Eta v. Phi


The above plots show 2-d histograms of eta and phi for pion candidates.  The plot on the top shows the candidates from the production L2-G trigger.  The plot on the bottom shows the eta and phi distribution for candidates from the L2-G 'test' trigger.  As of May 2007, I am not using these to exclude any runs.  I used Frank's pion trees to make these plots, imposing the following cuts on any pion candidate:

Tower and SMD info


This is a plot of the tower status as a function of relative day (since the start of the second longitudinal period.)  The 4800 towers are on the Y-Axis and Days are on the X axis.  A dot means that that tower had a status other than good during that time period.

Event Ratios


Pion Number

Z Vertex

Run QA

Update:  3/11/2008



To use Hijing for simulation purposes, one must first run Hijing proper and generate event files, then feed these data to starsim to complete the GEANT part.




There are two ways, which are slightly different, to run the Pythia event generator in the context of the Starsim application. In the original (old) design, the dynamic library served both as an adapter and a container for the standard Pythia library that would typically come with a CERNLIB distribution. The problem with this approach is of course that Pythia in itself is not a static piece of software and receives periodic updates. It is difficult or impossible, therefore, to modify the component without affecting, in one way or another, various analyses as the consistency of the code is broken at some point.

It possible, however, to refactor the Pythia adaptor in such a way that the Pythia library proper can be loaded separately. This gives the user the ability to choose a specific version of the Pythia code to be run in their simulation. Different users, therefore, can use different versions of Pythia concurrently in Starsim, which is in everybody's interest. The thus modified wrapper was given the mneumonic name (it should be easy to memorize since "b"-pythia follows "a"-pythia). We have also decided the freeze the Pythia version linked into at 6.205, and select subsequent versions as explained on the bottom of this page.

Event Generators, event mixing


runs for request 1154003879

min-bias run list from Anders.

6031103 6031104 6031105 6031106 6031113 6032001 6032003 6032004 6032005 6032011 6034006 6034007 6034008 6034009 6034014 6034015 6034016 6034017

Productions Cross Checks


  • Centrality Dependance

  •  Compare-PiMKMPbar8.gif Compare-PiMKMPbar7.gif Compare-PiMKMPbar6.gif Compare-PiMKMPbar5.gif
     5% central

    Coulomb and strong (Xi*) FSI + hadronic rescattering ( discussing Xi*/Xi results)

    Talk time : 10:40, Duration : 00:20

    Update (Omega and K0s peak in Pi+Pi- CF; EMCICs fit to p+p and d+Au data)

    Speaker : Zbigniew Chajecki ( OSU )

    Talk time : 10:30, Duration : 00:10

    HPD presentation

    Speaker : H. Caines ( Yale )

    Talk time : 11:00, Duration : 01:00

    Update on SSD negotiations

    Speaker : T. Hallman ( BNL )

    Talk time : 10:30, Duration : 00:15

    IST presentation

    Speaker : B. Surrow ( MIT )

    Talk time : 09:30, Duration : 01:00

    Follow-up to STAR's tracking upgrade review

    Thursday, 1 January 1970
    , at 00:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
    Additional information
    • [node:2866]
    • [node:3175]
    09:30IST presentation ( 01:00 ) 1 fileB. Surrow (MIT)
    10:30Update on SSD negotiations ( 00:15 ) 0 filesT. Hallman (BNL)
    11:00HPD presentation ( 01:00 ) 0 filesH. Caines (Yale)


    Speaker : All ( All )

    Talk time : 12:40, Duration : 00:10

    Feedback on Drupal?

    Speaker : All ( All )

    Talk time : 12:30, Duration : 00:10
    Please, feedback/comment on the plan described here.

    ROOT 5 updates

    Speaker : J. Lauret

    Talk time : 12:20, Duration : 00:10
    In order to address additional problems reported by users (or we found analyzing ROOT 5 behavior), we have indentified several code in ROOT 5 which need patching. The list follows (courtesy Valeri Fine):
    1. table