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Track Pt cut - Studies


EPD offline DB table

Current plan is to Keep StTriggerData simple and just keep using  StTriggerData::fmsADC(crate=5,QT_board_address,QT_channel,prepost) 

TPC laser reconstruction observations

Plots are vs. event number in my ntuple. Each run used several files, and each file was several hundred events; file boundaries are obvious!

170222 JetCorr Weekly Meeting


EMCAL spare boards


MWPC prototyping and testing for STAR Inner TPC Upgrade


Azimuthal Polarization search (BulkCorr)

KPS2017 Spring


Run 17 pp500 EMC Timing

Timing Scan on June 2017

Run 18174014:

Run 17 pp500 EMC Timing

2/20/17 --> analysis of cal_scan data after tune up of the global timing

For the calorimeters it looks like a consistent ~2ns shift from run 16 AuAu settings