transfer files from RCF to PDSF

Login to Grid enabled node: ssh

Obtain temporary short-living certificate: myproxy-logon -s

When asked for password use PDSF password.

Check grid proxy:  grid-proxy-info

Shoud see something like this:

subject : /DC=gov/DC=nersc/OU=People/CN=Maxim Naglis 49378
issuer : /DC=net/DC=ES/OU=Certificate Authorities/CN=NERSC Online CA
identity : /DC=gov/DC=nersc/OU=People/CN=Maxim Naglis 49378
type : end entity credential
strength : 1024 bits
path : /tmp/x509up_u10536
timeleft : 11:59:45

Now you can use your favorite GridFTP client: uberftp

I like uberftp as it knows many of commands that usual command line ftp client has:

To change directory cd (or lcd for local), to list files ls (or lls for local), to transfer files to PDSF put, to transfer file from PDSF get, for multiple files mput, mget (wildcards are accepted).

Transfer should work both ways, but you initiate it from RCF.


It is more efficient to transfer large files, so hadd your ntuples. With 4GB files I could reach transfer rates of ~ 30 MB/s. With 600 MB files I could reach only of about 5 MB/s.