PPV vertex


 Full documentation of PPV vertex evaluation prior to production of 2008 pp data 

 We want to answer the following questions in this prioritize order.

  1.  FMS triggered (forward) events:
    1.  how often  none of PPV vertices agrees with VPD vertex  and why (using 8 cm margin) 
    2. how often PPV vertex best matching VPD vertex is not listed as first  by PPV
  2.  evaluate PPV performance for ~4 mid rapidity triggers in pp 2008
  3. evaluate PPV for dAu or other beams

For now use the following BFC chain:

"DbV20080712 pp2008 ITTF OSpaceZ2 OGridLeak3D beamLine VFPPVnoCTB debug logger" 


Run 8 (200 GeV dAu and pp) , by Gene