendly to store these parameters in a separate file, like what's done for other parameters.
4. QA for datasets should be discussed at the QA meetings. Centrality team will use files list with runId
(with the loosest cuts) provided from the QA team (members of the centrality team).
5. Final centrality approvals should be done at the centrality meetings after broad discussions.
Date: November 17, 2020
1. Zachary Sweger: Centrality definition for FXT runs
2. Discussions about centrality/event activity in small systems
- Tong Liu: Quark Glauber for small systems
- Shengli Huang: Activity in small systems
Date: November 10, 2020
1. Discussions about centrality/activity in small systems
2. Dan Cebra:Centrality definition for FXT runs (moved to November 17)
Discussions covered the connection between the track multiplicity
in TPC and its correlation to BBC.
Presenters: Tong Liu, Yanfang Liu, Grigory Nigmatkulov
Date: May 19, 2020
Connection details: https://bluejeans.com/201342495
1. Tong Liu: Run 15 pAu centrality study
Date: May 12, 2020
Connection details: https://bluejeans.com/628850241
Discussion on the centrality/activity definition for small systems
For small systems PAs would like to use an "activity" selection. The activity can be defined,
for instance, using forward BBC (inner, outer, or combined) or midrapidity RefMult.
Analyzers from different PWGs will present the status of their ongoing activity (centrality)
definition definition for small systems in the future meetings.
Date: May 5, 2020
Connection details: https://bluejeans.com/381599864
1) Daniel Cebra: Centrality for Au+Au collisions
General discussions:
1) Other centrality definitions or using different detectors, like EPD, for centrality definition will
be important and interesting, but not a part of the current analysis. It will be also challenging
to exclude protons from the analysis, since number of pions is about 1/3 of total number of
charged particles.
2) The discrepancy between the Glauber model multiplicity and the measured FXTMult distribution
could arise from the extracted that hardness parameter.
3) Possible non-Glauber approach based on UrQMD will be checked.
4) The Npart and Ncoll parameters will be provided for each centrality bin.
5) FXTMult should be propagated to the PicoDst in order to simplify the calculations.
Date: October 1, 2019
Connection details: https://bluejeans.com/891978085
1) Centrality for isobars (discussion)
2) Zaochen Ye: Centrality for 27 GeV (Run 18)
3) Nick Elsey: Update on centrality for Au+Au at 200 GeV from Run14 (P18ih)
General discussions:
1) StRefMultCorr package maintainer need to redo the centrality definition
for isobars according to the shift in the triggered vertex position (-35,25) cm.
Also it is needed to take into account that ZDC coincidence rate is blinded.
2) Zaochen: Need to add bad run list to the official list and also incorporate
functions that suppress pile-up with what Toshihiro has in the todo list.
Also it was suggested to compare side-by-side the current values for the
centrality definition with the old one.
3) It was stated that the centrality will be redone for the vz (-25,25) cm.
It was also demonstrated that tofMatch cut has influence on small refMult values.
The difference between refMultCorr values for P18ih, P16id and 2011
is likely due to the changes in tracking. TBC after the discussions with S&C.
Date: September 10, 2019
Connection details: https://bluejeans.com/578469454
1) Nicholas Elsey: Centrality definition for Au+Au at 200 GeV from Run14 (P18ih)
2) Yu Hu, Prithwish Tribedy: Pile-up removal strategy in Au+Au at 27 GeV from Run 18 (P19ib)
3) Yiding Han: Update on Au+Au centrality for 27 GeV from run 18
General discussions:
Each group of analysts should also come with the final quantities of centrality
and RefMultCorr values, in order make it possible to compare how different
cuts affect the final quantities. Also it is important to present the fraction
of statistics that left after cuts.
Comments and suggestions to Nick:
1. Try finer Vz binning for the correction
2. Demonstrate the effect of the TofMatch cut on RefMult distribution
3. Demonstrate the effect of the removing |VpdVz - TpcVz| cut on RefMult distribution
4. Compare the RefMultCorr values to previous years
Comments and suggestions to Yu:
Plot the TofMult (TofTrayMult) distribution after applying TofMatch cut.
