Speaker : All ( All )

Talk time : 14:50, Duration : 00:10

Progress on Run QA

Speaker : G. Van Buren ( BNL )

Talk time : 14:40, Duration : 00:10

Overview of the current online security plan

Speaker : J. Lauret ( BNL )

Talk time : 14:20, Duration : 00:10

SSH Key management tool - Overview of functionalities

Speaker : W. Betts ( BNL )

Talk time : 14:30, Duration : 00:10


Speaker : All

Talk time : 14:00, Duration : 00:20
  • IRMIS (any news) Jiro/Mike/Yuri
  • Elog / Runlog - Leve/Mike
  • Web Server setup update Mike

Run VII preparation, meeting #11

Thursday, 1 January 1970
, at 00:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
14:00Follow-ups ( 00:20 ) 0 filesAll
14:20Overview of the current online security plan ( 00:10 ) 0 filesJ. Lauret (BNL)
14:30SSH Key management tool - Overview of functionalities ( 00:10 ) 0 filesW. Betts (BNL)
14:40Progress on Run QA ( 00:10 ) 0 filesG. Van Buren (BNL)
14:50AOB ( 00:10 ) 0 filesAll (All)

Executive Session

Executive Session

Project Summary

Mechanical Integration

Coffee break

GEM progress, optimized configuration

Cost, Schedule and R&D plan

Forward Tracking Upgrade: Physics Motivation

Upgrade Plan

  • Physics motivation
  • Optimization Process
  • Proposed Configuration
  • SSD status and perspective

Speaker : H. Matis

Talk time : 09:25, Duration : 00:20

Coffee Break

Intermediate Silicon Tracker Design

Mid-rapidity tracking simulations

Speaker : M. Miller ( MIT )

Talk time : 11:20, Duration : 00:30

Progress on Monolithic APS & Associated Electronics

Mechanical progress on the Heavy Flavor Tracker (HFT)

The STAR Mid-rapidity Tracking