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Vz Correction for 19.6 GeV 2019

Daniel Cebra had pointed out that the Vz dependence of the refMult edge (h) looks symmetric about Vz=0 after accounting for a linear depe

Vz Correction for 19.6 GeV 2019

Daniel Cebra had pointed out that the Vz dependence of the refMult edge (h) looks symmetric about Vz=0 after accounting for a linear depe

Vz Correction for 19.6 GeV 2019

Daniel Cebra had pointed out that the Vz dependence of the refMult edge (h) looks symmetric about Vz=0 after accounting for a linear depe

Vz Correction for 19.6 GeV 2019

Daniel Cebra had pointed out that the Vz dependence of the refMult edge (h) looks symmetric about Vz=0 after accounting for a linear depe

Vz Correction for 19.6 GeV 2019

Daniel Cebra had pointed out that the Vz dependence of the refMult edge (h) looks symmetric about Vz=0 after accounting for a linear depe

Vz Correction for 19.6 GeV 2019

Daniel Cebra had pointed out that the Vz dependence of the refMult edge (h) looks symmetric about Vz=0 after accounting for a linear depe

Vz Correction for 19.6 GeV 2019

Daniel Cebra had pointed out that the Vz dependence of the refMult edge (h) looks symmetric about Vz=0 after accounting for a linear depe

sTGC large cluster with center saturation

D+- Dissertation


paper proposal in FCV Jan 5 2022