How to create a weekly meeting

  1. First, you should be logged in. Login box is located at the bottom-left corner of every site page. Please note that it is not a RCAS password, but a STAR-online password. Only STAR-online administrator (currently, Jerome Lauret or Dmitry Akhipkin) can grant an access to this site.
  2. Now you should see something new at the left column. A box with your login name and some links (e.g.: 'my blog', 'create content', 'calendar' and so on). Click 'create content' link, then click 'meeting'. Site URL should look like at this moment. If you don't see a 'meeting' option under 'create content' this most probably means that you don't have enough system priviledges to create meeting.
  3. Now, the main part. Put something self-descriptive into 'Title' editbox. Leave 'Path alias' box blank. Set up the meeting date, time and duration. Put meeting location (e.g. room number and phone) into 'meeting Location' editbox. Put the preliminary meeting agenda at the 'meeting Agenda' area. Leave 'meeting state' switch as is (should be 'Unlocked'), it would be used to close the meeting later.
  4. Now click on 'Preview', make sure everything is correct and click 'Submit'. Congratulations!

At this moment, your brand-new meeting is added to event tracking system and you should be able to see it in 'Upcoming events' block (left column) and at the calendar

Tips and Tricks :

  • To have a weekly meeting you can 'repeat' any existing meeting by clicking 'repeat meeting' tab (should be logged in to see management tabs next to meeting name). This allows to create weekly, bi-weekly, monthly etc. meetings.
  • Users are always welcome to add talks to meetings. There is a 'add talk' link just below the meeting agenda (near the 'add comment' one).
  • Meeting creator can lock the meeting, so noone would be able to add talks to it or modify the existing ones. This is usually done to preserve meeting information intact after the meeting is over.