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  1. Difference of positions of clusters (i

2017 A_N analysis


FST Online Monitor Plots


DNP2021-Preliminay Plot request


Paper home page of probing EM-field by v1

PRX report and responses: round 2

Strange Luminosity Dependence in 19.6 GeV 2019

Date: October 14th, 2021

Strange Luminosity Dependence in 19.6 GeV 2019

 I presented at the Tuesday Centrality meeting (10/5/21) that <refMult> vs. ZdcCoincidenceRate had a positive slope. We expect luminosity dependence to have a negative slope.

Preliminary Figures for APS DNP 2021


Determing the Light Quark Diffusivity of the QGP


Preliminary results (2021 DNP meeting)

Fig.1 Give the v2-pT correlations for different beam energies.

Fig.2 Give the G2 (\Delta\phi) correlation function for different centrality