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Charge Dependent Directed Flow of Identified Particles in RHIC Beam Energy Scan Au+Au Collisions at 19.6 GeV & 7.7 GeV

Charge Dependent Directed Flow of Identified Particles in RHIC Beam Energy Scan Au+Au Collisions at 19.6 GeV & 7.7 GeV

Charge Dependent Directed Flow of Identified Particles in RHIC Beam Energy Scan Au+Au Collisions at 19.6 GeV & 7.7 GeV

2023-10-10 centrality meeting slides




High Moment Discussion

2024/01/11, Analysis Meeting report discussion, slides,

FXT Fluctuation Meeting

2023/11/10, Update on eTOF study at 3.9 GeV, slides

Collider Fluctuation Meeting

2024/02/24, Cumulants in finer centrality bins in UrQMD, slides

diee 17p3