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Meeting talk Overview, layout and requirements videbaks 2009-03-18 19:56
Meeting HFT design review; internal videbaks STAR Protected 2009-03-18 19:53
Blog entry Trigger Bias Redux kocolosk 2009-03-18 19:48
Book page mktxt2005.txt genevb 2009-03-18 18:22
Book page queryNevtsPerRun.txt genevb 2009-03-18 18:17
Book page Run 5 genevb Software and Computing 2009-03-18 18:10
Book page Run 6 (pp) genevb Software and Computing 2009-03-18 17:58
Book page Run 4 (pp) genevb Software and Computing 2009-03-18 17:45
Book page Run 2 (200 GeV pp) genevb Software and Computing 2009-03-18 17:42
Book page Run 3 (200 GeV dAu and pp) genevb Software and Computing 2009-03-18 17:26
Conference talk Anomalous centrality variation of two-particle angular correlations associated with minijets in Cu-Cu and Au-Au collisions at 62 fqwang STAR Protected 2009-03-18 11:56
Conference talk Universal centrality and collision-energy trends for the azimuth quadrupole (elliptic flow) from 2D angular correlations at STAR fqwang STAR Protected 2009-03-18 11:55
Conference session Jet-like correlation Physics Working Group fqwang STAR Protected 2009-03-18 11:54
Conference talk Is the ridge formed by alignment of jet propagation and medium flow direction? fqwang STAR Protected 2009-03-18 11:53
Conference talk Addressing the physics of the ridge by 2- and 3-particle correlations at STAR fqwang STAR Protected 2009-03-18 11:51
Conference talk Looking forward for Color Glass Condensate signatures with STAR STAR fqwang STAR Protected 2009-03-18 11:49
Conference session Jet-like correlation Physics Working Group fqwang STAR Protected 2009-03-18 11:46
Conference talk Jet reconstruciton fqwang STAR Protected 2009-03-18 11:41
Conference talk Jet reconstruction fqwang STAR Protected 2009-03-18 11:40
Conference talk Di-Hadron fragmentation function in p+p collisions at 200 GeV at STAR fqwang STAR Protected 2009-03-18 11:39
Conference talk Initial state nuclear effects for jet production measured in 200 GeV d+Au collisions by STAR fqwang STAR Protected 2009-03-18 11:38
Conference talk Decomposing p+p Events at 200 GeV with STAR fqwang STAR Protected 2009-03-18 11:36
Conference talk Gamma triggered 2+1 correlation fqwang STAR Protected 2009-03-18 11:33
Blog entry TPC padAdcSum/counts = 3 genevb 2009-03-18 09:33
Blog entry TPC hits peak at z = +/- 100cm (time bucket 185) genevb 2009-03-18 09:15