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Run15 EEMC Dijet ALL

pp200 vs. pp500

2015 pp200 vs. 2012+2013 

Event Plane Correlated Triangular Flow at √sNN = 3.0 GeV

Slides for July 6, 2022 PWG meeting.

3 GeV v3 Paper proposal


Paper proposal: Measurements of hypernuclei production and hyper-to-light nuclei ratios in Au+Au $\snn=3$ GeV collisions

Title: Measurements of hypernuclei production and hyper-to-light nuclei ratios in Au+Au √sNN = 3 GeV collisions

correction for EPA


Jpsi elliptic flow in isobar collisions preliminary plots


CME Meeting R variable analysis update for fall DNP meeting (slides)


PWGC preview: Energy Dependence of Polarized photon photon to e+e- in Peripheral Au+Au Collisions at RHIC




QA meeting