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Slide about P-lambda CF(pwg0317)

 Still doing the check, some problem in this slide, a result after check is coming soon

Fluctuations in Lambda Multiplicity Distribution in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=3.0$ GeV at STAR Update March

This is an update of PWG presentation in March 17, 2022.

PWGC meeting 20220318

 PWGC Meeting Date: 3/18/2022


p-Xi analysis update


Preliminary for QM2022 (Light Nuclei correlation function)


Jpsi production in isobaric collisions


D0-Jet Update

JetCorr Update [03.17.2022]

Slides prepared for the JetCorr weekly meeting on March 17th, 2022. These slides present an overview of proposed preliminary figures for QM 2022.

Run 22 Cold QCD Offline QA - Days [068 - 074]


Preliminary Request Slides for QM-2022