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dAu2003 dataset for jt and kt from two particle azimuathal correlations

dataset : dAuCombined

1. pi0 is taken as HT clusters  with no charge track in the  tower  with   max energy.

2. charege tracks from TPC

Charge separated Ws from Run 9, algo ver 4.1

Upper plot (fig 1) shows Ws reconstructed from ~100% of Run9 data with algo ver 4.1 , now using away ET veto.

FGT Safety Review - Summary provided by Yousef Makdisi, Wednesday, September 02, 2009, 11:00AM (EDT)

 FGT Safety Review - Summary provided

vernier scan fit implementation

My code as written is producing unrealistically small cross sections, so I wanted to explicitly write out the way I'm performing the fit:


2009 Walgo data results

Uber-preliminary run9 results

Test of corrected EEMC geometry: pion reconstruction

Test of Corrected EEMC geometry: Pion Reconstruction

First draft of bins for theory analysis of delta G projected data

attached is a file describing suggested bins for Werner Daniel et al

to set up for projected data sets in their global fitting code.

FGT safety review - electrical - 9/2/2009

Here is the presentation and a zipfile of documentation, for the electrical aspects of the FGT, to be presented 9/2/2009.

Run 9 BSMD Online Monitoring Documentation

For run 9, BSMD performance was monitored by looking at non-zero-suppressed events.  The code is archived at /star/institutions/mit/wleight/archive/bsmdMonitoring2009/.  This blog page wi

FGT - Design Review Questionnaire - Empty Form

 Here is the form which is not filled out yet