mnaglis's blog - Differences in the run9 embedding produced with DbV20100301 and DbV20110301 - December 1., 2010
- looking at laser tracks in sector 2 - November 18., 2010
- baseline for aligning Sector 20 - November 15., 2010
- looking at laser tracks in sector 20 - November 12., 2010
- TPC calibration: Run10 final alignment for RFF - November 2., 2010
- TPC calibration: Run10 final alignment for FF - September 30., 2010
- transfer files from RCF to PDSF - September 30., 2010
- track residuals for positively and negatively charged tracks - September 20., 2010
- comparison of the phi meson spectra measured by STAR and PHENIX - September 7., 2010
- comparison alignment parameters between FF and RFF for Run9 final calibration - September 2., 2010
- comparison alignment parameters between FF and RFF for Run10 preliminary calibration - August 19., 2010
- checking tpcAnodeHVavg table entries in the DB - August 17., 2010
- fixing "fixed" AV in the DB for Au+Au 11 GeV dataset - August 17., 2010
- small scale simulation project recipe - August 3., 2010
- TPC calibration: Run10 T0 calibration using "prompt" hits - March 16., 2010