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Proposed FMS target gains


OSU EPD Testbench, BES meeting Feb23 2015



 I am starting the analysis data with iteration 0 voltages (but with 1 crate of Lecroy supplies for Large South removed)

DIS 2015 Abstract


Run 15 Tests 1

The following is the distribution of the sum of ADC counts  for run 16049006 and short trigger test  runs 16050060, 16050061,  16050062.

DIS 2015 Abstract

HFT Hits Simulation

Quick test of HFT hits in simulation.  Produce 1 MuDst, 16 events, AuAu 200 GeV, y2014a geometry.

Run 15 FMS Readiness Update (day49)

This was an LED run taken after installing the final new PSU bases. Note that three cells in the upper north corner remain to be stacked.

Run15 pp 200 GeV beam position check

 As of Feb. 17, the pp200 GeV beams seem not colliding in the center of PXL detector. See the online hit density plot which shows a wave similar to the early days in Run14 AuAu 200GeV.