Tim Hallman

Dear STAR Council Members and STAR Collaborators,

The capabilities and scientific program of RHIC are evolving rapidly, presenting important new challenges that STAR must meet to be successful in the future. Soon we will be challenged to answer the question, as definitively as possible, what scientific evidence there is from STAR for the creation of the quark-gluon plasma. To continue to be fully productive as the luminosity of RHIC increases and spin physics and proton-nucleus running become more prominent, we will need to quickly develop a plan to evolve our trigger, DAQ, and analysis production capabilities. Shortly we will be challenged to assess and prioritize new scientific measurements that will extend STAR's physics reach significantly in the next 5 years, even as we strive to analyze and publish quality science from data already in hand. To meet these, as well as other important challenges, strong scientific leadership will be required to utilize the full intellectual "horse power" of the collaboration.

Specifically, if elected as STAR Spokesperson, I envision a number of topical workshops and regularly scheduled open physics meetings to draw upon the strength of the full collaboration to:

 i) develop a strategic plan regarding the measurements that will provide the strongest possible insight by STAR into the search for the quark gluon plasma and the spin structure of the proton

ii) provide a critical assessment of the corresponding beam use requirements and provide justification based on compelling fundamental scientific arguments that will allow us to successfully compete with our colleagues before the BNL Program Advisory Committee

iii)develop a detailed plan (including prioritization) for the implementation of physics triggers in advance of the next running period

iv) develop a critical assessment and prioritization of future scientific measurements (and corresponding upgrades) that will extend STAR's scientific reach in the next 5 years.


In addition, I plan to be personally involved, at a detailed level, in trying to insure adequate effort on science analyses (including e.g. the ultra-peripheral program), on construction projects which are ongoing, and on service tasks requiring manpower. It is particularly important that the construction, installation, and commissioning of the barrel and endcap electromagnetic calorimeters proceed according to plan, and that sufficient effort is devoted to understanding the response of those detectors in order to exploit the rare probes, high pt measurements, and spin physics measurements they will provide.

As both the STAR Spokesman and the BNL STAR Group Leader I will be in a unique position to effectively advance STAR's physics/resource interests, and to closely follow issues of importance to STAR. I will work diligently to develop a close communication with each STAR institution in order to understand, support, and facilitate its scientific and technical goals. I will work proactively to insure the equitable distribution of talks, and that young scientists in particular receive the visibility and recognition so important for their careers. Most of all I will work diligently to insure that the environment in STAR is one in which the diversity of intellectual interests is fully represented, and in which the Collaboration membership feels excited, engaged, and empowered to participate fully in the present and future scientific program.

To achieve this, I will work in full partnership with the STAR Council to select deputies and establish a management team that provides outstanding science leadership, that is representative of the Collaboration as well as the entire spectrum of physics interests in STAR, that is balanced in its approach embracing the full diversity of views and opinions in the Collaboration, and that works proactively through workshops and open meetings to be inclusive and involve the Collaboration fully in reaching important decisions and plans affecting the governance and scientific program of STAR. I will employ an open management style, similar to that proven effective in establishing and managing the operations groups for STAR. In particular, I will seek, through self assessment and dialog to further improve the process for producing science in STAR, and to maximize the scientific and technical productivity of STAR while maintaining quality assurance and intellectual freedom for those who carry out the analysis.

These goals are indeed challenging, and to help achieve them I will actively seek the advice and counsel of the STAR Council, and the STAR Executive Board once it has been established, as well as soliciting direct feedback from the general Collaboration membership.

I bring to this task ten years of dedicated effort working closely with the Collaboration membership toward the success of STAR. In addition, I bring extensive experience in science leadership as a member of the STAR management team, as Interim STAR Spokesperson for a period of one year, as the leader of the BNL STAR group which includes 35 scientists, engineers, and professionals, as a member of the U.S. Nuclear Science Advisory Committee, and as the Chairman of the Program Advisory Committee for Particle Physics of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Most importantly, I bring a deep and abiding appreciation of the importance of the STAR scientific program and of the responsibilities of the STAR Spokesperson in insuring its success. My commitment to this task will be complete; I will work to meet this challenge with every ounce of energy that I have, and will make it my personal responsibility to understand deeply all issues impacting the success of the STAR program, vigorously and continuously fighting for those things important for STAR's success. A particular focus will be insuring the broad dissemination of STAR scientific results outside of the Collaboration and the visibility of STAR scientists. My commitment to this task will transcend institution and career, and my willingness and ability to fight for the things important for the success of STAR will not be influenced by those considerations.

In this moment we have a unique opportunity to make an important contribution to our fundamental understanding of nature, and to justify the trust that has been placed in us to use the precious resources we have been allocated to search for truth and understanding in the best interest of mankind. As Spokesperson of STAR I will work tirelessly to make STAR everything that it can be, and to insure the STAR scientific program is a success we can all be proud of well into the future. I ask for your support for election to the position of STAR Spokesperson.