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ZDC during crossing angle scan


QM 2022 Preliminary request



Preliminary request for QM2022 poster_Xingrui Gou_2022.3.9




Preliminary request for QM2022 poster

The poster can be found in the node:

Preliminary request for QM2022


Preliminary for QM2022

March 2022:  C2/C1 and C3/C2 taken off from STAR Preliminary
March 2022: C5 and C6 of Au+Au @ 200GeV added.

Preliminary Request for 3 GeV results (Quark Matter 2022)

Further comments about updates to the plots can be found here:

Weekly meeting (March 8, 2022)

  - Minghui: FPS signal fit
  - Xilin: diffractive EM jet AN for FMS update