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PPV on steroids evaluated for one file

Code is at: /star/data05/scratch/rjreed/PPV2008Eval/VertexJan/

Run in stardev with options:

SPIN 2008 talk - vers3

Hi all,

QA for run 8 production_dAu (produced w/MinuitVF)

I did some QA for run VIII dAu production trying to evaluate how good is the Minuit vertex finder in dAu.

Compare to Marco's QA for previous years:




Monte Carlo Asymmetries

Here are the asymmetries for STD, ZERO, GS-C, and MIN that I get out of PYTHIA with the minbias trigger condition applied:

Figure 1: raw minbias asymmetries

and here’s what I get after applying the pT reweighting:

Figure 2: minbias asymmetries after reweighting jet pT spectrum

Figure 3: jetpatch asymmetries

Figure 4: difference between Figures 3 and 1

Figure 5: difference between Figures 3 and 2

Finally, these four plots show the effect of the minbias pT reweighting on the bias systematic for each scenario:

Reweighting the MB pT spectrum

Subprocess Fractions

Study of ET Correction Factor Single Thrown Particle

ET Correction Factor Study using Single Particles