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Revised pythia estimates

Abstract: I have Comparison with Cross Sections (Pythia estimates, prompt photon yields) shown projections for single photon yields in the pp2006 data which were flawed.  They overestimated the luminosity for a fixed sample size by a factor of ~3.  The problem was due to misinterpreting the definition of "tried" and "accepted" events in pythia 8.1.  New projections are presented for a cross check with yields extracted from data.

Yield estimates based on single-particle MC sample, and comparison w/ pythia.

Abstract:  Based on EEmc Gammas via conversion method, retool from previous attempt at extracting yields, we generate a new MC sample.
Event sample:

SMD Band Structure - Tower Energy Correlation

To examine whether or not the appearance of band structure in the SMD response was correlated to the response of the towers overlapping with a given SMD strip, I filled a histogram of BSMDE strip i

EEmc Gammas via conversion method, retool

A few notes on previous studies.

1.0 Definition of D=log(Epost/Esmd) leads to "underflow" events when Epost=0.


High pT phi meson reconstruction

List of systematic studies for gammas

This blog entry will be used to collect ideas which I happen to think of for systematic studies for gammas.

Weight of SSD componants

for each element :

description  NAME

/path    [Weight]

PWG Analysis Update

 Update on Run 5 charged pion A_{LL} for Spin PWG meeting.

grid-links, details

to view my cert:


Jerome's instruction:

(in progress) EEmc Gammas via conversion method, yield estimates for 2009

Abstract:  We estimate the event yields which may be obtained using the conversion method in the 2009 run.

1.0 Event Sample and Cuts

Event sample:
1. Data from ppLong2
2. All fills after L2gamma EEmc elevated to physics
4. Select trigger ID 137641
Before extraction:
1. Require candidate to be w/in the EEMC with pT > 5.0 GeV.
2. Isolation cut -- ET / ETR<0.3 > 0.9
3. Charged particle veto (CPV) -- require sum of all preshower-1 tiles w/in R < 0.3 to be == 0
4. Analyzing cut -- sum preshower-2 tiles w/in R < 0.3 is greater than zero (i.e. at least one tile w/ ADC > 3 sigma + ped).
After extraction:
5. Require -8 < log(Epost/Esmd) < -2

2.0 Monte Carlo

Event Sample
1. 125k Single gammas w/ 2006 geometry
2. 125k Single gammas w/ 2009 geometry
3. Thrown w/ vertex width of +/- 30cm
4. Thrown w/ eta range 0.8 to 2.2
5. Thrown w/ 4 muons in event to establish vertex.  Muons thrown w/ eta = -0.25.
6. pT sampled from e^{-0.6} distribution for pT > 5.0 GeV.
MuDsts are created from the MC events, and gamma trees are created.  Events are subjected to same analysis cuts as in section 1.0 above.