

2005 Dijet Cross Section Preliminary Presentation

Attached is my preliminary presentation for the 2005 Dijet Cross Section to be shown on Thursday, September 10, 2009.

Comparing data etas to simulated etas

In the attached plots I'm comparing the etas I have found in different sectors in data to a single particle eta simulation in MC which has been put through the same analysis code.  I throw the

UPC analysis

This is my first attempt to use a blog. I attach a ppt file with a report on analysis of muDST from run07 UPC triggers

Spin Physics Working Group

09:00W analysis ( 01:00 ) 2 filesJoe Seele
10:00Simulations - EEMC geometry revision and impact ( 00:30 ) 1 fileJason Webb
Coffee Break ( 00:30 )
11:00Discussion - run 9, future runs, publications ( 01:00 ) 0 files

The BBC vernier scan calculation is really clean

I've found one of the problems in the code, and am now off by a (measly) two or so orders of magnitude.

W-Background Estimation based on Run 9 pp500 data

I'm using Jan's Algo ver 4.1 with a few modifications to look into the idea Scott suggested of sorting events by placing conditions on the away side to get an estimate of the background.  Here

vernier scan timing from Angelika

The following are the raw times Angelika gave me for the vernier scans, along with her verbatim description of the same (lifted from emails):

What should be the default access for blogs?

33% (12 votes)
67% (24 votes)
No opinion
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 36


Talk time : 14:10, Duration : 00:20

new fit stuff

Pan pacific spin conference

Draft talk for comments spin pwg release    obsolete

RHICBOS Cross-section Prediction (Mid-rapidity and forward rapidity)

Mid-rapidity: -1 < eta < 1

Forward-rapidity 1 < eta < 2

Spin Physics PWG meeting

2009-09-10 12:00
Thursday, 10 September 2009
phone 877-674-0006 1 077795# 1, at 16:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00

 Agenda may be found here

Spin Physics PWG meeting

2009-09-03 12:00
Thursday, 3 September 2009
phone 877-674-0006 1 077795# 1, at 16:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00

 Agenda may be found here

dAu2003 dataset for jt and kt from two particle azimuathal correlations

dataset : dAuCombined

1. pi0 is taken as HT clusters  with no charge track in the  tower  with   max energy.

2. charege tracks from TPC

FMS Review Report and Analysis Introduction

Update from Spin Task Force

Speaker : Ernst Sichtermann ( LBNL )

Talk time : 12:15, Duration : 00:30

Report from Non Photonic Electron Task Force

Speaker : Huan Zhong Huang ( UCLA )

Talk time : 11:15, Duration : 00:30

Operations run 9 and preparation for run 10

Speaker : Bill Christie ( BNL )

Talk time : 10:45, Duration : 00:30