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Phi Meson Spin Alignment Study

Blog of Progress Plots / QA Plots for the Phi Meson Spin Alignment Study

Comparison of OS Kaon Pair Mass Distributions for Run 11 and Run14:

QM23 Preliminary Plots for 14.6 & 19.6 GeV BES-II

See attached png files for the new preliminary plots shown at QM23.



Nuclear modification factor in Au+Au collisions at energy √SNN =27 GeV in the STAR Beam Energy Scan-II program at RHIC


Deciphering speed of sound and thermalization using mean transverse momentum and its fluctuations at BES-I and BES-II


14p6GeV He3 embedding


Measurements of pXi correlation function in Isobar collisions

preliminary plots of Strangeness production for QM23(fangyi)

OO Glauber Update

