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FCV request for mean pT fluctuations and vn-pT correlation in corrected refmult binning

 Request by Shinlchi and Sergei 

D_TT vs z in pp collision in run 2015 update

longitudinal spin transfer $D_{LL}$ vs z of $\Lambda$ hyperon for pp200long2_2015

This page presents the preliminary results on the longitudinal spin transfer DLL vs z of \Lambda hyperon for 200 GeV p-p collisions of run 15 with the same run list used in the DLL vs pt pr

Preliminary for DNP2021


Discussions on comparison, PID vn ratios and preliminary request for the upcoming DNP conference

 FCV meeting 09/29

π0+jet Δφ decorrelations in p+p collisions: Rutgers Collab. meeting 16Sep2021


Weekly Meeting (Sep 28th, 2021)

  - William: FPS/FPOST Update

Run 19 EPD Calibrations for 7.3 GeV FXT (sNN 3.9 GeV)

This comes from a calibration production that included days 107, 113, and 169.

Day 107 only included a single run and did not have enough statistics to calibrate.

Run21 EPD 'Live' Calibration day 178-184

 Issue: Empty tile 1:2:4 through day 180 to day 184

Three ranges for EPD calibration:

Run21 EPD 'Live' Calibration day 178-184

 Issue: Empty tile 1:2:4 through day 180 to day 184

Three ranges for EPD calibration: