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Run 22 Cold QCD Offline QA - Days [096 - 102]


Analysis note - First Observation of Directed Flow of Hyper-nuclei H3L and H4L in 3 GeV Au+Au Collisions at RHIC


Status on Proton Cumulants and Ratios from 3.2GeV Au+Au Collisions


Status on Proton Cumulants and Ratios from 3.2GeV Au+Au Collisions


Status on Proton Cumulants and Ratios from 3.2GeV Au+Au Collisions


Status on Proton Cumulants and Ratios from 3.2GeV Au+Au Collisions


Paper draft - First Observation of Directed Flow of Hyper-nuclei H3L and H4L in 3 GeV Au+Au Collisions at RHIC


STAR Forward Silicon Tracker Shutdown Plan for Summer 2022

STAR shutdown schedule 4/13

Run15 pAu200 EventQA


Run15 pp200 JetQA