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preliminary plots for phi/K and phi/Xi

 For the reference in the plots;


HADES: Phys. Lett. B 778, 2018.403-407, Phys.Rev. C. 80.025209. (2009);
E917: Phys. Rev. C. 69.054901 (2004);

Slides from 1:30pm time mtg, 5/18


Slides from 10am ops mtg, 5/18


STGC traveller

First shipment:

f0 v2 at AuAu 200 GeV (SQM2021)


Grant's pre-prospectus update

 Testing if I can add a blog post. Presentation I showed at the collaboration meeting.

Weekly Meeting (May 17th, 2021)

  - Xiaoxuan: dAu calibration update
  - Willaim: FPost/FPS MIP QA update

Slides from 10am ops mtg, 5/17


Slides from 10am ops mtg, 5/16


Slides from 10am ops mtg, 5/15