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Study of the nuclear deformation in isobar collisions

 for bulk-corr meeting 



Weekly Meeting (June 8th, 2021)

  - Minghui: start QA checking

Weekly Meeting (June 8th, 2021)

  - Minghui: start QA checking

Weekly Meeting (June 8th, 2021)

  - Minghui: start QA checking

Weekly Meeting (June 8th, 2021)

  - Minghui: start QA checking

TOFMul Cut for 3.85 fix Target


Run 11->17 Preliminary results: Z0 production

Title: Cross section measurements of kinematically reconstructed weak bosons in unpolarized p+p collisions at STAR

matter and antimatter asymmetry

 We show that the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the present-day universe is mainly due to the highly suppressed detection probability of antimatter, which is a direct result of the Dirac-Feynman

SL BERT Computer