kopytin's blog
- QM abstract in LaTeX, using conference template - October 29., 2007
- HBT PWG Contribution to QM08 (v1.1) - October 16., 2007
- HBT PWG Contribution to QM08 (v1) - October 15., 2007
- Kaon-pion correlations in d+Au: same-side/away-side vs ``plus'' and ``minus'' - October 9., 2007
- Kaon-pion correlations in d+Au: more HIJING studies of energy-momentum conservation effects - August 23., 2007
- Kaon-pion correlations in d+Au: multiplicity and vertex study, unlike vs like-sign in HIJING - July 19., 2007
- Kaon-pion correlations in d+Au: varying the momentum cut + historic summary - July 12., 2007