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Measurement of proton-$\Xi^-$ Correlation Function in 3 GeV Au+Au Collisions at RHIC

QM2022 abstract

Preliminary Plots for proton and light nuclei production at 3 GeV


Quark Matter 2022


Harasty Preliminary Plots LFS for AuAu 27GeV 2018

 Preliminary Plots for presentations at DNP 2019 , DNP 2020, and April APS 2021.





3GeV dielectron production for quark matter 2022


QM22 Abstract

“Online measurements of hypernuclei by the STAR experiment in Au+Au collisions at the 2018-2021 BES II program”

Long PRC paper for small system flow

Title: Systematically studying of vn(n=2,3) via di-hadron correlations at middle rapidity in p/d/He+Aucollisions at 200 GeV<