Non-root access to MySQL DB nodes

As outlined in Non-user access in our enclaves and beyond, and specifically "Check on all nodes the existence of a mysql account. Make sure the files belong to that user + use secondary groups wherever applies", the following work has been done recently:

ToDo list. To allow DB admin tasks under 'mysql' account (non-standard configuration), the following set of changes has been identified:

- add the mysql user account on each DB server to the STAR SSH key management system and add the DB administrator's SSH key;
- full read/write access to /db01/<..> - mysql data files;
- read/write access to /etc/my.cnf  - mysql configuration file;
- read access to /var/log/mysqld.log  - mysql startup/shutdown logs;
- standard /etc/init.d/mysqld startup script is removed and /etc/init.d/mysql_multi startup script (non-standard, allows multi-instance mysql) is installed;
- the mysqld_multi init script's start and stop functions check who is executing the script - if it is the mysql user, then nothing special is done, but if it is another user, then it uses "su - mysql -c <command>" to start and stop the MySQL server.  The root user can do this without any authentication.  If any other user tries it, it would require the mysql account password, which is disabled.;
- to prevent reinstallation of the /etc/init.d/mysqld script by rpm update procedure, specially crafted "trigger"-rpm is created and installed. It watches for rpm updates, and invokes "fix" procedure to prevent unwanted startup script updates;
- extra user with shutdown privilege is added to all mysql instances on a node, to allow safe shutdowns by mysql_multi;
- mysql accout (unix account) was configured to have restricted file limits (2k - soft, 4k - hard) [FIXME: for multi-instance nodes it needs to be increased];

Upgrade timeline. STAR has four major groups of database nodes: Offline, FileCatalog, Online and SOFI. Here is a coversion plan [FIXME: check with Wayne]:

- Offline db nodes (namely, series) are fully converted and tested (with the exceptions of db03 and db09);
- FileCatalog db nodes (fc1, fc2, fc4) are done (completed 8/7/2012);
- 8/7/2012: note that the rpm is being updated to clean up some triggering problems recently discovered and should be updated on all the hosts done previously
- SOFI db nodes (backups, archival, logger, library etc, including robinson, heston, omega, fc3, db09, db03) - conversion start date TBD;
- Online nodes (onldb.starp, onldb2.starp, dbbak?) - conversion start date is ~Sep 2012;
- additional nodes TBD: orion