Going in a reveresed order may be more complicated because TofMult also
reflects detector noise.
Comments and suggestions to Yiding:
Plot similar 1D RefMult distributions for several ranges of Vz (acceptance dependence). For each of the distribution
one should add how RefMult depends on ZdcCoincidence rate (luminosity dependence).
Date: August 27, 2019
Connection details: https://bluejeans.com/282595805
1) Zaochen Ye: Centrality definition for Au+Au 27 GeV Run 18
2) Zach Sweger: Centrality for FXT data sets
Date: July 9, 2019
Connection details: https://bluejeans.com/95042896
1) Shaowei Lan: Update on RefMult for Au+Au 54.4 GeV
2) Toshihiro Nonaka: Software update on the StRefMultCorr package
Date: May 14, 2019
Connection details: https://bluejeans.com/963608193
1) Shaowei Lan: RefMult for Au+Au 54.4 GeV
2) Ashish Pandav: RefMult2 for Au+Au 54.4 GeV
3) Toshihiro Nonaka: Software update on the StRefMultCorr package -- Moved to May 21
Date: May 7, 2019
Minutes from the centrality definition for Au+Au 54.4 GeV RefMult presented by Shaowei Lan.
Link to the slides: https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/ST
1) To plot Vy vs. Vx in ranges [-10; 10] cm in order to see the effect of the beam pipe.
Also it was suggested to plot the RefMult distribution for the events with Vr>0.25 cm.
2) PAs propose to use |Vz|<20 cm for the centrality definition for trigger: 580001
It was suggested to show more clear what is the effect for the events with |Vz|>20 cm.
For example, one can plot the ratio of the RefMult (corrected on Vz and luminosity) for
|Vz|>20 cm to that for -1<Vz <1 cm.
Date: April 23, 2019
Minutes from the centrality definition for Au+Au 54.4 GeV RefMult presented by Shaowei Lan.
Link to the slides: https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/SWLan_Centrality.pdf
1) Isn't 3$\sigma$ cut for run QA too hard? May consider to use 4 or 5, instead of 3.
2) For trigger id: 580001 shouldn't one use a tighter Vz cut? For example, |Vz|<30 cm.
3) It was suggested to plot Vr vs. Vz and see where the "ring" on Vy vs. Vx of the primary vertex
distribution is coming from.
Date: April 11, 2019
Minutes from the "Centrality definition for Au+Au 54.4 GeV" meeting
All analyses were presented for minimum-bias triggers: 580001, 580021
General comments:
1) Each presentation should explicitly explain what RefMult2,3,4 are.
Event, particle and PID selection criteria have to be written.
2) When the RefMultN is fitted with: [0]*TMath::Erf(-[1]*(x-[2]))+[0]
It was asked to plot [1] dependence on Vz (similar to [2] vs. Vz as have been presented)
RefMult2 (Ashish Pandav)
Link to the slides: https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/54GeV_centrality_refmult2_new.pdf
slide 4
Do we understand the structure of the Vy vs. Vx?
slide 12
Q: What will be the strategy for the different triggers?
A: Due to the difference of the MaxRefMult vs. Vz for studied trigger IDs, PAs should perform analysis (which uses RefMult2)
separately for each trigger ID using different Vz cut
slides 5-8
Not all pile up events have been removed with the used set of cuts. It was suggested to look at number of TOF-matched tracks,
TOF-tray multiplicity, number of primary vertices (on MuDst, if possible), VpdVz-TpcVz
slide 9
Since the behavior of "Max RefMult2" vs. Vz is unstable, it was suggested to look at <RefMult2> instead.
For reference one can look at previous studies for BES-I:
RefMult3,4 (Debasish Mallick)
Link to the slides: https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/DM_110419_RefMultCorr_54GeV_0.pdf
slide 10
What does bin #11 (for experimental data) represent? Why does it jump up?
Centrality definitions for BES-I (from Alex Schmah and Hiroshi Masui)
Link: https://www.star.bnl.gov/protected/common/common2010/centrality/
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