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v2 and v3 at 54.4 GeV plots




Preliminary for v2, v3 of phi meson in AuAu 19.6 GeV BES-II

 Blog page for phi v2, v3 analysis in Au+Au collisions at 19.6 GeV (BES-II) presented as poster at QM 2022.

QM2022 Blog: Elliptic Flow of Identified Particles at 19.6 GeV


Elliptic flow of ɸ mesons in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 14.6 GeV in RHIC BES-II (Preliminary plots)


DIS 2022 preliminary request

Attached is a file of plots I want to request preliminary for

QM2022 Blog: Directed Flow of Identified Particles at 19.6 GeV

Blog page for Directed Flow at of Identified Particles in Au+Au Collisions at 19.6 GeV as poster at QM 2022.

vertex difference in isobar collisions


Extra slides looking at non-closure of 6-10 GeV bin
