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J/psi v2 measurement in isobar collisions

6. Internal discussion on Paper: 20231010

Gamma+jet papers discussion in Jetcorr (13 Jan 2022)


PhD Thesis -- Anderson, Derek (2022)

This post collects the various drafts of my PhD thesis which will serve as the basis for the Analysis Note of the p+p half of the neutral-triggered charged recoil jet reconstruction analysis.

Run 22 Offline QA - Days [355 - 011]




Final fps/fpost bad ch QA list

  - Do not pickup statistics problem channels as bad

Neutral and Charged K* Rho00 Isobar collisions

Embedding requests (isobar data) (neutral)

FCV meeting: Measurement of v2 of strange hadrons in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 7.7 GeV, Run-21


Lambda global and local polarization at AuAu 19.6GeV BES-II


Weekly Meeting (Jan 12th, 2022)

  - Xiaoxuan: dipi0 update (comments from last PWG call)
  - Xilin: diffractive EM Jet simulation update