S&C management meeting

2023-06-14 12:00
America/New York
Wednesday, 14 June 2023
https://riceuniversity.zoom.us/j/99943071327?pwd=RHlaamc0bHJpS29tLzdpb2tDcWMyZz09, at 16:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
  • Forward Detector Software Status - Daniel Brandenburg 
  • RHICf production readiness (SL32d)
  • ROOT6 preparation: verification production environment
  • BES-II reproduction status
  • Calibration efforts (dAu, BES)
  • AOB
11:00Forward Detector Software Status ( 00:20 ) 1 fileDaniel Brandenburg (OSU)

S&C management meeting

2023-07-19 12:00
America/New York
Wednesday, 19 July 2023
https://riceuniversity.zoom.us/j/99943071327?pwd=RHlaamc0bHJpS29tLzdpb2tDcWMyZz09, at 16:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
  • Production updates
  • Calibration efforts
  • Embedding news
  • Drupal Update
  • AOB
12:20Drupal Upgrade ( 00:20 ) 1 fileDmitry Arkhipkin (BNL)

Simplified SiPM Driver/Amplifier

SiPM digitizer testing for ePIC calorimeters

DB changes run 2023

List of changes in the DB during run 2023.

Dielectron Focus Group Meeting

2023-06-20 10:00
America/New York
Tuesday, 20 June 2023
https://osu.zoom.us/j/95443162992?pwd=UEdHYXlqdk52c1NObXpXc044ZXJ4QT09, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00

Dielectron Focus Group Meeting

2023-06-13 10:00
America/New York
Tuesday, 13 June 2023
https://osu.zoom.us/j/95443162992?pwd=UEdHYXlqdk52c1NObXpXc044ZXJ4QT09, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00

sTGC offline QA

Speaker : Daniel

Talk time : 17:30, Duration : 00:20


Correct TOF timing for using local clock

Assuming that the BunchCrossingNumber is something that resets with the start of each fill, here's some pseudocode:
double BunchCrossingRolloverTime = pow(2,32) / RHIC_clock_frequency 

FST Status

Speaker : Ziyue Zhang

Talk time : 08:30, Duration : 09:00


How to check and visualize the EPD mapping from tile to QT channel

Executive summary:

A code is presented that
  • checks the EPD QT database for consistency and logic
  • makes useful visual representation of the maps
  • gen

EEC Paper: Figure 2 - Tamis


EEC Paper: Figure 3 - Tamis


EEC Paper: Figure 1 - Tamis


Bandwidth and PS for 14k and 100k zdc

Speaker : Akio

Talk time : 12:00, Duration : 00:20

At ZDCMB=10k

At ZDC=100k

4pi photoproduction - Data driven TOF matching efficiency

Speaker : David Tlusty

Talk time : 09:10, Duration : 00:20


update about high pT of Pion (plus or minus) and Proton Spectra and ratio in Au+Au collisions at 19.6 GeV

Speaker : Jia Chen

Talk time : 09:20, Duration : 00:20


Run 23: major changes at EPD

Mike divided the run into several epochs (in the blog starting from now, traveling to the past):

Baryon Stopping in Photonuclear Events in Au+Au Collisions at 54 GeV

Speaker : Nicole Lewis

Talk time : 09:00, Duration : 00:20


STAR Forward Upgrade

2023-06-13 08:30
America/New York
Tuesday, 13 June 2023
Zoom, at 12:30 (GMT), duration : 00:00

* current performance of sub-detectors
* FST causing deadtime with TPC 5k readout
* Q&A for forward detectors for offline Q&A group

08:30FST Status ( 09:00 ) 2 filesZiyue Zhang
17:30sTGC offline QA ( 00:20 ) 1 fileDaniel

Tamis Jet QA Update 6_9_23