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A_LL Analysis Note

lecture for ECTP


Run9 A_LL Figure


HIJING Lambda rapidity distributions

Rapidity distributions of a few identified particles from the AuAu 19.6GeV HIJING dataset (

NPE in Run14 Au+Au 200 GeV Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2015/08/07

1) Simulation - Xiaozhi
plot c*tau distributions, 
why dca from fast simulation is asymmetric around 0 ? Mustafa will take a look

Run 9 Pi0 Spectrum: 8 Runs


trigger bias search: add low partonic pt bins

Figure 1 shows the quarks/(quarks+gluons) ratio as a funciton of partonic pt for biased and unbiased samples.  It is difficult to see a potential trigger bias in the low partonic pt bins(<15 G

Answer to Spencer's questions about CEP analysis

Answers to question from
are in attached PDF.

Calibration for Run 15

 List of Gains and Corrections for run 15

Gain for all runs here

FMS database (calibrations/LED)

(This information is also available in the drupal FMSsubsystem area: