Light nuclei directed flow at BES-II


qm2023 abstract


test entry


QM 23 abstract draft

Event shape engineering of charged hadron spectra in isobar collisions at \sqrt{s_{NN}}= 200 GeV at STAR

QM2023 abstract

Quark Matter 2023 Poster


QM2023 Abstract (φ-meson global spin alignment)


QM 23 Abstract


TOF thresholds

Speaker : Akio

Talk time : 12:20, Duration : 00:20

Intent for QM abstract

Intend to submit abstract for QM2023




Phenix Ecal Analysis Methods

Speaker : Alexander Bazilevsky

Talk time : 10:00, Duration : 00:20

Phi production in Run19 Au+Au 14.5 GeV and Run21 Au+Au 7.7GeV

Speaker : Weiguang Yuan

Talk time : 10:20, Duration : 00:20


Strangeness production in Run19 Au+Au 14.5 GeV and Run21 Au+Au 7.7GeV

Speaker : Yi Fang

Talk time : 10:00, Duration : 00:20


Measurements of elliptic flow and global spin alignment of phi and omega from leptonic channel in isobar at STAR


Identified hadrons production in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 54.4 GeV using the STAR detector


Directed and triangular flow of identified hadrons and light nuclei for fixed target energies at RHIC


Anisotropic flow of light (anti-)nuclei in Au+Au collisions at BES-II energies using the STAR detector


QM 2023 Abstract - EPD dNdEta 7-27 GeV