Preliminary request for QM on the analysis of Omega and anti-Omega at Au+Au 200GeV

Speaker : Xiongxiong Xu

Talk time : 10:20, Duration : 00:20


Preliminary figures for pion femtoscopy at 3, 3.2, 3.5, 3.9 GeV


CF PWG response 2023/8/14 preliminary request












Preliminary request


Phi production in Run19 Au+Au at 19.6Gev and 14.6GeV

Speaker : Weiguang

Talk time : 10:40, Duration : 00:20


Strangeness production in Run19 Au+Au at 19.6Gev and 14.6GeV

Speaker : Yi Fang

Talk time : 10:00, Duration : 00:20


Preliminary plots in 3GeV baryon-strangeness analysis


Preliminary plots in 3GeV baryon-strangeness analysis


Preliminary Figures Request: Measurements of Omega and anti-Omega production in Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV

 Preliminary figures request for QM23.

Updated on Sep. 18th.

Preliminary Figures Request: Measurements of Omega$ and anti-Omega production in Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV

 Preliminary figures request for QM23.

CME-focus group Aug 11th Zhiwan Xu

08/11 modification:
 I have applied the suggestions to my final plot & conclusion, in slides on #15 and #16.
  - DG132 20-50% added for comparison



discussion on 54.4 GeV spectra


Study of triangular flow of identified hadrons and light nuclei for fixed target energies at RHIC-STAR

This page contains the preliminary approval requested plots and (preliminary request) presentation  for the triangular flow of identified hadrons and light nuclei for fixed target energies

Study of triangular flow of identified hadrons and light nuclei for fixed target energies at RHIC-STAR

This page contains the preliminary approval requested plots and (preliminary request) presentation  for the triangular flow of identified hadrons and light nucle